Bharati Vidyapeeth NEET PG Cutoff 2024 (Expected), 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020


Bharati Vidyapeeth cutoff 2024 based on NEET will be released soon. The NEET 2024 was concluded and results were announced in June 2024. The counseling process will begin soon and the cutoffs will be announced. The expected Bharati Vidyapeeth NEET cutoff 2024 for the MBBS program for the general category students ranges from 325210 - 325230th rank. Similarly, the expected Bharati Vidyapeeth NEET PG cutoff 2024 for the MD program for the general category students ranges from 37740 - 104100th rank.

There are numerous UG, PG, and PhD programs available at BVDU Pune. The NEET, NEET MDS, NEET PG, MHT CET, MH CET Law, JEE Main, and other admission exams are approved. To get Bharati Vidyapeeth admissions, applicants must reach the cutoff points set by Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University and receive high grades on recognized examinations.

The Bharati Vidyapeeth Pune cutoff details for the following years are shown: 2023, 2022, 2021, and 2020 for MBBS and BDS based on NEET, MD, and MS based on NEET PG, MDS based on NEET MDS, and LLB based on MH CET Law.

Table of Contents

Bharati Vidyapeeth Cutoff 2024

BVDU is a university based in Pune and has various courses and colleges affiliated with it. These colleges offer UG, PG, and diploma programs, and admission to many of these courses is based on the scores of entrance exams. Given below are the expected Bharati Vidyapeeth cutoff for 2024. These are calculated based on the cutoff details of past years. 

Bharati Vidyapeeth MBBS NEET 2024 (Expected)

Students can find the expected Bharati Vidyapeeth NEET 2024 for the MBBS program below. The given cutoff is for the general category students and it ranges from 325210 - 325230th rank. 

Category Expected Cutoff Rank

General Category

325210 - 325230

Bharati Vidyapeeth MD NEET PG Cutoff 2024 (Expected)

Given in the table below is the expected Bharathi Vidyapeeth MD cutoff 2024 based on NEET PG. The given cutoff detail is for the general category students and it ranges from 37740 - 104100th rank.

Courses Expected Cutoff Rank

MD Anaesthesia

88810 - 88820

MD Anatomy


MD Dermatology

90930 - 90940

MD Emergency Medicine

47980 - 47990

MD General Medicine

81240 - 81250

MD Immunohematology & Blood Transfusion

81830 - 82840

MD Paediatrics

58490 - 58500

MD Pathology

90280 - 90290

MD Psychiatry

55350 - 55360

MD Pulmonary Medicine

37740 - 37750

MD Radiodiagnosis

104090 - 104100

Bharati Vidyapeeth MS NEET PG Cutoff 2024 (Expected)

Aside from MD programs, Bharati Vidyapeeth also offers MS programs to medical PG students based on their NEET PG scores. Given below is the Bharati Vidyapeeth MS cutoff 2024 for the general category students and it ranges from 37600 to 96540th rank.

Courses Expected Cutoff Rank


68020 - 68030

MS General Surgery

37600 - 37610

MS Obstetrics & Gynaecology

96530 - 96540

MS Ophthalmology

42570 - 42580

MS Orthopaedics

79130 - 79140

Bharati Vidyapeeth Cutoff 2023

Given in the tables below are the Bharati Vidyapeeth cutoff 2023 for different courses based on the various entrance exams. 

Bharati Vidyapeeth MBBS NEET Cutoff 2023

In the table below, students will find the Bharati Vidyapeeth MBBS Cutoff 2023 based on NEET. The given cutoff rank is for the general category of students. 

Category Cutoff Rank
General Category 325219

Bharati Vidyapeeth MD NEET PG Cutoff 2023

Medical colleges under Bharati Vidyapeeth offer the medical PG course of MD to its students. In the table are the cutoff details for different MD programs. 

Given below are Bharati Vidyapeeth MD cutoff 2023 based on NEET PG. For the general category students, the Bharati Vidyapeeth NEET PG cutoff 2023 for MD programs ranges from 37743 - 104091th rank. 

