The direct pdf download link of the NCERT books for class 11 Chemistry paper will help students learn the topics in detail. The chapter-wise pdf download link has been shared for reference. Students must check and download the pdfs and start preparing for their exam.
NCERT books for class 11 Chemistry are divided into Part I and Part II in three mediums, English, Hindi, and Urdu. The Chemistry books are 6 in total, including all the mediums. The toppers and the research scholars often recommend the NCERT Chemistry books to clear entrance exams like NEET, JEE Main, etc.
The NCERT books are designed keeping in mind the students and written in an easy language to make the concepts clear and prepare the student for lifelong learning. The NCERT books will help students understand the concepts more easily. Applicants must check and download the pdf links shared.
NCERT Books for Class 11 Chemistry Details
Chemistry is often considered one of the dreadful subjects for many of the students. Most students fear this subject due to the vast syllabus and the complex terminology of various chemicals. The concepts in NCERT Books are explained to grasp even the confusing topics very quickly.
The chemistry book for class 11 has been designed in a simple format so that every student can get the fundamentals clear and can grasp even the toughest concepts quickly. Furthermore, these books are continuously updated and revised based on the latest pattern to excel in their examinations.
NCERT Class 11 Chemistry Book Part 1 in English
The part 1 Chemistry book includes seven chapters, each comprising five to fifteen sub-chapters/units. Each chapter has provided objectives, fundamental diagrams, and animated equations to better understand, for example, problems with solutions.
At the end of the chapter, there is a summary of the entire chapter and exercises with theoretical questions and problems/equations. The following is the list of chapter-wise pdf files to download the NCERT Class 11 Chemistry Part 1 in English medium.
- Chapter 1: Some Basic Concepts Of Chemistry
- Chapter 2: Structure of Atom
- Chapter 3: Classification of Elements and Periodicity
- Chapter 4: Chemical Bonding And Molecular Structure
- Chapter 5: Thermodynamics
- Chapter 6: Equilibrium
- Chapter 7: States of Matter
NCERT Class 11 Chemistry Book Part 2 in English
The part 2 Chemistry book includes seven chapters, each comprising five to fifteen sub-chapters/units. However, the part 2 book includes separate chapters for periodic elements. The period elements chapters have brainstorming questions, elements properties table, etc.
At the end of the chapter, there is a summary of the entire chapter and exercises with theoretical and problem-solving questions. The following is the list of chapter-wise pdf files to download the NCERT Class 11 Chemistry Part 2 in English medium.
- Chapter 8: Redox Reactions
- Chapter 9: Hydrogen
- Chapter10: The s-Block Elements
- Chapter 11: The p-Block Elements
- Chapter 12: Organic Chemistry
- Chapter 13: Hydrocarbons
- Chapter 14: Environmental Chemistry
NCERT Class 11 Chemistry Part I Chapter Description
NCERT part 1 Chemistry book covers basic Chemistry concepts from Atom to Equilibrium and its formation Part 1 book is comparatively easier than the part 2 chemistry book. Chapter 1 starts with basic Chemistry, followed by its evolution and formations.
Below are the chapter-wise short descriptions of NCERT Class 11 Chemistry Part 1.
- Chapter 1: Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
- Chapter 2: Structure of Atom
- Chapter 3: Classification of Elements and Periodicity
- Chapter 4: Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
- Chapter 5: States of Matter
- Chapter 6: Thermodynamics
- Chapter 7: Equilibrium
Chapter 1 - Some Basic Concepts Of Chemistry
In this chapter, the students shall get to know about the basic concepts of chemistry. Apart from the fundamentals, the students shall also get to know about topics like the evolution of chemistry, the law of chemical combinations, etc. The topics covered in this chapter are,
- Importance of Chemistry
- Nature of Matter
- Properties of Matter
- Uncertainty in Measurement
- Laws of Chemical Combinations
- Dalton Atomic Theory
- Atomic and Molecular Masses
- Mole concept
- Percentage Composition
- Stoichiometry
Chapter 2 - Structure of Atom
In chapter 2, the students study about 'Atoms,' and they will get to know about the atomic models discovered by various scientists.
The topics covered in chapter 2 are,
- Discovery of Subatomic Particles
- Atomic Models
- Bohr's Model
- Quantum Mechanical Model of Atom
Chapter 3 - Classification of Elements and Periodicity
Chapter 3 covers topics like elements and the periodic table. They will also get to know about various atomic models and the evolution of the periodic table.
The topics that are covered in chapter 3 are,
- Why Do We Need to Classify Elements?
- Genesis of Periodic Classification
- Modern Periodic Law and the Current Form of Periodic Table
- Elements Nomenclature with Atomic Number Greater Than 100
- Electronic Configuration of the Elements and the Periodic Table
- Periodic Trends In Properties of Elements
Chapter 4 - Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
In chapter 4, the students learn about the fundamentals related to chemical bonding. They also study how the various elements form the different types of bonds and the different types of chemical bonds.
The topics covered in chapter 4 are,
- KÖssel-Lewis Approach To Chemical Bonding
- Ionic or Electrovalent Bond
- Bond Parameters
- The Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion Theory
- Valence Bond Theory
- Hybridization
- Molecular Orbital Theory
- Bonding in Some Homonuclear Diatomic Molecules
- Hydrogen Bonding
Chapter 5 - States of Matter
Chapter 5 covers lessons about the physical states of matter, particularly about the liquid and the gaseous states of matter. They shall get to know about the intermolecular forces between the different elements and how thermal energy affects the motion of different particles.
