Merit Award :-
A. The college authority propose to offer merit award to students securing Star Marks in H. S. Final Examination and First Class in T.D.C. Part III Examination.
B. The Department of English, Assamese, Economics, Education, Political Science, Bodo, Philosophy, History, Mathematics and Commerce propose to offer merit awards to students securing 80% and above marks in the subject of the concerned Department in H. S. Examination and first class in T.D.C. Final Examination.
C. The Goreswar College Teachers' Unit proposes to confer two merit awards annually to two students of Goreswar College Securing highest marks in H. S. Examination and Degree major Course.
D. Goreswar College Library institutes "The best Library Users Award". This award will be offered by the Library Advisory Committee to the student borrowing largest number of books from the Library and using the Library reading room for the longest period of time during an academic session.
E. UGC Sponsored Scholarship for SC, ST, OBC & Minority students are provide from the college.