Modern College of Education,Sunam Infrastructure: Library, Hostel, Labs, Gym, Auditorium & Other Facilities

  • Sangrur , Punjab
  • Computer labs
  • Medical Hospital
  • Cafeteria
  • Laboratory
  • Library
  • Hostel
  • Auditorium
  • Sports
  • gym

Facilities :-

Transport Facility

As the students come from the surrounding areas, for the purpose, the college owns buses to provide transport facility to the students .

Mess & Canteen

The college catering staff is noted for all the variety they offer in Menu. There are choices of dishes and salads daily, diets etc.


The library of the college is well furnished and has a collection of 3500 books on almost every subject including some rare reference books with 100 students sitting capacity. Through its collection provides high quality services to the students and faculty members for fulfilling the institute mission of being a center of excellence. The library subscribes to national and international journals, business & computer magazines, newspapers etc.

Science Lab

The science lab of the college is equipped with full apparatus to perform Physics, Chemistry and Biology practicals.

Language Lab

The college has ultra-modern Language Lab equipped with language lab equipments and audio-video listening and recording system to make the pupil well acquitted with well versed in the all-round use of language, the very foundation of a well developed and well adjusted personality.

Education Technology Lab

College’s Education Technology Lab is ready to use with latest computers with internet facility. Slide projectors, LCD projectors, VCR, Television & other technology is on disposal of the students to experience with them.

Games & Sports

Aesthetically laid lawns with ornamental trees and spacious play grounds add to the picturesque beauty of the college.

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