Jai Narain college of Technology (JNCT)
Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
RGPV - Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya
Indira Gandhi Engineering College (IGEC)
Rewa Engineering College
Rustamji Institute of Technology
University Institute of Technology, Bhopal - Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalay
Jabalpur Engineering College
Central Institute of Plastics Engineering and Technology, Bhopal
People's Institute of Management and Research
Radharaman Institute of Technology and Science
Barkatullah University, [BU] Bhopal
IES University
TIT - Technocrates Institute of Technology
Sagar Institute of Research and Technology
Bansal Group of Institutes
RKDF University, [RKDFU] Bhopal
Jagran Lakecity University
VNS Faculty of Pharmacy, Bhopal
Sagar Institute of Pharmacy and Technology
Scope Global Skills University, (SGSU) Bhopal
Azim Premji University, Bhopal
Sunstone Eduversity - Sagar Group of Educational Society (SAGE) University
INIFD Bhopal