The Bombay Teachers' Training College Library supports education and research at BTTC through its collection of printed and electronic information. We are subscribing to N-List database from INFLIBNET where students can access E-books and E-journal from anywhere, any time. Our reading room–cum–library provides facilities for individual study. We also have a considerable collection of academic resources in various formats such as print, audio and video CDs. The Library subscribes to journals from reputed publishers in the field of education such as NCERT, NCTE, IGNOU, NUEPA etc.
Computer Laboratory
The college has a well-equipped computer laboratory with Internet connection and wifi facilities. The laboratory has 25 personal computers with the latest configurations especially for use by the students. Each computer is equipped with a set of headphones.
Research Cell
The college has a seperate research cell which is well equipped with an extensive collection of theses, dissertations and books on research methodology. The institution is recognized as a research centre for conducting doctoral studies in education by the University of Mumbai.
Hostel Details | Number of Hostel | Intake capacity | Number of Student Residing |
Boys Hostel | NA | 80 | 35 |