Dhanwate National College Infrastructure: Library, Hostel, Gym, Auditorium, Cafeteria & Other Facilities

  • Nagpur , Maharashtra
  • Computer labs
  • Sports
  • gym
  • Medical Hospital
  • Library
  • Auditorium
  • Hostel
  • Cafeteria


The Campus has three independent buildings each for Granted Courses, Self Financing Courses and an independent building for Management Studies. The class-rooms Air-Conditioned and are well furnished with ICT infrastructure and modern teaching aids like LCD and Overhead Projectors. The independent Seminar / Conference Halls are well equipped with audio-visual equipments and ambience at par with the standards. An Auditorium with a capacity of 1200 seats makes it feasible to arrange programs towards a larger audience especially used during the cultural as well as placement programs.


There are more than 75000 text books available in the Central Library. Libraries have Indian and Foreign Journals, Magazines, Bound Volumes of Magazines, Compact Disks (CD), Text Book CDs and Audio Cassettes. The institute does give the students, faculty and researchers a serious thought on choice and availability of reference material.

Apart from the Central Library, the institute has separate library for Management & Professional Courses along with independent Reading Rooms and Reference Sections. The Libraries are well equipped with latest technologies like Computerized Indexing, OPAC System (Computerized Database), Computerized Issue/Return, Bar-Coding and a Photo Copy Section.

Computer Labs

The institute has three independent Computer Laboratories each for the Granted Courses, Management Studies and the Self-Financing Courses. With more than 200 Computers, a dozen of Laptops, Scanners and all types of Printers including Laser, Ink-Jet and Dot-Matrix. 

Add to these facilities the multiple-connectivity like Broad-Band, Wireless and Wi-Fi everybody, from students to the faculty, is a winner in this vast campus.

The Faculty and Administrative Staff benefits from the strong ICT Support it finds in the Computers, Laptops, Printers, LCD / Overhead Projectors, Scanners, Fax Machines, Xerox Machine and EPABX in place. The faculty has also been provided with welfare schemes like Credit Co-operative Society, LIC & Medical, Representation on Governing Body, Felicitation, Recognition and Grievance Cell.


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