Indian Institute of Pulses Research, Kanpur Infrastructure: Library, Auditorium & Other Facilities

  • Kanpur , Uttar Pradesh
  • Library
  • Auditorium
  • Canteen
  • Sports

IIT Kanpur offers modern amenities to students for a better learning experience. The campus is equipped with a book club, library, computer centre, etc. More details regarding the IIT Kanpur campus are listed below.

Book Club: IIT Kanpur keeps a varied range of books, divided into Fiction, Non-Fiction, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Classics, Poetry, Drama, Collections, Comics, Popular Science, Self-Help, Romance, Biographies, Autobiographies, Bengali, and Hindi, to cater to all preferences.

Computer centre: All facilities, and large clusters of project PIs, office automation servers, telephone exchange, and other institute servers, are housed in five data centres with precise air conditioning. A UPS system and a diesel generator provide 24-hour uninterrupted power to all CC facilities. The entire facility is open 24x7.

Hostel: The IIT Kanpur hostel is exceptional with offices like a TV room, reading room, mess facility, sports amenities like a basketball court, a football field, a badminton court and a volleyball court, a computer centre and a canteen. 

Library: It has an exceptional library having a high transfer speed PC network empowered with getting to the library e-assets nonstop from anywhere. The IIT Kanpur library has an assortment of 274,362 books and 1955 diaries.

Community Centre: The two Community Centres (ComC-1 and ComC-2) are primarily intended to provide a space for leisure amenities such as sports, private ceremonies such as weddings, and social/religious group activities for Institute personnel. The receptions are held on the wedding lawn. Recreational facilities are accessible in rooms 2 and 3 of the two community centres. At the same time, private ceremonies and social, religious gatherings are available in Rooms 4, 5 and 6 and the courtyard and accompanying amenities.

IIT Kanpur Facilities

  • Gliding Club
  • Gymnasium
  • Nursery
  • Swimming Pool
  • Bus Service
  • Lecture Hall
  • Transport Facilities

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