Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research, [IIOR] Hyderabad Infrastructure Details

  • Hyderabad , Telangana

Infrastructure and facilities Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research, Hyderabad:


  • The IIOR has a full-fledged farm for conducting important experiments and to get accurate results from them.
  • The farms that the IIOR has are -  Rajendranagar farm,  Narkhoda farm,  ICRISAT farm.
  • The farms have the latest facilities and state of the art equipment which helps students in furthering their interests in the field of oilseeds reasarch.

Guest house:

  • The college has a guest house for housing visitors and staff.
  • The guest house rooms have 2 beds.
  • The rooms are fully air conditioned.
  • The guest house also has 2 VIP suites and a staff canteen.

Seminar and Conference Hall:

  • The college has its very own seminar hall with a capacity of 97 people and a dais capacity of 5.
  • The college conference has a conference hall with a capacity of 72 and a dais capacity of 5.
  • The seminar and conference hall can be booked by paying the stipulated fee per day.


  • The college has a museum which was developed in the year 2001.
  • The museum is a large hall which has documented history of the college and other organizations related to it.


  • The College has a state of the art library with over 10,000 books and many national and international journals.
  • The College also subscribes to 74 periodicals including 18 foreign periodicals.
  • It has also has an E-database with many CD-ROMs.
  • The college spends around 1,60,000 INR each year for procurement of new books.
  • The library provides Reference and information services.
  • Data Compilation and Market Intelligence on oilseeds.

List of journals the library subscribes to:

  • Agronomy Journal
  • Crop Science
  • Biological Control
  • International Journal of Pest Management
  • Journal of Invertebrate Pathology
  • Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society
  • Lipid Technology
  • Molecular Breeding
  • Oil World
  • Phytopathology
  • Plant Breeding
  • Plant Cell Reports
  • Pathology
  • Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture
  • The Journal of World Intellectual Property
  • World Patent Information
  • Agricultural Economics Research Review
  • Agricultural & Industry Survey
  • Agricultural Marketing  
  • Agricultural Today  
  • Agricultural Situation in India
  • Andhra Agricultural Journal  
  • Annals of Agricultural Research
  • Annals of Plant Physiology
  • Asian Agri-History                                                
  • Commodity India.Com
  • Current Science
  • FAI Abstract Services
  • Financing Agriculture
  • Haryana Agric. University Journal
  • Indian Farming   
  • Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics  
  • Indian Journal of Agricultural Library & Information Services
  • Indian Journal of Agricultural  Research                            
  • Indian Journal of Agricultural  Sciences  
  • Indian Journal of Agronomy                                       
  • Indian  Journal of Crop Science
  • Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural Research & Development                          
  • Indian Journal of Entomology
  • Indian Journal of Fertilisers
  • Indian Journal of Genetics & Pl. Breeding                              
  • Indian Journal of Mycology & Plant Pathology
  • Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources                       
  • Indian Journal of Plant  Physiology                                                
  • Indian Journal of Plant Protection                                 
  • Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge
  • Indian Journal of Soil Conservation                           
  • Indian Journal of Weed Science                                 
  • Phytopathology                                               
  • IPS News Bulletin    
  • Journal of BioSciences                                              
  • Journal of Cytology and Genetics                                
  • Journal of Indian Society of Soil Science
  • Journal of Intellectual Property Rights
  • Journal of Lipid Science and Technology
  • Journal of Oilseeds Research   
  • Journal of Production Agriculture
  • Karnataka Journal of Agricultural Sciences                             
  • Kheti (Hindi)                                                                    
  • Krishi Chanika (Hindi)                                                     
  • MARGIN : Journal of Applied Economic Research
  • Monthly Review of the Indian Economy: CMIE
  • Mysore Journal of Agricultural  Sciences
  • Pal Phool (Hindi)  
  • Plant Cell Biotechnology & Molecular Biology
  • Resonance
  • SAARC Oils & Fats Today
  • Soybean Research                                      
  • University News                                                               

CD-ROM databases and services:

  • Crop Science Database (CABI)
  • Online Journals through CeRA (Taylor & Francis (1184), CSIRO (8), (91), ScienceDirect (351), SpringerLink (71) and Annual Reviews (22)•  
  • Wilsons Biological Agriculture Index
  • Wilsons Biological Agriculture Index
  • Monthly Statistics of Foreign Trade of India: Exports & Imports (Annual Issues)•    Fertilizer Statistics
  • Fertilizer Statistics
  • Crop Protection Compendium

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