ICBM School of Business Excellence has a well equipped Library catering to the needs of students with over 3000 books and journals of leading publishing houses and eminent authors. The reference section of Library has an attached photocopying machine to provide the facilities of photocopying important articles and topics for the students. The Library has an advanced Digital Library section - EBSCO, EMERALD, confirming to the International Standards. ICBM - SBE has tie - up with the world’s biggest online library providing access to more than 400 journals of repute and thousands of books of eminent authors and publishing companies.
ICBM-SBE has well equipped Computer Lab in place. It has the latest server for a 90 Node LAN. The work stations are all latest versions of Computer Systems. The entire campus including the hostels of the college are equipped with wireless LAN making the campus fully Wi-Fi Enabled.
Every classroom at ICBM-SBE is well equipped with audio-visual media like Class Screens, Smart Boards, LCDs, OHPS, Public Address systems, Handycams, Laptops, etc. which makes both teaching and learning a memorable experience.
Centrally Air Conditioned Class Rooms with Public Address Systems and LCD Projectors.
A well equipped indoor sports room and attached Volleyball & mini cricket ground.
Entrance Exams & Admissions : The placements are good. The college has already great records for placements, it's up to students also whether they can crack the interview or not, but faculty members help them.
Entrance Exams & Admissions : The placements are good. The college has already great records for placements, it's up to students also whether they can crack the interview or not, but faculty members help them.
Entrance Exams & Admissions : The infrastructure is nice in ICBM-School of Business Excellence.
Entrance Exams & Admissions : The infrastructure is nice in ICBM-School of Business Excellence.
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Hyderabad, Telangana
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