Courses Cutoff Rank

MD Anaesthesia


MD Anatomy


MD Dermatology


MD Emergency Medicine


MD General Medicine


MD Immunohematology & Blood Transfusion


MD Paediatrics


MD Pathology


MD Psychiatry


MD Pulmonary Medicine


MD Radiodiagnosis


Bharati Vidyapeeth MS NEET PG Cutoff 2023

In the table below, find the details of Bharati Vidyapeeth Cutoff 2023 for MS programs based on NEET PG. The given details are for the general category. The Bharati Vidyapeeth MS Cutoff 2023 for the general category students ranges from 37606 to 96534th rank. 

Courses Cutoff Rank



MS General Surgery


MS Obstetrics & Gynaecology


MS Ophthalmology


MS Orthopaedics


Bharati Vidyapeeth Cutoff 2022

BVDU cutoff 2022 for different courses and categories is given below.

Bharati Vidyapeeth MBBS Cutoff 2022

Displayed below is the Bharati Vidyapeeth cutoff 2022 for the MBBS program for the academic year 2022 based on the NEET entrance exam for various category students. A minimum BVDU Pune cutoff of 276239th rank was required for the general category students.

Category Opening Rank Closing Rank
General 263216 276239
PWD - 79854

Bharati Vidyapeeth BDS Cutoff 2022

The Bharati Vidyapeeth cutoff 2022 for the BDS program for the academic year 2022 based on the NEET entrance exam for various category students is displayed below. A minimum Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University cutoff of 493032nd rank was required.

Category  Opening Rank  Closing Rank 
General  572790 493032

Bharati Vidyapeeth MD NEET PG Cutoff 2022 

The following table displays the Bharati Vidyapeeth cutoff 2022 for the MD program for the academic year 2022 based on the NEET PG entrance exam for general category students. A minimum BVDU Pune cutoff of 19687th rank was required for MD in Paediatrics.

MD Specializations  Opening Rank  Closing Rank 
Paediatrics  31854 19687
Radiodiagnosis  15841 15530
Psychiatry  59937 71643
Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy  12636 -
General Medicine  22793 14464
General Surgery  42279 19675
Immuno-Haematology and Bloodtransfusion 89429 116773
Emergency Medicine  59383 61543

Bharati Vidyapeeth MS NEET PG Cutoff 2022

Displayed below is the Bharati Vidyapeeth cutoff 2022 for the MS program for the academic year 2022 based on the NEET PG entrance exam for general category students. A minimum BVDU cutoff of 26831st rank was required for MS in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

MS Specializations  Opening Rank  Closing Rank 
Obstetrics and Gynaecology  26138 26831
Ophthalmology  38152 20264
Orthopaedics  43041 54181
Oto-Rhino-Laryngology  60710 89113

Bharati Vidyapeeth MDS Cutoff 2022

The Bharati Vidyapeeth cutoff 2022 for the MDS program for the academic year 2022 based on the NEET MDS entrance exam for general category students is displayed below. A minimum BVDU cutoff of 5639th rank was required for MDS in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics.

MDS Specializations  Opening Rank  Closing Rank 
Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics 2686 5639
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery  3465 3771
Prosthodontics, Crown and Bridge  2230 8000
Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics  1803 1541
Periodontology  9392 11189
Oral Medicine and Radiology  4989 -
Periodontics 11334 12987
Prosthodontics 2853 7643
Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry 3883 3990
Oral Pathology and Microbiology  10985 17408

Bharati Vidyapeeth LLB Cutoff 2022

The following table displays the Bharati Vidyapeeth cutoff 2022 for the LLB program for the academic year 2022 based on the MH CET Law entrance exam for general category students. A minimum BVDU Pune cutoff of 102nd rank was required.

Category Opening Rank  Closing Rank 
General 107 102

Bharati Vidyapeeth Cutoff 2021 

Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University cutoff 2021 for different courses and categories is given below.

Bharati Vidyapeeth MBBS Cutoff 2021

Displayed below is the Bharati Vidyapeeth cutoff 2021 for the MBBS program for the academic year 2021 based on the NEET entrance exam for general category students. A minimum BVDU Pune cutoff of 46238th rank was required.

