Learning about the JEE Main Physics important formulas 2025 is crucial to scoring good marks in JEE Mains. Some crucial formulas are covered under topics like Laws of Motion, Kinematics, Work, Energy & Power, Gravitation, Thermodynamics etc.
Table of Contents
JEE Main Physics important formulas 2025 cover the Relative Motion Formula, Gravitation Formula, Current Electricity Formula, and Centre of Mass Formula among others. Aspiring students must get familiar with these common Physics formulas to achieve high scores in the JEE Main exam.
JEE Main is one of the most competitive exams in India. Students cannot afford to miss even a single topic from any of the subjects. JEE Main Physics important Formulas 2025 will help students not only prepare for exams effectively but also solve complex problems seamlessly.
Candidates must practice JEE Main Physics Important Formulas 2025 consistently to get good scores in JEE mains examination.
JEE Main Physics Important Formulas 2025: Download PDF
Apart from some of the most common formulas in JEE Main Physics syllabus, candidates must also go through chapter-wise formulas for the JEE Main Physics paper. Students can find the JEE main Physics important formulas 2025 PDF tabulated below:
JEE Main Physics Important Formulas 2025 PDF | Click Here |
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Chapter-Wise JEE Main Physics Important Formulas 2025
Covering the entire JEE Main syllabus is one of the most important tasks for candidates appearing for the exam. The syllabus is not only vast enough for students to study within a short period of time, but to master the JEE Main Physics syllabus, candidates should know the set of important formulas that will help them get good scores.
Candidates can go through the JEE Main Physics important formulas 2025 that are mentioned below:
Kinematics Formulas:
- v=dr/dt and a=dv/dt and a=d2r/dt2
- For 1-D Motion: a=v(dv/dx)
- v=u+at, s=ut+(1/2)at2 and v2=u2+2as
- sn-sn-1=u+(a/2)(2n-1)
- v (relative)=v (actual)-v (reference)
- Projectile Motion Initial Horizontal Velocity is ux=u
- Projectile Motion Initial Vertical Motion is uy=u
- Velocity at any instant of a Projectile Motion is v=u i+(u-gt) j
- Horizontal Distance at any time is x=ut
- Time of Flight is T=2u/g
- Maximum Height of the Projectile is H=u22/2g
- Horizontal Range is R=u22/g
- Equation of Trajectory is y=x-gx2/( 2u22 )
- Time of Flight for the Horizontal Projection from a cliff is T=2h/g
- Horizontal Range for the Horizontal Projectile from a cliff is R=uT
- Angle of velocity at any instant for Horizontal Projection from a cliff is =(gt/u)
Newton's Laws of Motion:
- Fundamental Forces of Nature are Gravitational Force, Electromagnetic Force, Weak Nuclear Force and Strong Nuclear Force.
