Dalhousie Medical School, Halifax, Nova Scotia

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Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 4R2
Estd 1868

Updated on - May 25th, 2022 | 08:54 AM By Venushree Agarwal

Overview Content

Dalhousie Medical School is a medical school and a faculty of Dalhousie University in Halifax. It is one of the oldest Medical schools in Canada after Laval, McGill, and Queen's. Dalhousie Medical School has been an integral part of Maritime Canada. The college is renowned for its Undergraduate programs. The college also offers 50+ residency programs at teaching hospitals around Nova Scotia to its postgraduate students. It is the only medical school in Canada served by the Dalhousie Medical Research Foundation which is an independent charitable organization whose only purpose is to support the research activities at the Faculty of Medicine. 

When was Dalhousie Medical School Established?

Dalhousie Medical School was established in 1868 and has been active for 152 years now making it one of the oldest medical schools in Canada. In the 1940s, Dalhousie Medical School was established as the first Continuing Medical Education program in Canada.

Where is Dalhousie Medical School? 

Dalhousie Medical School is located in Halifax, Nova Scotia in Canada. It has many amenities within 2km around the campus. 

Dalhousie Medical School Affiliations 

Dalhousie Medical School is affiliated with Dalhousie University, with over 111 teaching sites throughout the Maritime provinces including 9 teaching hospitals. It teaches scientific excellence and humanity in medicine and facilitates leading health research and in turn, helps drive the regional economy.

Dalhousie University was founded in 1818 and is located in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The Faculty of Medicine was established in 1868 making it the fifth medical school in Canada. 

Education at Dalhousie Medical School 

Dalhousie Medical School has the most up-to-date medical school curriculum in Canada. The 4 types of programs at Dalhousie Medical School are:

  • MD Program (undergraduate medicine)
  • Residency Training (postgraduate training)
  • Continuing Professional Development
  • MSc and Ph.D. studies (graduate and post-doctoral studies)

Why Choose Dalhousie Medical School?

Dalhousie Medical School offers various types of programs in the field of medicine. It is the first medical school in Canada to have provided the Continuing Medical Education program to the students. Some of the other reasons to choose Dalhousie Medical School are :

  • The medical school offers 345 medical researchers, 17 collaborative research groups working on 849 research projects
  • $60 million annually to Nova Scotia’s GDP
  • The clinical faculty of Dalhousie participated in the world's first robotic brain Telesurgery
  • The school is connected to 111 teaching sites including nine teaching hospitals around Nova Scotia, hence the students get more exposure to learn 
  • researchers invented the first new class of antibiotics
  • The school was awarded Canadian Institutes for Health Research Awards for 2 consecutive years [2002-2003; 2003-2004]
  • Trains more than 62 post-doctoral fellows annually
  • The campus is well equipped and has great faculty who are also very hardworking professors 
  • It has been recognized for its contribution in the field of research, education, and community services 

Student Enrollments at Dalhousie Medical School

Total Classes


Total Enrollment


MD Program learners




Alumni Candidate


Maritime Students


Non-Maritime Students


Government-Sponsored supernumerary positions


Average GPA


Average MCAT


Average age


Age range


Number of female candidates


Number of male candidates


Faculties and Academic Departments at Dalhousie Medical School

The faculty and staff at Dalhousie Medical School are not only responsible to teach the next generation of physicians but also to conduct health research and have access to the latest technologies and treatments.

The Dalhousie Medical School has around 16 departments in the Medicine faculty. They are : 

  • Department of Medicine
  • Department of Cardiology 
  • Department of Clinical Dermatology and Cutaneous Science 
  • Department of Digestive care and Endoscopy 
  • Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism 
  • Department of General Internal Medicine 
  • Department of Geriatric Medicine 
  • Department of Haemotology
  • Department of Infectious Diseases 
  • Department of Medical Oncology 
  • Department of Nephrology 
  • Department of Neurology 
  • Department of Palliative Medicine 
  • Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 
  • Department of Respirology 
  • Department of Rheumatology 

The facts and figures of the faculty and other staff at Dalhousie Medical School are given below:

Basic science faculty members (full-time)


Clinical faculty members


Staff members (full-time)


Number of departments


Family medicine teaching sites


New Brunswick students


Teaching sites in Dalhousie Medicine New Brunswick


Financial Aid and Scholarships at Dalhousie Medical School 

The Alumni of Dalhousie Medical school established scholarships and bursaries :

  • The DMAA Entrance Scholarship
  • The Dean's Student Bursary
  • Research in Medicine Studentship

