In order to get a government job, applicants must look for available vacancies in government organisations, apply, prepare, give and qualify the government exam.
To get a secure and promising job, candidates choose the sector of government they wish to pursue and then check the recruitment process for the post. Candidates must keep track for available posts in various govt sectors, apply, prepare, and qualify for the required exam.
Government jobs are one of the highly secured and well-paying jobs in the country, along with several allowances like housing, rent, food, medical,l etc. Further, candidates have to be at least class 8th pass to qualify for any government jobs.
What is a Government Job?
Government jobs constitute various vacancies available in multiple wings of the government. Government jobs involve individuals serving national public policy, maintaining federal programs, and working at state, local, and central government levels. They can specialise in various areas, from maintenance to intelligence analysis.
Sectors in Government Jobs
There are numerous sectors in the government like the military, banking, construction , legal etc. Candidates can go through the government sectors stated below.
- Computer science
- Corrections
- Health care
- Social science
- Human resources
- Accounting
- Legal
- Defence
- Engineering
- Army
- Military
How to Get a Government Job?
There are several steps to get a government job that includes searching for a government job, applying for a government job, exam preparation etc. Candidates can go through the various steps to go through a government job stated below.
Step 1: Identify Preferred Government Sector
The first step in the process of getting a government job is to conduct thorough research to choose their preferred government sector such as civil services, railways bank among others.
Step 2: Check Eligibility Criteria for Choice of Government Job
As the following step, candidates must identify their skills and qualifications and check if they match with the official eligibility criteria of their selected government job role. The government jobs eligibility criteria include nationality, marital status, age, experience, education,n etc.
Candidates must keep themselves apprised of the latest notifications/advertisements regarding the eligibility criteria of different government jobs on the official websites.
Step 3: Search for Vacancies for a Preferred Government Job
The next step towards getting a government job is to regularly check for vacancies available on the various ministry websites. Aspirants must periodically check government websites/job portals for the latest vacancies.
Candidates must have information about the online application form filling, one time registration, final submission of application, fee payment etc.
Step 4: Start Application Process for Selected Government Jobs
After finding the job opportunities that meet the applicants' qualifications, the applicants must follow the application process. Each government organisation has its aown pplication process.
Candidates can apply to government organisations online and offline. This online application procedure typically consists of various steps such as filling out the application form, uploading essential documents, paying exam fees etc. depending on the job profile.
Step 5: Start Sarkari Entrance Exam Preparation
Candidates must prepare for the exam by following the exam pattern and syllabus. Government exams cover general intelligence, reasoning, numerical ability, english, and current affairs, and examinees should solve previous exam papers to improve their scores. They must refer to important books, last year's question papers, sample papers, etc.
Step 6: Take the Government Written Exams
After a robust preparation of government exams of their choice, applicants can sit for the examination of their choice. Usually, an examination consists of preliminary exam and main exam.
Students must carefully manage their time during the exam and follow the given exam instructions strictly to perform successfully in the examination.
Also Check: List of Top 10 Competitive Exams for Government Jobs
Step 7: Attend the Government Job Interviews
If students qualify the written examination, they are invited by the organisation for a personal interview. Students must prepare in advance by practicing popular interview questions.
Aspirants must also arrive early, dress appropriately anf bring all necessary documents on the day of the interview.
Step 8: Look Out for Final Results
After taking the exams, candidates must wait for the results to be released by the authorities. After some days or months, the final merit list will be released to the official authorities.
Candidates must look out for their names in the final merit list after it is announced on the government websites.
Top Government Jobs In India: Application Process, Eligibility Criteria
The Top government jobs in India include Civil Services officers, Bank PO officers, Army Officers, Professors, etc. Candidates can go through the process to get top government jobs, and how to apply for government jobs in India is stated below.
1. Civil Services Officers
Civil Services Officer's job roles include positions like IAS, IPS, IRS, IFS, IES, etc. The journey to become a gazetted civil service officer is very long and robust and is not easy to crack in the first attempt. Candidates will require very strategic preparation and a syllabus-focused study plan.
Application Stages
- Students will have to sit for the UPSC examination to become a civil service officer.
- The exam is held in three rounds, namely, UPSC Prelims, UPSC Mains, and Personal Interview. Additionally, there are medical rounds and tests held for IPS officer posts to check the fitness levels of the applicants.
- Candidates have to clear all three stages, including the personal interview, to become civil service officers.
- The students are ranked category-wise based on their performance in the three rounds. The highest 77-ranking candidates in a general category, 320 in EWS, 502 in SC, 547 in ST, and 338 in OBC, are chosen as IAS officers. Similarly, IPS, IFS, IRS, and IES officers are shortlisted by the authorities.
- After students complete the exam, they get admission to Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration (LBSNAA), Mussoorie, and receive a year of training before joining their respective departments in the government.
- Eligibility Criteria: Graduation with 50% from a recognized Indian Board, and students must be at least 21 years and not more than 32 years of age.
2. Bank Probationary Officers (PO)
Bank PO officers are one of the top government jobs after civil services officers. Bank POs handle customer complaints, deal with various customer-related issues, and serve as Public Relations Officers. Additionally, they supervise employees under the Clerical cadre and manage cash flow, loans, mortgages, and finances.
Application Stages
- Candidates must crack various banking exams like the SBI PO exam, IBPS PO Exam, and IBPS RRB exam.
- Students must wisely choose and select one exam as per their requirements and start preparation.
