Chikiti Mahaidyalaya Infrastructure: Library, Labs, Gym, Auditorium & Other Facilities

  • Ganjam , Odisha
  • Library
  • Laboratory
  • Computer labs
  • Auditorium
  • gym

Facilities :-

Students' Common Room

The College provides two common rooms, one for the men and one for the women students of the college for healthy recreation and mutual contact among the students. There is provision for a few indoor games and T.v. for each common room. Newspaper and Journals on Odia and English are also placed in the common reading room for the use of the students. Peons are attached to the common rooms to cater to the small needs of the students. The Principal nominates two members from among the staff remain in charge of the common rooms.

Instructions for use of T.V. :

The use of T V. and other electronic materials are handed over to senior representatives of the Boys and Girls' common rooms. The attached peon is required to take care of materials after the end of the day. No other students can handle the materials without the' permission of the representatives. The representatives of the common rooms are personally responsible for any loss or damage of the materials. The T. V. should not be used during the college hours, however 'for listening to news items, commentary etc." the T. V. may be played at a low volume so as not to disturb others (classes). On Sundays and holidays the T. V. can be played at any time between 6A.M. to 10 P.M. subject to the condition that the boy's common room is open during the time. All other instructions that may be issued from time to time either by the Principal or by the Professor in charge; Boys' Common Room/Girls' Common Room will be strictly adhered to. Any violation in this regard will be deemed as misconduct.


Library of a college or University is an essential part of contributing to the scholarly pursuit and dissemination of knowledge. The library of this college is one the leading library in the region with a rich collection having 16006 books as on 28th Mar. 2014 including the books of the Reference section and Departmental books. It also houses rich collection of palm leaf manuscript and rare collections like Puma Chandra 'BhasaKosa' & Encyclopedia Britanica of 21st Century_ 

Guidelines for the Use of the Library 

  1. The library remains open from 10.00A.M. to 5.00 P.M. on all working days.
  2. Printed mate Hals (other than those, which are expected to be returned to the library) are not allowed inside the library. Such materials 'are to be deposited at the property counter at the gate and token be asked for.
  3. Only the staff and students of the college and persons with the special permission of the Principal may use the library.
  4. Persons having. unsound mind, insanity lunacy, and even if otherwise qualified to enter into the library, will not be allowed to enter into library. Members of staff are not allowed to bring friends inside the library without prior permission .
  5. Unauthorized persons forcing their way into the library will be turned out of the library by the library staff. Only the members of the staff have access to the shelves with permission from the library staff.
  6. The library premises shall be used only for reading or consulting books and periodicals of the library. Smoking and use of any intoxicant inside the library is prohibited.
  7. All those who happen to be inside the library or in its neighbourhood are expected to observe strict silence.
  8. The librarian is expected to see -that the rules of silence strictly observed and take necessary steps to check wilful breach of rule.
  9. Every student is required to enrol himself in the library after submitting a copy of the passport size photograph and producing the Identity card duly signed by the Principal showing his class and roll number. Ticket will be given to the borrowers and only on the production of the ticket they can demand a book. When it is lost a duplicate ticket will be issued on the payment of a fee of 0.50 paise .
  10. Borrowers must examine the condition of the books they are issued at the time of issue. Otherwise they will be held responsible for the damages discovered later at the time of returning. In case of loss of the books three times. the cost of the books which are out of print and out of market or the present price of the books which are available in the market should be realised. It must be insisted that books are replaced as far as practicable. If the lost book is one of a set or series the cost of the whole set or three times the cost of the whole set as the case may be will be realized from the borrower.
  11. No book should be taken out of the library without the knowledge of the library staff and until it has been properly issued.

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