Category Opening Rank  Closing Rank 
General  227051 46238

Bharati Vidyapeeth BDS Cutoff 2021

The following table displays the Bharati Vidyapeeth cutoff 2021 for the BDS program for the academic year 2021 based on the NEET entrance exam for general category students. A minimum BVDU cutoff of 323017th rank was required.

Category  Opening Rank  Closing Rank 
General  560464 323017

Bharati Vidyapeeth B.Pharma Cutoff 2021

The Bharati Vidyapeeth cutoff 2021 for the B.Pharma program for the academic year 2021 based on the MHT CET entrance exam for various category students is displayed below. A minimum Bharati Vidyapeeth Pune cutoff of 99.22 percentile was required for general category students.

Category  Opening Percentile  Closing Percentile 
General  99.39 99.22
OBC 99.2 98.83
SC 97.72 96.85
ST 94.7 92.86
PWD 96.16 92.24

Bharati Vidyapeeth MD NEET PG Cutoff 2021

Displayed below is the Bharati Vidyapeeth cutoff 2021 for the MD program for the academic year 2021 based on the NEET PG entrance exam for general category students. A minimum BVDU Pune cutoff of 25461st rank was required for MD in Paediatrics.

MD Specializations  Opening Rank  Closing Rank 
Paediatrics  25414 25461
Radiodiagnosis  16334 11243
Psychiatry  45267 45873
Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy  15559 -
General Medicine  18429 17216
General Surgery  32983 32590
Immuno-Haematology and Bloodtransfusion 63647 80967
Emergency Medicine  38143 -
Anaesthesia 62637 66175
Community Medicine  75718 -

Bharati Vidyapeeth MS NEET PG Cutoff 2021

The following table displays the Bharati Vidyapeeth cutoff 2021 for the MS program for the academic year 2021 based on the NEET PG entrance exam for general category students. A minimum BVDU cutoff of 26127th rank may be required for MS in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

MS Specializations  Opening Rank  Closing Rank 
Obstetrics and Gynaecology  24814 26127
Ophthalmology  35773 34982
Orthopaedics  31496 37134
Oto-Rhino-Laryngology  54065 60692

Bharati Vidyapeeth MDS Cutoff 2021

The Bharati Vidyapeeth cutoff 2021 for the MDS program for the academic year 2021 based on the NEET MDS entrance exam for various category students is displayed below. A minimum BVDU cutoff of 3443rd rank was required for MDS in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics for general category students.

General Category 

MDS Specializations  Opening Rank  Closing Rank 
Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics 3443 -
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery  2086 2682
Prosthodontics, Crown and Bridge  2715 232
Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics  1671 1888
Periodontology  9721 11038
Oral Medicine and Radiology  8817 -
Periodontics 10720 11836
Prosthodontics 1409 3448
Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry 4499 3177

OBC Category

MDS Specializations  Cutoff Rank 
Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics 1733
Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics  3323
Prosthodontics 3436
Oral Pathology and Microbiology  14945

SC Category 

MDS Specializations  Cutoff Rank 
Periodontology  6909
Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry 5993

PWD Category

MDS Specializations  Opening Rank  Closing Rank 
Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics 3443 -
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery  2086 2682
Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics  3427 -
Prosthodontics, Crown and Bridge  2715 232
Periodontology  9721 11038
Oral Medicine and Radiology  8817 -
Periodontics 10720 11836
Prosthodontics 1409 3448
Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry 5390 6671

EWS Category

MDS Specializations  Cutoff Rank 
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2937
Prosthodontics, Crown and Bridge 1126

Bharati Vidyapeeth LLB Cutoff 2021

Displayed below is the Bharati Vidyapeeth cutoff 2021 for the LLB program for the academic year 2021 based on the MH CET LAW entrance exam for general category students. A minimum Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University cutoff of 59th rank was required.

Course Opening Rank  Closing Rank 
LL.B 105 59

BVDU Cutoff 2020

BVDU Pune cutoff 2020 for different courses and categories is given below.