- F=dp/dt and F=ma is mass is constant
- Impulse j=Ft in discrete case and j=t1t2F dt
- Acceleration of Pulley when both masses are downwards is a=| m1-m2 |g/( m1+m2 )
- Tension in the string of a Pulley System when masses are downwards is T=2m1m2g/( m1+m2 )
- Man in a lift going upwards: Fnet=m(g+a)
- Man in a lift going upwards: Fnet=m(g-a)
- Centripetal Force is F=mv2/r=m2r
- Static Frictional Force is f=sN where N is the Normal Force on the object
- Kinetic Frictional Force is f=kN where N is the Normal Force on the object
- Angle of Friction is = mg sin θ
- Block sliding on an incline with angle of Repose : f=mg and N=mg
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Work, Energy, and Power Formulas:
- Work Done W=Fd when distance is non-variable and W=abFs when distance is variable
- Kinetic Energy K=mv2/2
- Potential Energy U=mgh+h where h is the height from the reference line
- Conservative Force F= -U, in 1-D, it is F= -dU/dx
- Work Energy Theorem: W (all forces)=K=Kf-Ki
- Power P=Fv or P=W/t
Circular Motion:
- Time Period T=1/f is reciprocal of Frequency
- =l/r, =d/dt=2/T=2f and =d/dt
- =v/r or v=r
- Net acceleration a=r+v and a=( 2r )2+( r )2
- Maximum velocity without skidding is v=Rg
- Maximum velocity for banked road is v= (+1- )Rg
- Bending of a Cyclist: vr*g*tan
- Condition to complete the vertical circle is u5gR
- Condition for Oscillation is u2gR and the Tension in the string is T=mg+mv2/R
- Condition for leaving path is 2gR < u < 5gR
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Center of Mass:
- The Center of Mass along the x-axis is XCM=(1/M)i=1nmixi where M is the total mass
- The Center of Mass along the y-axis is YCM=(1/M)i=1nmiyi where M is the total mass
- The Center of Mass along the z-axis is ZCM=(1/M)i=1nmizi where M is the total mass
- The Center of Mass for Continuous Distribution is RCM=(1/M)r dm
- If the total mass is M and a small part of mass m is removed then the Center of Mass is given by XCM=(Mx-m)/(M-m), YCM=(My-m)/(M-m) and ZCM=(Mz-m)/(M-m)
- The Center of Mass when the object is moving with some velocity is vCM=(1/M)i=1nmivi
- The Center of Mass when the object is moving with some acceleration is aCM=(1/M)i=1nmiai
- Coefficient of Restitution is e=(v2-v1)(u1-u2)
- Law of Conservation of Linear Momentum: i=1nmiui=j=1nmjvj
- Loss of Kinetic Energy in inelastic collision is K=(1/2M)[ m1m2(1-e2)(u1-u2)2 ]
- Law of Conservation of Linear Momentum for Oblique Collision is i=1nmiui=j=1nmjvj
- Thrust Force on a Rocket is vr(-dm/dt)
- Velocity of a Rocket at any time is v=u-gt+v1(m0/m)
- Newton’s Law of Gravitation is F=Gm1m2/R2 where G6.67*10-11Nm2/kg2
- Gravitational Field is GM/R2
- Gravitational Field outside a Spherical Shell is -GM/r2 where r>R
- Gravitational Field on the Surface of the Spherical Shell is -GM/R2
- Gravitational Field inside the Spherical Shell is 0
- Gravitational Field outside a Solid Sphere is -GM/r2 where r>R
- Gravitational Field inside a Solid Sphere is -GMr/R3 where r < R
- Acceleration due to gravity is g=GM/R2
- Acceleration due to gravity at height h above the surface is gh=g(1-2h/R) when h <<< R
- Acceleration due to gravity at depth d from the surface is gd=g(1-d/R)
- Acceleration due to gravity at latitude is g=g-2R2
- Gravitational Potential due to a point mass is V= -GM/r
- Gravitational Potential inside a Spherical Shell is 0
- Gravitational Potential outside the Spherical Shell is V= -GM/r where r>R
- Gravitational Potential inside a Solid Sphere is V= -GM(3R2-r2)/2R3 where r < R
- Potential of a thin ring on the axis at a distance r is V= -GM/R2+r2
- Escape Velocity from a planet is v=2GM/R
- Orbital Velocity of a satellite is v=GM/r where r>R
- Time Period of a satellite is T=2*rr/GM
- Potential Energy of a point mass at a distance r from the center of object is U= -GMm/r
- Kinetic Energy of a satellite is K=GMm/2r
- Mechanical Energy of a satellite is E= -GMm/2r
- Kepler’s 3rd Law of Planetary Motion is T2=ka3 where a is the length of semi-major axis
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The JEE Main Physics important formulas carry a good weightage in the JEE Main Physics paper. Thus, candidates must thoroughly understand and revise these formulas to be able to score well in the exam. Moreover, candidates will be easily able to solve complex problems in the exam by learning the physics formulas under the JEE Main exam.