FTII Pune Infrastructure: Library, Hostel, Labs, Gym, Auditorium & Other Facilities

  • Pune , Maharashtra
  • Library
  • Computer labs
  • Laboratory
  • Cafeteria
  • Auditorium
  • Sports
  • gym
  • Medical Hospital
  • Hostel

Infrastructure :-

The FTII is well-equipped with the most up-to-date equipment. Students initially work with the low-end equipment and gradually get to use the advanced equipment through demonstrations and individual practicals.

There are two Film studio floors - Studio I & II - of dimensions 175 ft X 80 ft and 97 ft X 51 ft respectively. There are 4 Nos. of 35 mm Cameras and 4 Nos. of 16 mm cameras for film shooting and the video cameras from the low-end to the high-end digital models. The HMI type of lights are now routinely available to the students.

Similarly Film editing facilities include and array of Moviolas and Steenboks and for video editing the facilities available are from the low-end to high-end. At another level, there are the nonlinear editing systems.

In Sound department the Institute has sufficient number of nagras, an exclusive Sound studio dubbing with rock-n-roll projection facilities and it has recently acquired the Harrison audio mixing console too.

On the television side, there are two Television studios - Studio I & II - of dimensions 60 ft X 40 ft X 22 ft and 50 ft X 40 ft X 22 ft fitted with the state-of-the art facilities. The studios are fitted with motorized lighting systems, computer-driven martin special effect facilities, follow Spots etc. One studio is fitted with digital broadcast quality studio camera chain. There are multilingual character generators (CGs) and computer-driven tele-prompt facilities among the accessories. Ultimate chrome-keyer is another pride possession of the Television wing.

The Institute has a full-fledged Graphics Department ready to offer inputs and the department has acquired O2 Silicon Graphics facility for use in its working.

Multimedia Laboratory:

A computer laboratory equipped with the latest software helps students to hone their skill through multi-media practical. Its primary aim is to help the student grasp the full range of computer applications for the media.

Book, Film and Video Library:

The FTII library houses a large collection of books relating to film, television, theatre, arts and literature and subscribes to a number of media-related periodicals and journals from India and abroad. The Institute has a sizeable collection of films and videos and also has access to the collection of the National Film Archive of India located near its campus.


The “daily screening” is a unique part of student life at the Institute. A variety of classics and contemporary national and international films are screened every evening from Monday to Friday either at the FTII Main Theatre or at the National Film Achieves of India. In addition, Saturday screenings celebrate popular Indian cinema; ensuring that students remain grounded in the prevalent practice of film-making in the country. The provision for late night screenings permits students watch films of their choosing.

Sports and Games Facilities:

The FTII also provides a variety of opportunities for students to engage in games and sports. The Institute has a gym, a swimming pool and a playing field. The one-day cricket match between the students and the Alumni of the FTII is a celebrated event every year.

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