College of Teacher Education,Shillong Infrastructure: Library, Labs, Cafeteria & Other Facilities

  • Shillong , Meghalaya
  • Library
  • Laboratory
  • Computer labs
  • Cafeteria

Facilities :-


The College has a well equipped automated library services with LibSys software being used for circulation, searching, cataloging and various other functions; accessible by both the teaching faculty and student’s body.

It is a store house of about 8867 books both Primary and Secondary sources and has a collection of more than 13 Editions of Journals/Magazines and Newspapers (Local, Regional and National).

The library has two sections i.e. the reference and general section which is accessible to library users. At the beginning of every Session, Orientation Programmes to library use is regularly conducted.

The College Library under the supervision and monitoring of an efficient librarian, with a commitment to serve the teachers and students provides an ambiance of learning conducive and stimulating to the minds of the students; thus encouraging students to become erudite users of the library.

Other services available and made accessible to students are Question Bank, Book Bank to poor and needy students and students teachers deputed by the Government.

Reprographic services is also provided to library users on a reasonable and affordable payment.  The College playing host institution to IGNOU Programmes provides support and enrichment services through its library to IGNOU students, in particular, M.A. (Education) and M.Ed., for whom dissertation writing is mandatory.


The College Auditorium, rectangular in shape has a capacity to accommodate 300 aprox. persons and is just right for the existing strength of Managing Committee members, teaching faculty and non faculty members and students, and an additional 150 seats for invitees and guests including past pupils (Alumni).

The College Auditorium is frequently used for a variety of programmes. Besides Socio-cultural and Literary programmes, other programmes like World Environment Day. World Health Day, World Earth Day, World Literacy Day, Teachers’ Day, Independence Day to mention a few are observed every year.

Moreover, the College Auditorium is also used for conducting examinations viz. College Annual Examinations and Examinations conducted by State and Central Organization like M.P.S.C. and U.P.S.C. examinations.

Language Laboratory

Good communication skills are indispensable for acquiring language proficiency. Language learning is not the same as learning any other subject.  It is not confined to writing an examination and getting a degree or award.  The four skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking have to be practiced. The language laboratory therefore plays an important role in the language learning process. The language laboratory of the college is equipped with computers connected to monitoring devices enabling the instructor to listen or speak to student-teachers.

Psychological Laboratory

The College has a psychological laboratory to train student-teachers in various psychological assessment techniques and acquaint them with the concept of standardised tests.The laboratory is equipped with the different apparatus for conducting different psychological experiments.

Science Laboratory

The College has a spacious laboratory for the purpose of providing laboratory experience to the student-teachers opting methodology of teaching science as a method subject. The science laboratory provides opportunity to student-teachers to gain proficiency in performing science experiments under the watchful guidance of experienced science teachers of the College.

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