Bharati Vidyapeeth MBBS Cutoff 2020

The Bharati Vidyapeeth cutoff 2020 for the MBBS program for the academic year 2020 based on the NEET entrance exam for general category students is displayed below. A minimum BVDU cutoff of 162607th rank was required.

Category  Opening Rank  Closing Rank 
General  191283 162607

Bharati Vidyapeeth BDS Cutoff 2020

The following table displays the Bharati Vidyapeeth cutoff 2020 for the BDS program for the academic year 2020 based on the NEET entrance exam for general category students. A minimum Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University cutoff of 330115th rank was required.

Category  Opening Rank  Closing Rank 
General  530134 330115
OBC 513629 219183
SC 403607 217506
ST 412024 -
PWD 328107 -
EWS 471081 318163

Bharati Vidyapeeth MD NEET PG Cutoff 2020

Displayed below is the Bharati Vidyapeeth cutoff 2020 for the MD program for the academic year 2020 based on the NEET PG entrance exam for general category students. A minimum BVDU cutoff of 20348th rank was required for MD in Paediatrics.

MD Specializations Cutoff Rank 
Paediatrics  20348
Radiodiagnosis  16882
Psychiatry  46045
Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy  12713
General Medicine  17213
General Surgery  27013
Emergency Medicine  32797
Obstetrics and Gynaecology  24735
Pathology  91325
Anaesthesiology  51418
Anaesthesia 61440
Respiratory Medicine  24884
Community Medicine  87465

Bharati Vidyapeeth MS NEET PG Cutoff 2020

The Bharati Vidyapeeth cutoff 2020 for the MS program for the academic year 2020 based on the NEET PG entrance exam for general category students is displayed below. A minimum Bharati Vidyapeeth Pune cutoff of 26133rd rank was required for MS in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

MS Specializations Cutoff Rank 
Obstetrics and Gynaecology  26133
Ophthalmology  29890
Orthopaedics  20742
Oto-Rhino-Laryngology  45932
General Surgery  30982

FAQs on Bharati Vidyapeeth Cutoff

Q: What is the Bharati Vidyapeeth cutoff 2024?

Q: Which entrance exams are accepted by BVDU?

Q: What factors determine the Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University cutoff 2024?

Bharati Vidyapeeth Reviews

Overall Rating



Distribution of Rating

>4-5 star


>3-4 star


>2-3 star


1-2 star


Clubs & Associations


Academics & Faculty


Fees & Scholarships


Placements & Internships


College Infrastructure & Hostel Facilities


Entrance Exams & Admissions


Sakshi Sampat Gund Batch 2022 BCA [Bachelor of Computer Application]
Reviewed on Jul 18, 2023
5 Entrance

Entrance Exams & Admissions : The admission process is after the entrance exam which name was Bumat.

Harsh V Rai Batch 2018 Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
Reviewed on Sep 21, 2018
5 Fees
5 Academics

Academics & Faculty : Lectures start from 7.30 to 2.15, there is a short break in between. No students are allowed to bunk lectures.

Fees & Scholarships : The fees is much for open category And its less for caste and EBC Fees is till max 75000

Sourabh Bapat Batch 2020 BSc [Bachelor of Science]
Reviewed on May 01, 2018

Entrance Exams & Admissions : Eligibility for Admission - Minimum 12th or 10+2 any stream Entrance Exam - Simple Aptitude Test.

Nikhil Bhalothia Batch 2022 BA LLB
Reviewed on Apr 25, 2018
5 Placements
5 Fees
5 Academics
5 Infrastructure
5 Campus

Academics & Faculty : 1).1 pm to 5:30 pm is the timings 2).I think the best in my college is my teachers, they are world class. 3). I just love my college, I don't think I can get a better option than this.

Entrance Exams & Admissions : Eligibility criteria are 45%

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Vishwesh Singh Batch 2018 B.Tech [Bachelor of Technology]
Reviewed on Feb 23, 2018
2.5 Placements
2.5 Fees
3 Academics
3.5 Infrastructure
3.5 Campus

Academics & Faculty : Once you get here you will realise that engineering in India is just. All you have to learn is by is just for the degree. Here the case is same, not different than other engineering colleges. However here you can learn many

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