Facilities :-
Class Room Facility
The college has well-designed class rooms with the essential teaching aids like audio visual equipment overhead projectors, slide projectors, T. V. and V. C. R for the use of faculty members and students.
Class room Ethics :-
Library Facility
The library will be well classified and stocked with all volumes, journals, magazines and all prominent newspapers will be subscribe to supplement the knowledge of the student.
The library will have a book bank, which will provide all the students with textbooks for almost all the subjects for complete course duration.
Lab Facility
Science Labs
The Lab is equipped with various models different type of apparatus testing materials. Our physical chemistry Bio technology Laboratories have all the equipment in sufficient quantity so that each pupil teacher can perform his practical individually.
SS Lab :
This lab consists Atlas of India and Maps of India and world. In our SS Laboratory also different types of aids, text books, reference books, magazines, maps, globes, chart, and models are found. So our SS lab may be deferent as a from or group of rooms in which all written, audio and visual materials pertinent to the social studies instructors are contained.
Language Lab :
Language laboratories along with social studies lab are highlighted for the institution as they are equipped with material presented by the NCTE.
Psychology Lab :
The Psychology Laboratory is provided with apparatus for simple experiments related to educational psychology, personality skills, aptitude tests and interest inventories etc.
Fine Arts Lab :
With all the working infrastructure for
Craft Lab (Candle Making)
All infrastructure and moulds for making candles of different types Educational Technology Laboratory This lab containing overhead Projector, Slide Projector (Manual & Automatic) Epidiascope, DVD Player, TV & PA System. Computers are not something alien any more, rather they are a way of life. No successful manager of entrepreneur can survive without full utilizing the potential and speed that is given through computerization. That is why Colonel College of Education has created the most optimum and advance computer center. All the computers are connected via a Local Area Network. The hardware configuration of the computer center are Pentium IV processors and equipped with latest version of softwares and provides internet connectivity round the clock to students on totally cost free basis.
In this diverse, complex and fast changing world, it is essential to have an open mind. Colonel College of Education looks into and for the future of students who are not only taught new concepts, strategies and structure but also get practice in implementing them. Colonel College of Education students shine within their peer group with the knowledge of the latest techniques and information technologies.
In order to keep our young talents full of life and vigour, we encourage and organize lots of sports activity in the college. The list includes cricket, football, badminton, softball and many more. The institute organizes sports events every year for the students. We believe in healthy hearts and strong minds.
Other Facilites :-
Innovative Activities/Healthy Practices:
Think Tank:
The following programmes are organized under the Think Tank:
Thrust Areas
Research Programmes
The college has focus on the development of skills related to ‘Action Research’ especially to class room teaching. Recently the college has joined the National Pilot Project - on the Establishment & Functioning of Science & Mathematics Method Lab., under Council for teacher Education (CTE) Haryana State Chapter.
Future Plans / Programmes