College of Innovative Management and Science Placement Details

  • Lucknow , Uttar Pradesh

Industrial Exposure
The industries require the best talent and the university should provide it. In the present, curriculum of Management Education there is a gap existing between the universities and the industries. And industrial visits are minimising this gap by acting as a bridge between them. Industrial visits are very important for every management student as it provides as clear picture to the managers in the making who have the zeal for a bright future.

Industrial visits provide vital information about the organization, its performances and various functioning process of the organization. It also enables to understand the internal working environment. As organizational behaviour is a part of the management, it is necessary for a manager to understand and get accustomed to the atmosphere of the organization.

Aims & Objectives-

  • To aid Faculties in the delivery of the university curriculum.
  • To help students fulfill certain curriculum requirements.
  • To provide a unique opportunity for management buddies to gain an insight into a working environment related to a subject area.
  • To help management trainies develop their communication and inter-personal skills in the context of work.
  • To help businesses promote their line of work.

Description of Activity
The Industrial Visit for students normally takes half a day and will be suitable for groups of up to 30 students. The visits aim to be interesting and suitable for year 7,8,9,10 and/or 11. By showing what actually goes on at a place of work, students will get a much better view of a particular business environment and will achieve a greater awareness of careers and opportunities in a particular subject area.
Every activity the students engage in should be broken down into distinct phases:

1. Plan Set goals and prepare as to achieve these goals.
2. Experience Experience the activity itself.
3. Debriefing Reflect on the experience and report.
4. Evaluate Analyse and Draw Conclusions.
5. Record Complete a report/presentation/video.

The faculty's role is as supporter and facilitator of the students' new learning experiences. The teacher must provide activities such as stimulating students with ideas, commenting on and praising the work being done, suggesting alternatives or better methods of handling details are common to all creative learning.This paradigm, which shifts from the teacher centred approach to the learner centred approach supports the constructivist educational theory. The student is seen as a self-governed creator of knowledge. Constructivists believe that people in general are active seekers and constructors of knowledge and enter the classrooms with innate goals and curiosities. They believe learning is the discovery and the transformation of complex information and that traditional teacher centred instruction of predetermined plans, skills and content is inappropriate. The teacher's role is to challenge the learners thinking and not to dictate or attempt to proceduralise that thinking.

Constructivists suggest that situations and social activities shape understanding. The constructivist approach to learning is distinguished by the emphasis on cooperation, open class discussion, and different forms of questioning in an attempt to create new perspectives for the students. The idea that students have a major role in guiding and taking control of their own learning -self-directed learning - is central to this theory as well as supporting the whole idea of collaboration. Learning is seen as a social activity, which encourages communication, interaction and cooperation with other students and between teacher and student.

Involving the class at all stages of the industrial visit motivates the students and helps them take full advantage of all learning opportunities presented. . It also brings a dimension to students' education, which they cannot gain in the classroom as well as helping to make connections between the different aspects of their educational experience.

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