YCMOU - Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University
Nashik, Maharashtra
MUHS - Maharashtra University of Health Sciences
KSSMM's Dhanvantari College of Engineering
K.T.H.M. College
SMRK BK AK Mahila Mahavidyalaya
Gokhale Education Society's H.P.T. Arts and R.Y.K. Science College, [HPTARYKSC] Nashik
Institute of Design Environment and Architecture, [IDEA] Nashik
Vishwasatya DT Ed College, Nashik
Savvy Group of Colleges
Navjeevan Law College
Sandip University, Nashik
Shri. Dhondu Baliram Pawar College of Management, Nashik
Pravara Rural Education Society's College of Pharmacy, Chincholi, Nashik
Guru Gobind Singh Foundation's Guru Gobind Singh College of Engineering and Research Centre, Nashik