With the view to perpetuate the memory of Ms. Teena Gupta (26.02.1981- 11.03.2006), her father Shri. S. N. Gupta has set up the Teena Gupta Memorial Scholarship Fund. Ms Teena Gupta was a former student of Electronics in the college and also worked as a Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science in the college. The interest accrued from the fund is used to give six scholarships to needy students in B.Sc. Honours Electronics and B.Sc Programme Applied Physical Sciences , one in each year. The amount of each scholarship will be Rs. 5,000/- per year. Part of the scholarship will be for paying the Annual Fees and remaining amount will be used for purchase of books. The performance of the scholarship holder will be reviewed every year. The guidelines for determining the eligibility of students for grant of above scholarship are as under:
1) Academic Track Record: Passing qualifying examination in the first attempt and securing at least 60% marks (overall) or equivalent grade.
2) Economic Backwardness: The monthly-earned income of both the parents together should not be more than Rs. 6,000/-.
3) Academic Performance and Attendance: Attendance in the class should not be less than 75% and conduct and character should be acceptable to the Teacher-in-charge of the relevant course and the Principal of the college.
D C ARORA FELLOWSHIP for meritorious and needy students
Four D C Arora Fellowships of Rs. 5000/- each were instituted in the college by Dr SC Arora and are awarded based on the marks in the annual examination of first and second years. Applications are invited in October.
Eligibility (Meritorious): Top scorer (maximum marks) in the college in annual examination; one from Ist year and one from IInd year with a minimum of 75% attendance in the academic year. In absence of the topper fulfilling the attendance criterion, second topper will be considered for the award.
Eligibility (Needy): Students scoring minimum of 60% in annual examination with 75% attendance in the academic year. Meant for students from general category and regular courses need to produce salary documents.
A new scholarship " Shri Sultan Chand Memorial Schorlarship" has been started by Shri Sultan Chand Trust. A scholarship of Rs.3500/ per annum shall be awarded every year to a student of B.Com Hons IIIrd year in A.N.D.C. The scholarship shall be awarded strictly by merit to a student of B.Com Hons III rd year who secures the second highest percentage of marks, being above 70(Aggregate of internal and external in all the papers), in the college in B.Com. Hons II nd year University examination in the first attempt in the year immediately preceding.
ANDC Annual Awards:
The College awards the following awards to meritorious students who get a position in the University/South Campus or the college in their Annual Examination:
Delhi University Positions
I Rs. 5,000/- per annum
II Rs. 3,000/- per annum
III Rs. 1,500/- per annum
South Campus Position
I Rs. 1,000/-per annum
II Rs.750/-per annum
III Rs. 500/-per annum
Class Topper Rs. 500/-per annum (only if Marks obtained are above 75 %)
SAT (Subject Aptitude Test) Awards :
First year studenst who register for the test are examined in different subject areas - viz. Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics through multiple choice questions in 4-hour tests. Students scoring 60% and above are awarded merit certificates. Prizes are given to students who top the exam in each subject (subject to a minimum of 60 %). The prizes are of Rs 1000/-, 750/- and 500/- for first, second and third positions , respectively.
Students can apply and get selected for several awards/fellowships/ scholarships during their graduate and postgraduate studies. Several fellowships are awarded based on the students meritorious performance by the college, University and the Government of the NCT, Delhi. Several endowment and other scholarships are available for needy students as well as for the girl child. Students should also apply for the National level scholarships. Students should read the notice boards regularly to keep track of these, and apply at the appropriate times.
The University of Delhi awards many merit and endowment scholarships to undergraduate meritorious and needy students.
All India Entrance Scholarship: Conducted by the University of Delhi for first year students the award carries a monthly scholarship of Rs. 300/- per month for three years.
University of Delhi Science meritorious awards: Given to students of each year for academic excellence. Value Rs 5000/- each.
Professor J.C.Luthra and Shrimati Kesra Bai Luthra Endowment Scholarship: The University awards three scholarships of the value Rs. 100/- per month tenable for a period of three years to students from regular Ist year courses of the B.Sc. (Hons.) course in Botany, Zoology, Physics or Chemistry who are meritorious and in need of financial assistance.
Government of the NCT of Delhi Meritorious award: The Government awards one student in each stream for getting overall highest marks. Value Rs. 5000/- each.
Government of the NCT of Delhi, Directorate of Higher Education Scholarship for the Girl Child (5 % for the single girl child) Awarded based on the results of the school examination to the girl child. Scholarship of Rs. 500/- per month is awarded for three years.
Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY) Fellowship: Given by the Department of Science & Technology, Government of India through the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore the scholarship carries an award of Rs. 3000/- per month and Rs. 6000/- per year as contingency grant.
National Graduate Physics Examination Conducted by Indian Association of Physics Teachers the examination helps to select the best brains in physics. The top one percent of the candidates are allowed direct interview for Integrated Ph.D at Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics/HBCSE, TIFR, a cash Prize of Rs 5000/- and a Gold Medal. The Top 5 per cent in each state get a certificate and opportunity to attend workshops of 15 days each twice a year for two years.
Summer Training Fellowships
1. Jawarlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR) Fellowship offered in association with Department of Science and Technology and Rajiv Gandhi Foundation. Fellowships are awarded for summer training : Rs 4000/- per month and travel costs.
2. Indian Academy of Sciences fellowships of Rs 8000/- for two months summer training with a Fellow of the Academy.
UGC Post Graduate Indira Gandhi Merit Scholarship for the single girl child
A merit scholarship of Rs 2000/- per month for two years. From State Governments to SC/ST Students Candidates belonging to SC/ST are awarded scholarships by the States to which they belong. Such students are have to apply on forms and submit the same to the office by the end of the first term. The continuance of any freeship, scholarship etc. depends on satisfactory academic progress, attendance, discipline and good conduct.
Course Name | Avg Course Fees | Exams Accepted |
BSc | ₹23,280 (3 Years) | - |
>4-5 star
>3-4 star
>2-3 star
1-2 star
Academics & Faculty
Fees & Scholarships
Placements & Internships
College Infrastructure & Hostel Facilities
Clubs & Associations
Fees & Scholarships : Acharya Narendra Dev College, New Delhi Fee Structure. The course fee is about INR 7500 per year. Scholarship is available for the students. For scholarship, interviews can be held. For a year 4 to 5 st
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Fees & Scholarships : Fee for Maths( hons.) is INR 7800 per year in our college. There are 7-8 scholarships in our college and one can receive it by giving an simple interview. But college gives advantage to needy students. Average no. Of students who receive sc
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Placements & Internships : There are many intrenships... You can do in college, under think lab, under particular teacher's project in college (called elite), you can apply for internships in other institutes like JNU, IISER Pune, TIFER, ACBR, IGIBetc. You have to g
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Fees & Scholarships : Rs.8240 per year. Scholarship only for good ranked or scheduled caste students. 12 students get scholarship. No need of loans.
Entrance Exams & Admissions : To pursue this course you need the 12th pass with PCB (Physics, Chemistry, and Biology)
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Entrance Exams & Admissions : The cut off of my course was 90.2 percent in 2015 when I joined the college the merit was chosen from PCB.