- The banking exams have different eligibility criteria for various banking posts like Treasury Manager, Law Officer (Grade II), Agriculture Officer (Grade II), Marketing Manager, etc.
- The bank PO exam is held in three stages, namely prelims, mains, and personal interviews.
- Students must clear all the stages to get selected for the posts. After the exams, the exam conducting authorities release the merit list with the results, and the selected candidates are appointed to the posts.
- Eligibility Criteria: Students must have a bachelor's and master's degree and must be between 20 and 30 years of age.
3. Army Officers
Army Officers are gazetted high-ranking officers who serve in the Air Force, Army, and Navy wings of the Indian Army. There are various posts or rankings for officers in the Army, like commando, black cat commando, Lieutenant, Major, Major General, SPF Commandos, Lieutenant Colonel, etc.
- Application Stages
- Students must crack the NDA exam to become Army Officers and get admission to the National Defence Academy.
- Candidates join as Lieutenant in the Indian Army, Sub-Lietutenant in the Indian Navy, and Flying Officer in the Indian Air Force after passing NDA academy.
- The NDA students have to go through a strict training procedure before getting selected for various positions in the Army.
- There are multiple routes to join the Indian Army, but the Indian armed forces select candidates not only based on their intelligence but also on their physical fitness levels.
- Eligibility Criteria: Students must be 10+2 from the science stream (PCM) and must be between 16 years to 19 years of age. Further, they must not be married and must be born earlier than July 2, 2005, and not later than July 1, 2008.
Types of Government Jobs
Government Jobs are divided into five main types namely Group A, Group B, Group C and D & HAG respectively. Candidates can go through the types of government jobs and their pay levels given below.
- Group - A:
Group A is the highest-ranked group regarding appointment and authority, with a pay scale varying depending on the government department. Group A employees are officials in managerial positions across governments, such as commissioned officers, bureaucrats, scientists, and central India civil services.
The primary pay ranges from INR 37,400 to INR 90,000, depending on the administration and their posts. The pay matrixes range from 7th CPC Pay Level 10 - 12 (Gazetted) and 7th CPC Pay Levels 13 -14 (Senior Level).
- Group - B:
Group-B (Gazetted officers) and Group-B (Non-Gazetted) employees are classified based on their authority and administrative roles. Gazetted officers have similar authority to group A officers, such as state civil services.
Their primary pay ranges from INR 15,600 to INR 39,100, depending on the administration. They work in public sector undertakings, national banks, office supervisors, state inspectors etc. The pay matrixes range from 7th CPC Pay Level 6-9.
- Group - D and C:
Group-C and D employees are public servants in non-supervisory roles, with promotion opportunities. They are typically selected through the SSC entrance examination and include government staff such as section heads, clerks, assistants, typists, and telephone operators. The starting salary for Group-C employees ranges between INR 18,000 and INR 29,200. The Pay matrixes range from 7th CPC Pay Levels 1 - 5.
On the other hand, Group D employees, at the bottom of the government, were previously in the INR 5200 TO INR 20,200 grade pay band. The 7th Pay Commission merged Group C and D to align pay bands, but there was still a significant difference between basic pay for Group D and Group C employees. The Pay matrices range from 7th CPC Pay Levels 1 - 5.
- HAG:
Higher administrative grades correspond to higher formal grades. The Public Service Commission of India likely hires all government officers in group A. During the start, the salary ranges from INR 67,000 to INR 90,000 based on their rankings and position. Later, they receive promotions through their work, and their pay matrix ranges from 15 to 16 levels.
Also Check: List of Government Jobs after MBA
Advantages of Government Jobs
There are numerous advantages to getting a government job in India. Students can go through the advantages of government jobs stated below.
- Job Security: Government jobs provide tremendous job security. Once candidates join the industry, students can remain with the organisation until retirement.
- Work-Life Balance: Government job timing is specified, which allows for improved work-life Balance.
- Retirement Benefits: Government employees are equipped with pensions and gratuities at retirement to help them in the future.
- On-Time and Competitive Salary: A government employee's average salary varies from 2 L per annum to 40 L per annum, depending on the type of employment.
- Medical Benefits: Workers and their family members are reimbursed for medical expenses.
- Housing Allowance: A Government employee receives house rent assistance to support and build a family.
- Travel Allowance: Majors, soldiers, and officers receive travel allowances to see their families.
- Societal Status: In society, a person having a government job will be highly respected.
Also Check: Government Job-Oriented Courses After 10th
Tips to Get a Government Job
Candidates must follow certain tricks to get government jobs across the country. Applicants can go through the tips to get the government jobs stated below.
- Apply Fast
Government job announcements are short-lived, so submit your application materials before the deadline. If you find the right job, submit it soon to meet the deadline. Craft your application thoughtfully to showcase your strengths.
- Be Specific
To impress a government job applicant, describe your previous roles and responsibilities. While brevity is crucial, specific details are also important. Use direct, concise language to explain your background effectively.
- Specify Available Dates
To ensure proper background verification, use the month, date, and year when discussing previous jobs in resumes. Government jobs often require specific work experience, so providing exact dates can help the hiring manager verify your background.
- Eligibility Norms of Government Jobs
To apply for government exams like UPSC CSE, candidates must be Indian citizens. Education qualifications may vary for jobs, but blue and grey-collar jobs require applicants to be at least 8th pass. Candidates must be 18 to 35 years old to qualify for government jobs. Further, the age requirement for government jobs must vary.