Divya Drashti B Ed College: Courses, Contact Details, Facilities

  • Panchmahal , Gujarat

Divya Drashti B. Ed. College Highlights

Institution Type Private
Faculty Student Ratio 11
Total Area (In Acre) 3.12
Construction Area (Sq. M) 15000
Year of Establishment 2001
Website www.divyadrusticharitabletrust.com
Recognised by NCTE

Divya Drashti B. Ed. College Student Diversity

Category Muslim Minority OBC ST OBC SC General
Male 3 8 22 1 3
Female 3 10 22 4 14
Total 6 18 44 5 17

Divya Drashti B. Ed. College PTR Table

Particulars Count
Student Enrolment(Male) 100
Student Enrolment(Female) 50
Student Enrolment Total 150
Teaching Staff(Male) 3
Teaching Staff(Female) 5
Teaching Staff Total 8

Divya Drashti B. Ed. College Courses and Fee Structure

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