Osmania University
Hyderabad, Telangana
IFHE Hyderabad - ICFAI Foundation For Higher Education
University of Hyderabad, [UH] Hyderabad
Dr B R Ambedkar Open University, [BRAOU] Hyderabad
ICFAI Business School (IBS), Hyderabad
GITAM School of Technology, Hyderabad
St. Francis College for Women
St Josephs Degree & PG College, Hyderabad
Villa Marie College for women
A.V. College of Arts, Science and Commerce
Indian School of Business, Hyderabad
Vignan's Institute of Management and Technology for Women (VMTW)
Vignan Institute of Technology and Science
Shankerlal Dhanraj Signodia College of Arts & Commerce, [SDSCAC] Hyderabad
Vivekananda College of Law
Vidya Vikas Law School, Mysore
Vaikunta Baliga College of Law
Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Law College, Mangalore
HKE Society's Seth Shankarlal Lahoti Law College
Seshadripuram Law College
S.B.R.R. Mahajan Law College
Sarvodaya Law College
Panchami College of Law, Bangalore
K.L.E. Society's Law College, Bangalore