Khandesh College Education Society'S College of Engineering and Management Infrastructure: Library, Hostel, Labs, Gym, Auditorium & Other Facilities

  • Jalgaon , Maharashtra
  • Library
  • Laboratory
  • gym
  • Cafeteria
  • Computer labs
  • Medical Hospital
  • Hostel
  • Auditorium
  • Sports

Facilities :-


K.C.E. Society’s college of education is established in 1965. At that time library was very small unit having 683 books only. Every year books are being added to the library. The college library is supported by UGC grants.

Now the college library has 22685 books including reference books on various subjects. Library has 300 reference books including 35 Encyclopedias. Library is also having collection of books on “Eminent Indian Personalities”.

Library is subscribing 24 Journals on education. Out of those 24 journals. 12 journals are in Marathi. Languages & 12 Journals are in English Languages. Library also subscribes 5 Research journals. Library is having good collection of CD also.

Library is Research centre for the research workers i.e. Ph.D., M.Phil, M.Ed., M.A. [Edu.] Library is having rich, old, important, authentic sources for research workers.

Reading Room facility is also there. Seating capacity of Reading Room is 20 students. In reading Room there is also one cupboard of books which are needed in daily routine work. Those books are provided to the students for reference only. The charge of reading room has given to one ‘Earn & Learn’ student.

Computer Lab

The college has renovated computer Laboratory with internet connection facility. The laboratory has personal computers with the latest configurations especially for the student. The laboratory is looked after by qualified hardware engineer.

Psychology Laboratory

Our college KCES College of education Jalgaon was established in June 1965. This Psychology Laboratory was established from very beginning. The Post Graduate (M.Ed) in education was started in 1970. From the beginning our college had introduced experimental psychology as on optional course i.e. Advanced Ed. Statistics and Experimental Psychology practical in M.Ed. course. Also for that purpose and course 2. Educational Psychological Practical in B.Ed course this psychology laboratory was developed under the proper guidance of Ex. Professor Dr. M.G. Joshi, Dr. M.A. Zambare and Professor Umbadikar.

The main purposes or objectives of this Psychology laboratory are -

  • To enable the student to understand way of conducting psychological experiments.
  • To give practical experiences to B.Ed students teachers in regards to some of the psychological concepts and principles.
  • To enable the B.Ed students to apply scientific method for the solution of psychological problems in psychological laboratory.
  • To give B.Ed students living experience in regard in the conducting of psychological experiences in their class room situation in future.
  • To apply the knowledge of various psychological experiments and tests in school situation.
  • To apply the psychological tests in during research work.

Science Lab

Teaching of science is not like the teaching of other subjects there practical work is necessary we have science laboratory where students can do experiment before going to the school. Experiment brings reality into science classrooms and promotes the development of powers of observation measurement, prediction, interpretation, designing and decision making.

We have most of all equipments and apparatus required for physics, chemistry and biology experiments, before doing various experiments in the school during practice lesson our trainee teachers do these experiments in this laboratory i.e. they take trial in advance so they know about the result of the experiment. Much of our laboratory work is open to all science students due to this pre experimenting student require careful planning students get experience in the laboratory.

Science laboratory is a teacher supervised work-room with facilities for doing practical work. It is a place where students have problem solving experience. Facilities for converting laboratory into a dark room available our laboratory is so designed as teachers enables to have an eye on what is happening in the laboratory. We have enough equipments and materials to allow independent project work.

Our science laboratory provides adequate space for 30 students. It blackboard a bulletin board, display tables audio-visual aids a science library science corner. There is a provision for hanging charts and pitchers. There is a demonstration table. Our laboratory is equipped with sink, water tap it is fixed at the side of students table.

Our laboratory has adequate natural light with good ventilation. When our students work in a laboratory they have many opportunities for understanding apparatus, materials, laboratory procedures, process of measurement, how to arrive at conditions and make generalizations making and testing hypothesis, interpretation of data, process of inquiry and experimentation and the constituents of various skills and they develop their skills related to practical work through laboratory experiences.

Teaching Aid Lab

Introduction: -

Teaching aids plays an important role in the field of education. These teaching aids proper use in education field. The education process is very effective meaningful and interesting this fact is realize in whole world by research. “Student is the center point of education”. The various program of in this field for the personality development of students. So the teaching is effective for teacher to increase the quality in their teachers. These teaching aids improve the education and create the reality of the education. Teaching process is not complete to use of teaching aids.

In the modern age knowledge is expired day being day. This time learning and teaching process very innovative and flexible for understanding. Teaching aids gives direct experience to the students.


Healthy entertainment, Sports, social awareness and fellowship are the basic objectives of Gymkhana which belongs to K.C.E.Society’s College of Education, Jalgaon. For all round development of student teacher gymkhana provides a platform for interaction among students on professional & personal levels. All efforts have been done to provide healthy facilities and sporting spirit through our gymkhana in the college. Some important rules and regulations have been constituted for the student teachers while in gymkhana.

We strongly believe that this gymkhana of college will be useful and of great help to every member. Prof. R.C. Shingane, a lecturer, is an in charge of this gymkhana club from 2001. Hon. Principal Dr. Y.S.Rao and In charge of the gymkhana guide the students for their healthy attitude and develop performances in their respective sports and games. The variety of games and sports are available in the gymkhana such as cricket, football, tennis, badminton, holly ball, basket ball, disc throw, shot put etc. The other indoor games available are chess and carom. Many students have brought laurels to the college and management by winning different games at intercollege and university level.

Earn and Learn Scheme

Our college runs karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Earn and Learn Scheme. The main objective of the scheme is to develop a student as a multifaceted personality with academic excellence and commitment to an egalitarian society. This scheme is basically undertaken for the benefit of students coming from the rural areas that are economically backword, intelligent and meritus but cannot afford higher education, needy and financially hard pressed. It inculcates in the student the idea that no work is big or small and develops a work culture with the right aptitude. This scheme is flexible to give work to those who demand it. This is a vision of keeping our youth gainfully employed as well as to contribute from civil society. This is a paradigm shift in the way we see higher education. This will make higher education accessible and available to the poor, meritorious and the marginalized.

Our college has organized a committee for the selection of proper student for this scheme principle, vice principle, coordinator of the scheme and class teachers of both the division are the constituents of the committee.

This committee securitized the applications and take personal interview of the deserving students and select the students according to the criterion of the university we get hundred percent of the college from the university.

The students enrolled under the scheme are given office work, library work, computer work etc. While distributing the work, it is seen that all students get equal opportunity to get all different kinds of work.

This scheme is at present being undertaken at the post graduate level on the university campus and graduate level in the Affiliated College of the university. Under this scheme those students who are interacted in joining are to fill the necessary application form which is scrutinized by an appropriate committee. The list of students who have been finally enrolled in the scheme are to sent to the Director Dept of students welfare on or before 30 July every year subject to the condition that the college has been given permission to undertake the scheme.

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