College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Mathura Infrastructure Details

  • Mathura , Uttar Pradesh

Facilities :-

University Library

With the establishment of Veterinary College in 1947, College Library was started in a small hall of the main building. There after shifted to the present three storied building in 1984. After establishment of University in 2001, College Library was upgraded to University Library. The University Library is providing quality services to the students, teachers & research scholars, supporting teaching, research and extension programmes of the university.

Lecture & Examination Halls

The University has number of lecture theaters with modern audio-visual and teaching aids for interactive teaching and learning process. Each lecture theater is having uninterrupted power supply, multimedia projector, public address system etc.

Health Center

There is Health Center for the benefit of students and employee of University. The health center works under the supervision of Dean Student Welfare and a medical practitioner and pharmacist looks after the health care need of students and employee.

Lecture & Examination Halls

The University has number of lecture theaters with modern audio-visual and teaching aids for interactive teaching and learning process. Each lecture theater is having uninterrupted power supply, multimedia projector, public address system etc.

Central Instrumentation Laboratory

Although Veterinary College is more than sixty years old, but most of the Departmental laboratories have been recently strengthened and well equipped for routine teaching and research activities. With the emerging advancements at cellular and molecular level and in the modern era of information and molecular biotechnology, advanced analytical laboratory facilities have become need of the day. Therefore, to give extensive practical exposure and hands on training to PG students and impetus to advanced research in emerging and frontline areas in the field of animal health and production including molecular biology and biotechnology, the Central Instrumentation Laboratory in the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology with the financial assistance from ICAR New Delhi in the year 2008. The Laboratory has facilities like: High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS), Sonicator, ELISA Reader, Thermocycler, Gel-documentation, Ultra-pure water purification system, Deep freezer (-86o C), Orbital shaking incubator, fluoride meter, UV/VIS spetrophotometer, CO2 incubator, pH meter, BOD incubator, Ice flaking machine, homogeniser, referigerated centrifuge etc.

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