Kishore Nagar College Scholarship Details

  • Cuttack , Odisha

Scholarships & Stipends :-

Financial and other aids are available to students from Government and college sources for encouraging and promoting higher education among needy and deserving students. Such aids are noted below for information of the students.      

National Scholarship:

The scheme is sponsored by Govt. of India & administrated by the Director, Higher Education, Odisha. Scholarships are awarded on the results of Annual H.S.C. Examination every year to the top meritorious candidates securing 60% or above marks. The annual income of the parents should not be more than Rs.6000.00.

The scholarships are renewed from year to year subject to achievement of good standard i.e.50% marks in the examination.

National Scholarship for children of Primary & Secondary School Teachers:

The Scheme is sponsored by Government of India and administered by the Director of Higher Education, Odisha. This scholarship is awarded to the children of school teachers securing 60% or above marks in the Annual H.S.C. Examination in order of merit.

National Loan Scholarship:

The Scheme is sponsored by the Government of India and administered by the Director, Higher Education, Odisha. Application for the scholarship can be made by the students of +2 course and +3 course who have passed the last final examination with at least 60% marks in aggregate and the income of whose parents does not exceed Rs.6,000 perannum. This scholarship is renewed from year to year till the completion of the course subject to satisfactory progress and good conduct.

Senior College Merit Scholarship:

These are awarded on the results of Higher Secondary and +2 examinations for a period of three years at the rate of 501- per month. These scholarships are open to students of Arts, Science, Commerce class and are awarded on provincial basis in consideration of merit alone.

Junior College Merit Scholarship:

These are awarded on results on High School Certificate Examination for a period of two years at the rate of 401-per month. These are awarded on provincial basis on merit alone. These are distributed district wise. Students having secured 50% in aggregate in Annual H.S. Examination are eligible to apply.

Post Matric Scholarship to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes for studies in India.

In our state the scholarship is given to S.C. & S.T. students from T.R.W. Department, Govt. of Odisha through the D.W.O.

  • Object:

The object of the scheme is to provide financial assistance to the Scheduled Caste and the Scheduled Tribe students studying at post matriculation or post higher secondary stage so as to enable them to complete their education.             

  • These scholarships are valid for studies in India only and are awarded by the Government of the State Union Territory to which the applicant actually belongs/is permanently settled Stipend for the children of freedom fighters:

Benefits of this scheme are admissible to children, adopted children and step children of freedom fighter/bonafide refugee from Pakistan, Permanent resident in the State of Odisha. Grand children through predeceased sons are also eligible to apply. In these cases a certificate from the Head of the Institution that the name of adopted father has been recognised and entered in the admission register should be enclosed. Intending applicants should submit their application duly filled in form ‘A’ along with a certificate in form ‘B’ certified by M.P.1M.L.A., District Magistrate. The prescribed application form can be had from the office of the D.P.I. (Higher Education) Odisha, Bhubaneswar.

Stipend for physically Handicapped students :

Stipends under the scheme are awarded to the blind, deaf, orthopedically handicapped students. Applications in the prescribed form obtainable from the office of the Collector, Cuttack are to be submitted by the students under this category. The candidates must have secured at least 40% marks in the previous Annual H.S.C. Examination and their age should be between 17-30 years.

Educational concession to the children of ex-service personnel:

This concession is meant only for the children and dependants of ex-service personnel who are permanent resident of Odisha. Book grant of Rs. 40% per annum per student at the Ist. year & IInd. Year & Rs.50/- IIIrd.year is given. The eligible students desirous of availing the grant should apply in the prescribed form together with necessary certificates to that effect from the Secretary.

Educational concession to the children of army personnel:

The concession is meant for the children and dependants of all service personnel belonging to O.S.A.P. Jawan who are in active service. Such students will be awarded book grant and exemption of tuition fees. For such aid the students have to produce a certificate from the commanding officer of the ARMY/NAVY/AIR FORCE/OSAP.

