Exams Accepted: CMAT
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Nagaji Institute of Technology and Management
Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh
BIMR College of Professional Studies, [BIMR] Gwalior
Bharti Vidya Mandir College of Management Education
Lords Universal College
Gajara Raja Medical College
Govt. Autonomous Ayurved College and Hospital, Gwalior
Aditya College
Kamla Raja Girls Govt. PG College
Vijyaraje Govt Girls Post Graduate College, [VGGPGC] Gwalior
Choudhary Dilip Singh Girls College, [CDSGC] Bhind
Amity University, Gwalior
Royal Institute of Technology and Science
ITM University, Gwalior
Veenavadini Teachers Training Institute, Gwalior
Sun Institute of Teachers Education, Gwalior
Madhav Shiksha Mahavidyalaya, Gwalior
IC College of Education, Gwalior
Gopesh College of Education, Gwalior
BVM College of Management Education (B.Ed.), Gwalior
Bijou College of Education, Gwalior
Jain College, Gwalior
Raja Mansingh Tomar Music and Arts University