The conversion formula of CGPA to GPA is simple, divide the CGPA with 10 and then multiply the obtained score with 4 or 7, whichever scale is valid and the obtained point is GPA of the candidate.
How to Convert CGPA to GPA? To convert CGPA to GPA, divide the obtained CGPA score with the maximum possible CGPA (generally 10) and then multiply by 4. The obtained value is equivalent to US GPA on a 4.0 scale.
For example, If a student has obtained a CGPA of 8.0, then divide 8 by 10 and then multiply by 4, then your score is (8/10) X 4 = 3.2 US GPA.
Although converting a CGPA to GPA can be difficult, knowing how to do so is essential for both academic and professional goals. For educational and professional applications, accurate conversion is necessary for maintaining precision and credibility in data analysis and communication.
Formula to Convert CGPA to GPA
The conversion of CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) to GPA (Grade Point Average) is done by simple formula ie.. calculating the entire CGPA and can vary depending on the specific grading systems of different countries or institutions. The formula used for conversion a CGPA scale to GPA is as follows:
GPA = CGPA*4/10 or
CGPA = GPA*10/4
For example, if a student has a CGPA of 9.0 on a 10-point scale, then the calculation of GPA will be donewith the above mentioned formulae as:
GPA = 9*4 = 36/10 = 3.6 GPA
GPA = 3.6
Also Check: How to Calculate CGPA?
Steps to Convert CGPA to GPA?
Although the terms "CGPA" and "GPA" are sometimes used synonymously, they are not the same. While GPA refers to Grade Point Average and evaluates a student's academic achievement within a single academic term, CGPA stands for Cumulative Grade Point Average and measures a student's educational performance over time.
To convert CGPA to GPA, students need to calculate their GPA for each semester or academic period and then take the average of all the GPAs to get their CGPA.
The steps to calculate the CGPA to GPA are listed below:
Step 1: Add all the GPAs obtained in all the semesters.
Step 2: Divide the sum of all the GPAs obtained by the number of semesters; the obtained score is CGPA.
Step 3: Divide your CGPA by 10.
Step 4: Multiply the obtained score by 4; the score obtained will be the final GPA out of 4.
Also Check: How to Convert GPA to Percentage?
CGPA to GPA Conversion Table
It's important to recognize the distinctions between CGPA and GPA, particularly when submitting applications for jobs, internships, or additional education. Knowing how to convert a CGPA to a GPA and the significance of the distinctions between the two is crucial.
The table is added below for candidates to understand the CGPA to GPA score and USA grade point:
10 Point CGPA | Equivalent 4 Point GPA | USA Grade Equivalent |
10.0 | 4.00 | A |
9.9 | 3.97 | A |
9.8 | 3.94 | A |
9.7 | 3.90 | A |
9.6 | 3.87 | A |
9.5 | 3.84 | A |
9.4 | 3.81 | A |
9.3 | 3.78 | A |
9.2 | 3.74 | A |
9.1 | 3.71 | A |
9.0 | 3.68 | A |
8.9 | 3.65 | A |
8.8 | 3.62 | A |
8.7 | 3.58 | A |
8.6 | 3.55 | A |
8.5 | 3.52 | A |
8.4 | 3.49 | A |
8.3 | 3.46 | A |
8.2 | 3.42 | A |
8.1 | 3.39 | A |
8.0 | 3.36 | A |
7.9 | 3.33 | A |
7.8 | 3.30 | A |
7.7 | 3.26 | A |
7.6 | 3.23 | A |
7.5 | 3.20 | A |
7.4 | 3.17 | A |
7.3 | 3.14 | A |
7.2 | 3.10 | A |
7.1 | 3.07 | A |
7.0 | 3.04 | A |
6.9 | 3.00 | B |
6.8 | 2.95 | B |
6.7 | 2.90 | B |
6.6 | 2.85 | B |
6.5 | 2.80 | B |
6.4 | 2.75 | B |
6.3 | 2.70 | B |
6.2 | 2.65 | B |
6.1 | 2.60 | B |
6.0 | 2.55 | B |
5.9 | 2.50 | B |
5.8 | 2.45 | B |
5.7 | 2.40 | B |
5.6 | 2.35 | B |