Financial Assistance to meritorious students (Securing Ist. Division in H.S.C. Examination)

A financial assistance of Rs.100/-(One Hundred) only is awarded to the students of the institution who have secured at least 7C% marks in the previous H.S.C. Examination and enjoying free studentship for two consecutive years proceeding to their studies in this college.

Scholarship to students of Non-Hindi Speaking state for post-matric studies in Hindi:

The scholarship is awarded to students studying Hindi in the Non-Hindi speaking states.

Free Studentship:

There are three types of aids available to the students of the college (i)The free studentship and financial help from (a)Social Service Guide and

Students’ Aid Fund:

Free studentship to the extent of 12% of the total number of students are given in form of full or half tuition fees each year. The Principal invites applications for this and interview of applicants is held and decision for award is made on the basis of merit cum poverty. (b) Social Service Guide.


Aids from the Social Service Guide are given as financial help to the needy students. The aim and object of this Social Service Guide is to render social service of any description.

The grant of stipends to the needy and deserving students of the College.

To form a volunteer corps in the area for rendering help to the sick, the destitute and people affected by natural calamities.

To open and encourage night school in the area, and

To educate people and take up public health programmes for the prevention of cholera, pox malaria and such other epidemics.


Each student of the College shall contribute a monthly subscription towards guild fund.

High officials and well-to-do public men are to be occasionally approached to donate to the fund.


i) The Principal as Ex-Officio president has to control the fund of guild.

ii) There should be an executive committee consisting of:

a) The President-Principal(Ex-Officio)

b) Vice-President to be nominated by the Principal from among the members of the Staff.

c) Two members to be nominated by the Principal from among the members of the Staff.

d) Secretary and Assistant Secretary to be elected from among the students.

e) One student representative from each class by election.


i) To convene General Executive meetings of the Guild.

ii) To record proceedings of the meetings.

iii) To prepare with the help of the Vice-President and submit at the general meeting the annual report of the guild along with the accounts of the last year.

iv) To invite applications for help from the students of the college.

v) To organise student volunteers to raise funds for improving the financial position of the Guild. 


He will assist the Secretary in all the above duties and will remain incharge when the secretary is absent and will exercise all powers of the Secretary.

i) Poor and deserving students of the College are to receive help for nine months ordinarily from August to April.

ii) The Secretary shall maintain record of activities of the society in a bound register and hand it over to the office before the session ends.

iii) The Principal shall be the final authority in all matters relating to the guild. 


a) Each student contributes Rs.5/- annually to this fund.

b) The UGC gives aid to this fund annually at times.

c) Aid is given from this fund to meet to following expenses of the deserving poor and meritorious students.

i) Examination Fee

ii) Tuition Fees

iii) Purchase of books

iv) Hostel dues, Clothing and medical expenses in exceptional cases.

(Minimum cash will be paid to students out of this fund only Students must apply in proper form and appear before a selection committee for the award of the aid).

The fund is administered by a Managing Committee consisting of the following:

a) Principal, Ex-Officio Chairman.

b) Chairman free-studentship Committee.

c) Vice-President S.S.G.

d) One Student Representative.

e) in-charge of Students’ Aid Fund as Ex-Officio Member. 


  1. All scholarship and aids are granted subject to satisfactory conduct and diligent studies.
  2. Scholarship may be withdrawn at any time if the progress or conduct of the scholar is unsatisfactory.
  3. No person receiving scholarship shall be permitted to hold any other scholarship wholly, or partly awarded by Government without the special sanction of the Director. Such sanction will be accorded only for very distinguished merit.
  4. Absence without leave for any period up to thirty days at one time will entail loss of scholarship for twice the period of absence.
  5. Absence without leave for more than thirty days at one time will entail forfeiture of the scholarships.
  6. Merit, Poverty and conduct are the criteria for award of financial

Kishore Nagar College Scholarship Details

Gender Muslim OBC SC All
Male 3 19 54 76
Female 6 35 71 112

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