BMM Jobs, Scope, Salary in India

Duration: 3 Years
Avg Fees: ₹30K - 1 LPA

BMM course scope is designed to provide extensive knowledge to graduates so they can pursue careers in various roles such as writer, news anchor, illustrator, etc. BMM job opportunities are increasing immensely in domestic and international markets.The BMM syllabus is comprehensive and trains the candidates through internships, training, projects, etc. for the required profession.

Table of contents

BMM Jobs in India

The scope after BMM for graduates is increasing. Students who desire to increase their chances of finding employment and professional advancement can choose to continue their education. The following is a list of  BMM job opportunities in India:

Entry-Level BMM Jobs for freshers

The scope for BMM students is vast, providing various ranges of roles. These jobs will help them set their paths toward their goals. The average BMM starting salary in India for freshers is in the range of INR 4 LPA. Below is the list of various BMM job opportunities for graduates:

Job Profile



Gives photos for tales or news articles that convey the content in a straightforward, accurate manner.


  • Checks and edits written work for proper language and substance,
  • Verify dates and other facts to ensure accuracy.


  • Write or modify content for a newspaper regular column. 
  • They provide readers with perspectives and disseminate information of public interest.

BMM Government Jobs for Aspirants

There are plenty of government jobs after BMM in India, with BMM jobs salary per month ranging between INR 25,000-55,000 per month. Below is the BMM jobs list in the government sector:

Job Profiles



  • Publishes opinion pieces for publications, websites, or newspapers.
  • They provide readers with thoughts and facts of public importance.

News Anchor

Working directly with reporters, you'll be in charge of gathering information, airing newscasts every day, and conducting interviews with guests.

Public Relation Manager

Create and uphold a positive public image for their employer or client by sharing their initiatives, successes, and/or points of view.

Sound Engineer

The task of setting up, running, and maintaining the technical apparatus needed to capture, amplify, enhance, mix, or recreate sound

Private Jobs for BMM Graduates

Scope of BMM has shown tremendous growth in the  private sector, with an average BMM jobs salary per month in the private sector of INR 40,000 per month. Below is a list of BMM jobs list in the private sector:

Job Profiles



Use text, symbols, images, and color to create graphics that are simpler to interpret for viewers.

Content Writer

  • Use content management tools to build draughts that are well-organized.
  • look up topics that are related to required topics (combining online sources, interviews and studies)

Event Manager

  • Manages events and sales through short- and long-term planning.
  • Creates and suggests the budget, marketing strategies, and goals.


Write news articles, use accurate information, and portray the news in a fair way.

Skills Required for BMM Jobs

The BMM scope and salary in india is vast and lucrative, providing various BMM jobs opportunity for  graduates and options for higher education, as an add on of both soft and hard skills are required for success in the field in order to maximize every opportunity. Below is a list of a some of the skills:

  • Language Fluency
  • Research skills
  • Observation skills
  • Listening skills
  • Empathetic
  • Detail Oriented
  • Confidence

Areas of Recruitment for BMM Graduates

BMM job opportunties in India in both the private and public sectors provide various range of roles, such as editor, screen writer, etc.  Below is a list of areas for  BMM job opportunities for graduates:

  • News Channels
  • Media Agencies
  • Advertising Agenices
  • Publication Houses
  • Education
  • Corporate Houses
  • Marketing Firms
  • Radio Companies

Salary Offered to BMM Graduates in India

The scope of BMM is combined with good opportunities and future potential, and the bachelor of mass media salary is influenced by experience gained through internships, projects, training,and other factors.The average BMM salary in India is INR 5.9 LPA. (Source: Payscale)

BMM Salary in India

The BMM salary in India is influenced by number of factors including university placements, internship experiences, projects, etc. An average salary of BMM salary per month is in range of INR 28,000- 60,000 per month. The table below displays the range of graduate average salary:

BMM Salary in India


Highest Salary


Average Salary


Lowest Salary


BMM Salary Based on Job Designations

BMM course scope is filled with various job opportunities in both the private and public sectors. The compensation varies for both sectors depending on the candidate's experience and skills. The table below consists of BMM jobs list and the average BMM jobs salary per month:

Job Role

Average Monthly Salary


INR 32,000 per month

Event Manager

INR 35,000 per month


INR 30,000 per month

News Reporter

INR 32,500 per month


INR 33,000 per month


INR 32,000 per month

Screen Writer

INR 37,000 per month

BMM Salary Based on Sectors

BMM scope and salary in India are vast, as there are many excellent career options in mass media, both in the public and private sectors. The BMM salary is influenced by a variety of factors, including the expansion of the industry, governmental laws, programmes, taxes, and more. The following table shows the average BMM salary breakdown by sectors:

Private Sector

The BMM scope in the private sector is extensive, providing various ranges of opportunities and roles. Check the table for the average BMM salary in the private sector; with top recruiters listed below: 

Top Recruiters

Average Annual Salary



Madison Communications


Star World


Weber Shandwick


Times Now


Government Sector

There are various government jobs after BMM. Check the table for BMM job opportunities in the government sector along with the average salary of a BMM graduate:

Top Recruiters

Average Annual Salary

DD News


All India Radio


Ministry of Information and Broadcasting


BMM Placement

The placement companies, which are connected to numerous institutions, manage the hiring practices. The following is a list of a few of the top companies that provide jobs after BMM course, along with the average BMM jobs salary per month in India:

College Name

Top Recruiter

Average Monthly Salary 

Wilson College

Penguin Publisher, Media Channels, Times Now, etc.

INR 32,000 per month

Mumbai University

News 18, Ogilvy & Mathes, Red FM, etc.

INR 36,000 per month

Jai Hind College

Hindustan Times, Shebang, News 18, etc.

INR 38,000 per month

Career Scope of BMM

The BMM course scope is compiled with good opportunities, as graduates can either choose to work after completing the course or opt to study further.

Career Options after BMM

The scope of BMM in India is vast, and there are several jobs after BMM for graduates. Below are some of the popular BMM job opportunities:

  • Editor: To produce interesting material for print or digital publications, editors supervise the content teams of those publications.
  • Event Manager: Promotional, corporate, and social events are planned and executed by event managers. They are in charge of organising a variety of events, making sure the target audience is interested and the event's message is effectively sold.
  • News Reporter: They produce news and stories for various platforms, including radio, television, internet news sites, printed newspapers, and magazines.
  • Illustrator: They must collaborate closely with our clients and marketing team to create captivating artwork that will appeal to our target audience.

Courses after BMM

The BMM scope in India is vast, with lucrative salaries; graduates can study further if they choose to enhance their career profiles. The most popular courses after the BMM are as follows:

  • MA in Communication
  • MA in Journalism
  • MA in Advertising
  • MBA
  • Ph.D.
  • M.Phil
  • Certification course in Radio and Internet

Factors to be Considered Before Choosing A Job

The career you choose is going to shape your future, so it is important to consider various factors such as “What is the BMM scope and salary in India?”; “What are BMM job opportunities available in market?”; Some of the few factors are listed below:

  • Future potential
  • Pay, benefits, and terms and conditions
  • Employment Outlook
  • Company History and Culture
  • Employee Benefits

Top BMM Recruiters

 BMM job opportunities are provided by many leading companies across universities. Some of the top recruiters with an average BMM salary in India are:

Top Recruiters

Average Annual Salary 

Hindustan Times


Times Now




Weber Shandwick


Bluerose Publications


Madison Communications



BMM Fee Structure