The topics covered in chapter 5 are,
- Intermolecular Forces
- Thermal Energy
- Intermolecular Forces vs Thermal Interactions
- The Gaseous State
- The Gas Laws
- Ideal Gas Equation
- Kinetic Energy and Molecular Speeds
- Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases
- The Behaviour of Real Gases
- Liquefaction of Gases
- Liquid State
Chapter 6 - Thermodynamics
Chapter 6 covers the fundamentals of thermodynamics, the laws of thermodynamics that deal with energy changes.
The topics covered in chapter 6 are,
- Thermodynamic Terms
- Applications
- Calorimetry
- Enthalpy change
- Enthalpies For Different Types of Reactions
- Spontaneity
- Gibbs Energy Change and Equilibrium
Chapter 7 - Equilibrium
In this chapter, the students study equilibrium, and its state, matter, and the concept of dynamic equilibrium.
The topics that shall be covered in this chapter 7 are,
- Equilibrium in Physical Processes
- Equilibrium in Chemical Processes-Dynamic Equilibrium
- Law of Chemical Equilibrium and Equilibrium Constant
- Homogeneous Equilibria
- Heterogeneous Equilibria
- Applications of Equilibrium Constants
- Relationship Between Equilibrium Constant K, Reaction Quotient Q, and Gibbs Energy
- Factors Affecting Equilibria
- Ionic Equilibrium in a Solution
- Acids, Bases, and Salts
- Ionization of Acids and Bases
- Buffer Solutions
- Solubility Equilibria of Sparingly
NCERT Class 11 Chemistry Part II Chapter Description
NCERT part 2 Chemistry book covers periodic elements and its chemical properties and the basic principles of Organic and Environmental Chemistry. The chapter includes various equations, theorems, formulas, and derivations.
Below are the chapter-wise short descriptions of NCERT Class 11 Chemistry Part 2.
- Chapter 8: Redox Reactions
- Chapter 9: Hydrogen
- Chapter 10: The s-Block Elements
- Chapter 11: The p-Block Elements
- Chapter 12: Organic Chemistry
- Chapter 13: Hydrocarbons
- Chapter 14: Environmental Chemistry
Chapter 8 - Redox Reaction
Chapter 8 covers the redox reaction. The redox reaction is the one that is used to denote both oxidation and reduction reactions.
The topics that shall be covered in chapter 8 are,
- Redox Reactions
- Redox Reactions in terms of Electron Transfer
- Oxidation Number
- Redox Reactions and Electrode Processes
Chapter 9 - Hydrogen
In this chapter, the students learn about 'Hydrogen.' It has unique properties and occupies a separate place in the periodic table discovered by Henry Cavendish. In this chapter, the students shall get to know about the concepts related to hydrogen.
The topics covered in chapter 9 are,
- Position of Hydrogen in Periodic Table
- Dihydrogen
- Preparation of Dihydrogen
- Properties of Dihydrogen
- Hydrides
- Water
- Hydrogen Peroxide
- Hard Water
- Dihydrogen As A Fuel
Chapter 10 - The S-block Elements
The elements lying in group 1 and group 2 of the periodic table are called the s-block elements. These are those elements whose last electron enters the utmost last orbit.
The following are the topics covered in chapter 10 are,
- Alkali Metals
- Characteristics of Compounds of Alkali Metals
- Anomalous Properties of Lithium
- Compounds of Sodium
- Biological Importance of sodium And Potassium
- Alkaline Earth Metals
- Characteristics of compounds of Alkaline Earth Metals
- Biological Importance of Magnesium and Calcium
Chapter 11 - The P Block Elements
The chapter is solely to learn about P-Block elements. The groups ranging from 13-18 are the elements of the p-block of the periodic table.
The topics covered in chapter 11 are,
- The Boron Family
- Trends and Properties of Boron
- Uses of Boron and Aluminium
- The Carbon Family
- Trends and Behavior of Carbon
- Allotropes of Carbon
- Carbon Compounds
Chapter 12 - Organic Chemistry
Chapter 12, Organic Chemistry, covers the structure and the reactivity level of the organic compounds. The chapter will enable the student to understand the basic principles and techniques required to study organic chemistry.
The topics covered in chapter 12 are,
- Tetravalence of Carbon
- Structural Representation Of Organic Compounds
- Classification of Organic Compounds
- Nomenclature of Organic Compounds
- Isomerism
- organic Reaction Mechanism
- Methods of Purification of Organic Compounds
- Qualitative Analysis of Organic Compounds
- Quantitative Analysis
Chapter 13 - Hydrocarbons
The hydrocarbons referred to those compounds which are made up of carbon and hydrogen only. In this chapter, the students shall know about the hydrocarbon properties and why the hydrocarbons are important.
The topics covered in chapter 13 are as follows.
- Alkanes
- Alkenes
- Alkynes
- Carcinogenicity and Toxicity
Chapter 14 - Environmental Chemistry
As we know, the environment around us consists of all kinds of matter. Thus, it becomes important to study environmental chemistry, which is detailed in chapter 14. Through this chapter, the students shall also get to learn about green chemistry.
The topics covered in chapter 14 are,
- Environmental Pollution
- Atmospheric Pollution
- Water Pollution
- Soil Pollution
- Strategies to Control Environmental Pollution
- Green Chemistry