Updated on - May 25th, 2022 | 09:58 AM By Venushree Agarwal
Canadian Mennonite University (CMU) is an innovative Christian university that came into existence as a result of the amalgamation of three different local colleges. It is a small, Christian, liberal arts university, open to all faiths, genders, and backgrounds, and is also one of the universities included in Universities Canada (formerly AUCC).
CMU is a small, Christian, liberal arts university, open to all faiths, genders, and backgrounds. It is a university of the church for the world. Canadian Mennonite University has been ranked by the following sources:
CMU is positioned at 8357 as per Webometrics and 4045 by UniRank rankings.
CMU is positioned at 126 as per Webometrics and 76 by UniRank rankings.