Government College of Education,Chandigarh Placement Details

  • Chandigarh , Punjab


  • The student teachers may be placed in various types of schools such as Government, Private, Urban, Rural and Specified category schools (e.g. KVs, JNVs, Sainik schools, meritorious schools).
  • A group of 10 to 12 student teachers will be placed in one school for this purpose. The supervising teacher from the parent institute will orient the Principal and faculty of the school about the whole school observation/experience programme.
  • Efforts shall be made to provide exposure to as many types of schools as possible. A student teacher (or a group of student teachers) needs to visit at least two types of schools: in the first week to one type of school; and in the second week to another type of school.
  • The school teaching practice phase can be divided into two blocks. In the first block of 7 weeks, student teachers may be engaged with students ‘of either Upper Primary or Secondary classes; and in the second block of 7 weeks in reverse order.
  • With the permission of higher authorities (DGSE, DEO and school principals) the convenient small groups of student teachers shall be attached to a school and he/she shall undertake such duties as are assigned to him / her by the Head Master/Principal of the school in all school related activities.
  • During this period, he/she shall teach minimum of 60 lessons in each pedagogic subject under the supervision of the mentor teacher and respective teacher educators


The College Placement cell invites enrollment from all the Teacher Graduates or Post Graduates of the college who are interested in seeking employment in Education sector. It caters primarily to the employment needs of schools, colleges of education and other educational institutions. 

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