Maharshi Valmiki College of Education Infrastructure: Library, Gym, Auditorium, Cafeteria & Other Facilities

  • Delhi , Delhi NCR
  • Computer labs
  • Sports
  • Medical Hospital
  • Cafeteria
  • Library
  • Auditorium
  • gym

Facilities :-


The Library holds a central position in Maharshi Valmiki College of Education. It delivers standard library and information services to meet the needs of both the faculty and the students. It provides academic ambience to the college for fostering the growth of new ideas and research as the needed backdrop for preparing good teachers.
The Library has an excellent collection of books and non-book material in Philosophy of Education, Educational Psychology, History of Education, Pedagogy coursesbesides having a good collection of documents, reports and reading material on host of other areas.There is a separate collection of Reference Books, Pamphlets, and Bound volumes of Journals, Audio Cassettes, Compact Discs and Braille books. The library also has a good collection of Hindi medium books for students choosing Hindi as their medium of instruction, besides having the same for Pedagogy of Punjabi & Urdu.

Computer Lab

ICT Resource Centre/Computer Lab is one of the major focal labs of the college. ICT, Computer Lab and ET facilities have been integrated in the college where learners are not only encouraged to acquire basic skills but also motivated to use the same extensively during the B.Ed. programme. The use of ICT is promoted in lesson planning and delivery. The students are motivated to conceptualize and develop ICT related instructional material for the enrichment of their teaching. Besides, the students are encouraged to develop interactive power-point presentations and AVs for their school experience program.

Psychology Lab

The Psychology Laboratory at the College thus plays an important role in ensuring the development of comprehensive understanding of tasks and responsibilities for the

prospective teachers/educators. The lab has over 130 tests and apparatus/equipment for testing and assessing various aspects considered to be meaningful in achieving requisite assessment of these dimensions. The student–teachers are encouraged to enhance their awareness about the different aspects mentioned and use their understanding to develop and consolidate the dynamic “profiles” that emerge about the school children, the schools and themselves. The lab also has in store some of the good reports that were submitted by the B.Ed. students of the previous years.

Science Lab

The college is well equipped with different laboratories namely Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Educational Technology for use of students under the supervision of respective teachers. The College has received full assistance from Delhi University for computer networking and a computer centre is functional. There is a provision for crafts room. Students are required to make a adequate a proper use of these facilities. Certain rules for use of laboratories are to be followed:

  • To respect all materials of the laboratories and take special care of apparatus/equipments.
  • To remain silent and focused while working in labs.
  • All necessary precautions should be taken by sing burner, electric points and gas.

Laboratories are meant to be learning spaces. No student can use the lab or computer centre in the absence of teacher incharge.

Medical Room & Physical Fitness Equipment

The College has a small medical roomwhere first-aid material is available. In case of emergency, due help can be soughtfrom the medical practitioners around. Physical Fitness Equipment is available to thestudents during the college hours. 

Multipurpose Hall

With a capacity to accommodate about 200 persons, the fully air-conditioned multipurpose hall is equipped with a mounted LCD projector, supportingcomputer terminal and the amplifying system. The hall witnesses walls narrating thestudents’ sensitivity to art and painting through their creative works. The hall is regularlyused for morning assemblies, special functions and cultural activities throughout the year. It also serves as a venue for holding various seminars and symposia for the benefitof students. 

Seminar Room

The seminar room with a seating capacity of nearly 100 persons is usedfor holding small group seminars and discussions. The seminar room is air-conditionedand appropriately furnished; and is also used for organizing student exhibitions and work sessions. The seminar room is also used asan extended class room when there arises need to hold joint sessions. Portable LCD and other IT equipment can beused for making presentations etc. in the seminar room. 

Class Rooms:

Besides a number of small rooms that are used for small groupinteractions, the college has 10 big classrooms each with a capacity to accommodate 40-50 learners. All the class rooms have basic furniture needed for the purpose.LCD, OHP etc. can be requisitioned from the ICT/ET lab in theclass rooms as and when needed. 

Common Rooms

There are different common rooms for male and female students in thecollege. Students are provided with their small individual lockers for keeping theirbelongings under lock and key.

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