Desh Bhagat Institute of Hotel Management Infrastructure: Library, Hostel, Labs, Gym, Auditorium & Other Facilities

  • Mandi Gobindgarh , Punjab
  • Computer labs
  • Library
  • Hostel
  • Auditorium
  • Sports
  • gym
  • Medical Hospital
  • Cafeteria
  • Laboratory

Facilities :

The Institute has excellent infrastructure with state of the art technology as fully equipped Food & Beverage Production Lab (Demo Kitchen, Basic Training Kitchen, Advanced Training Kitchen & Quantity Food Kitchen), Food & Beverage Service lab (Basic Training Restaurant & Advanced Training Restaurant) with Mock Bar, Front Office Lab with IDS & Fidelio as property management  softwares, House Keeping Lab with 3 Guest Room, Communication and Language Lab, Digital Library with Reading Room, Recreation Centre, Conference & Seminar Hall, Bakery & Confectionery Lab, Computer Lab: In this Labs students gets proper Practical knowledge of the Industry.

The briefings are as follows:-

1. Training Kitchens

Training Kitchens are basically classified under three heads:

  • Basic Training Kitchen (BTK)
  • Quantity Training Kitchen (QTK)
  • Advanced Training Kitchen (ATK)
  • Demo Kitchen

Basic Training Kitchen (BTK)

The fresher are given an in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge. In the BTK, the students learn the basic culinary art and gear up for further challenges, which they have to face in this field.

Quantity Training Kitchen (QTK)

The QTK prepares and moulds the students to face the challenges of cooking for large groups and caters to wide variety of people representing different culinary zones of India.

Advanced Training Kitchen (ATK)

The ATK is where the budding professionals are fine polished to prove their mettle in the Industry. Here students are given training in planning and preparation of Indian, Oriental and Western Cuisines.

Demo Kitchen (DK)

In this kitchen,the student gets a basic knowledge about the use of equipments, utensils and methods of handling food.

2. House Keeping

Housekeeping is the backbone of the Hotel Industry. It is responsible for the cleanliness, maintenance and aesthetic sense of the Industry. This department makes the guest feel "A home away from home".

3. Bakery and Confectionery

The Bakery & Confectionery department trains the students in the art of making various types of Breads, Biscuits, Pastries, Patties & Confectioneries like Pudding, Cakes Decorations, Ice Creams etc. to make them adapt in this field.

4. Training Restaurant and Mock Bar

Cooking with Wine, Flambing with Brandy and Rum are no more an incident but a regular happening here. Getting ready for various occasions from presidential gatherings to marriages and fast food service to spirits, Champagne and Cocktails are a part of the daily routine to make the student perfect and smoothen out the rough edges to make them perfect professionals.

5. Front Office

The Front Office Laboratory has been set up for conducting mock practical with a view to exposing them to day-to-day functioning of the Front Office in five star hotels. The basic areas in front office are:

  • Reception
  • Information
  • Cashier
  • Reservation
  • Guest Relation
  • Bell Desk

6. Computer Labs

We have fully AC, well furnished, highly sophisticated lab with all new Pentium systems. All the systems are networked and catered by three servers Windows 2003 server, IDS  and Proxy server. We have dedicated internet access 24 hrs. through Optical Fiber at 20 mbps with 1:1 student-computer ratio.

7. Library and Reading Room

We have well stocked library and reading room where various Vernacular and Foreign language Dailis, Periodicals and National and International Journals are available. The library is fully Air-conditioned to provide maximum comfort to its users.

8. Seminar Hall

Seminar Hall is the area where Demonstrations, Guest Lectures, classes with OHP, Seminars and Workshops are conducted.

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