Rich collection of 15000 references books, research material. National & International Journals & Magazines.Access to thousands of e-journals and e-databases like IEEE,J-Gate,EBSCO DMI's Journal of Management and Computer Studies(ISSN No. 2250-365X) Souvenir of DMI’s National Seminar “Value Creation in Corporate world in sustainable Development” (ISBN 978–93-80744-28-5)
Dr.Moonje Institute has spacious & well equpped auditorium & seminar hall for conducting various programes,seminars and workshops, technical paper and project presentations . It has seating capacity for 500 person. The auditorium has well equipped with audio system, LCD projector and comfortable seating arrangement.
Separate hostels for girls & boys are available in the premises with all the required amenities. The mess facility is available to provide breakfast, lunch and dinner at suitable timings to students.