Infrastructure of the University
Goenka university's infrastructure is up to the mark with meticulously maintained grounds, playing fields, sporting amenities and impressive buildings reveal the University passion for grandeur and excellence.
Learning Environment
GD Goenka university has an unswerving focus on providing quality education, GD Goenka University has engaged the best and brightest faculty to guide students, engage their minds and raise their horizon. This is done by creating regular and systematic opportunities for students to interact with a broad range of industries and service sectors. This is a two-way street because it provides multinational companies the opportunity to learn about GD Goenka University and the benefits of recruiting its students.
Co-Curricular Activities
As part of the teaching practices, students are encouraged to document and present their work to experts which not only gives them an exposure but also an opportunity to get new ideas. All the schools regularly conduct conferences and seminars where distinguished speakers, practicing managers and faculty researchers participate and deliberate on ideas that have high impact in the society. Some of the events are REDSET, ELIXIR, ICON, ICAP, Media clave, Agora, Code, Ihost, Mootcourt, Speed, Udyami Bazaar etc.
Extra Curricular activities
The university organizes events and activities that fulfill a student’s life on campus and make it memorable. It is also a part of growing up and developing skills, that they will use life long. Acceleron, Sportopia, Reva, Transcend are some of the activities that keep the campus abuzz
Vivekanand Education Society’s College of Law
Gandhinagar, Gujarat
BK School of Business Management
Gandhinagar, Gujarat
Asia-Pacific Institute of Management, New Delhi
Gandhinagar, Gujarat
HL Institute of Commerce
Gandhinagar, Gujarat
S.M. Patel Institute of Commerce
Gandhinagar, Gujarat
K J Somaiya College of Arts and Commerce
Gandhinagar, Gujarat
C & SH Desai Arts and LKL Doshi Commerce College, Kheda
Gandhinagar, Gujarat
B. J. Medical College, Ahmedabad
Gandhinagar, Gujarat
Smt. N.H.L. Municipal Medical College
Gandhinagar, Gujarat
The Gujarat Cancer and Research Institute
Gandhinagar, Gujarat
Swarrnim Startup & Innovation University, Gandhinagar
Gandhinagar, Gujarat
Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University School of Technology, [PDPU SOT] Gandhinagar
Gandhinagar, Gujarat
Pandit Deendayal Energy University, [PDEU] Gandhinagar
Gandhinagar, Gujarat
GNLU Gandhinagar (NLU) - Gujarat National Law University
Gandhinagar, Gujarat