5.5 | 2.30 | B |
5.4 | 2.25 | B |
5.3 | 2.20 | B |
5.2 | 2.15 | B |
5.1 | 2.10 | B |
5.0 | 2.05 | B |
4.9 | 2.00 | C |
4.8 | 1.94 | C |
4.7 | 1.88 | C |
4.6 | 1.82 | C |
4.5 | 1.76 | C |
4.4 | 1.71 | C |
4.3 | 1.65 | C |
4.2 | 1.59 | C |
4.1 | 1.53 | C |
4.0 | 1.47 | C |
3.9 | 1.41 | C |
3.8 | 1.35 | C |
3.7 | 1.29 | C |
3.6 | 1.24 | C |
3.5 | 1.18 | C |
3.4 | 1.12 | C |
3.3 | 1.06 | C |
3.2 | 1.00 | F |
3.1 | 0.97 | F |
3.0 | 0.94 | F |
2.9 | 0.91 | F |
2.8 | 0.88 | F |
2.7 | 0.84 | F |
2.6 | 0.81 | F |
2.5 | 0.78 | F |
2.4 | 0.75 | F |
2.3 | 0.72 | F |
2.2 | 0.69 | F |
2.1 | 0.66 | F |
2.0 | 0.63 | F |
1.9 | 0.59 | F |
1.8 | 0.56 | F |
1.7 | 0.53 | F |
1.6 | 0.50 | F |
1.5 | 0.47 | F |
1.4 | 0.44 | F |
1.3 | 0.41 | F |
1.2 | 0.38 | F |
1.1 | 0.34 | F |
1.0 | 0.31 | F |
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What is CGPA?
The average grade points earned in all of the courses taken by the student are termed as CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average). A student's cumulative grade point average (CGPA) represents their overall academic success over time.
The CGPA takes into account all of the courses a student has taken throughout time; it provides a more thorough assessment of their academic achievement.
India and other nations that use a 10-point grading system frequently employ the CGPA. Students who wish to highlight their academic achievement after completing several semesters or years of study can benefit from using the CGPA.
What is GPA?
Grade Point Average, or GPA, is a metric used to assess a student's academic achievement over a given period. It is also used to compute a student's GPA; each letter grade they receive is given a numerical value. These numbers are then averaged.
As GPA only takes into account courses taken within a certain academic period, it is a more focused indicator of a student's academic achievement.
In the US and other nations that use a 4-point grading system, GPA is frequently utilized. Students who wish to highlight their academic achievement in a particular semester or year of study can benefit from using their GPA.
Also Check: CGPA Calculator: How to Convert CGPA to Percentage?
Difference Between and GPA and CGPA
The difference between GPA and CGPA is tabulated below for students on multiple parameters such as definition, calculations, scope, etc:
Criteria | GPA (Grade Point Average) | CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) |
Definition | GPA is the average of a student's grades in a single term or course. | CGPA is the average of a student's grades across all terms or courses. |
Calculation | GPA is calculated by dividing the total grade points earned by the total credit hours attempted in a single term or course. | CGPA is calculated by dividing the total grade points earned by the total credit hours attempted across all terms or courses. |
Scope | GPA is specific to a particular term or course and indicates the student's performance in that term or course only. | CGPA provides an overall assessment of a student's academic performance throughout their program. |
Use | GPA is often used to determine academic standing, eligibility for honors, and progression to the next term or course. | CGPA is used to assess a student's overall academic performance and is often used for graduation requirements and postgraduate admissions. |
Scale | GPA scales can vary by institution, but a common scale is 0.0 to 4.0, with 4.0 being the highest. | CGPA scales can also vary, but a common scale is 0.0 to 10.0, with 10.0 being the highest. |