Student Services at Dalhousie Medical School

Dalhousie Medical School provides different facilities for the students to progress and have a secure life on the campus. The amenities provided to the students are:

  • Student Affairs Office 
  • HOPES Health Centre
  • Student Health and Wellness Services
  • Study/ Work International Fund
  • Legal Aid
  • Dalhousie Ombudsperson
  • Dalhousie Women’s Centre
  • Support for Students with Disabilities
  • Black Student Advising Centre

Other Trending Colleges in Canada

University Stats

Student Population at Dalhousie Medical School 

One of the oldest medical schools in Canada, Dalhousie was the first medical school in Canada to offer distributed learning for postgraduate medical education. Dalhousie Medical School attracts some of Canada’s best students, physicians, and medical researchers. The school offers the most up-to-date med school curriculum in Canada, and the graduates consistently perform in the top 25 percent of the Medical Council of Canada licensing exams. The revitalized MD program offers hands-on medical training to the students.

Medical Students






Students in Family Medicine


Students in Royal College Specialities


Total research chairs


Dalhousie Medical School Rankings

  • Mclean’s Ranked Dalhousie 8th overall and 10th in student satisfaction
  • Times Higher Education World Ranked 251-300th
  • Top Universities Global Ranked 279th
  • Webometrics Ranked Dalhousie as 238 in the world and 15th in the country 

Read More: Dalhousie Medical School Rankings

Student-Faculty Ratio


Male-Female Ratio


International Students


Total Enrolment


Admission Details

How can I get into Dalhousie Medical School?

Dalhousie offers a wide range of programs so as to ensure that every student’s interest is fulfilled. The students can apply for up to three programs and they will be assessed only for second and third choices if one is not admitted to their first choice. Here are the admission criteria that need to be fulfilled so as to be eligible for enrollment.

  1. Completion of secondary school (Grade 12)
  2. A minimum overall average of 70% in five academic Grade 12 courses
  3. A final grade of at least 70% in Grade 12 academic English and any other required subject.

However, the admission requirement may differ according to the program one applies for.

Acceptance Rate

Minimum Score
TOEFL Requirements


Minimum Score
IELTS Requirements


Application Website

Accepts Direct Application


Accepts Common Application


Total Applications


Average Tuition Fees

The fees depend upon various factors, such as course selection and the number of classes, textbooks and supplies, living accommodations and meals transportation entertainment and lifestyle expenses, and whether one is a Canadian citizen or not. Tuition fees at Dalhousie Medical College range from $4,600 to $17,000 based on a students course selection.

Degree Type Tuition Fees
Diploma -
Undergraduate $20,784
Post Graduate $20,784

Application Details

The eligible applicants can apply online and along with an online application, one needs to submit an application fee of $70. Here are documents to be submitted:

  • Official University transcripts
  • CASPer test scores
  • MCAT test scores
  • Government issues Identity Card


Events Dates
Application Deadline

Other Fees

What is the Average Annual Cost to Attend Dalhousie Medical School? 

Along with tuition fees, there are other fees that international students who enroll in courses are subjected to pay.

  • International Student Health Insurance plan 
  • Dalhousie International Student Association Society-$5 per term
  • Dalhousie Student Union fee- $77.28 for full-time students and $40.18 for part-time.
  • University bus pass fee- $160.30
  • Facilities Renewal fee- $94.90 for full time and $31.50 for part-time
  • Books and Supplies- approx. $1,350
Average Annual Tuition Fees
Average Accommodation
Application Fees

Courses Fees

Account detail by term or Dal Online provides students with all the necessary details of the account, which includes the amount due from students payment history, and account activity by term. The college provides students with various payment options like Internet banking, in-person payment, cheques, money orders, mail payments, and more. Other forms of payment include student loans, bursaries, third-party billing, scholarships, and waivers.


Doctor Courses:

Master Courses:

Doctor of Medicine [M.D]

Course Fees: $4636

Master of Science [M.Sc]

Course Fees: $6450

Master of Applied Science [M.ASc]

Course Fees: $10878

View All Courses

Contact Information

For queries related to admissions at Dalhousie Medical School one can contact, Admissions & Student Affairs Office, Phone: 902-494-1874 Fax: 902-494-6369

e-mail at: medicine.admissions@dal.ca 

Address: Department of Medicine, QEII Health Sciences Centre, VG Site, Suite 442 Bethune Building, 1276 South Park Street, Halifax, NS B3H 2Y9



Halifax, Nova Scotia



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