Pavendar Bharathidasan College of Arts and Science, [PBCAS] Thiruchirapalli Infrastructure: Library, Labs, Auditorium, Cafeteria & Other Facilities

  • Tiruchirappalli , Tamil Nadu
  • Computer labs
  • Sports
  • Medical Hospital
  • Cafeteria
  • Laboratory
  • Library
  • Auditorium

The institute has state of the art infrastructure with all modern facilities.

Laboratory Facilities

Bio-Chemistry Lab equipped with sophisticated equipments that includes centrifuge, incubator, Refrigerator,Shaker, Waterbath, Plant growth chamber, Electrophoresis equipment, Colorimeter, Hot-air oven, Distillation apparatus,Chemical balance, electronic balance, light microscope, Hot plate and muffle furnace. Highly purified Reagents are used for Bio-chemical research and analysis. The LR Products are conforming to the standard quality for general laboratory work. The AR Products are conforming to the highest standards for analytical and research work. They are free from inhibitors such as traces of heavy metals and tested with a view for Biochemical work.

Academic Excellence  
The academic accolades of the students in the University examinations made the institution stand tall for it has to its credit a large number of rank holders spread over the disciplines of Bio-chemistry, Industrial Electronics by Mini - Adblocker" href=""> and Hotel Management.
Sports & Games
Sports and Games are the safety valve for the Youth’s unchannelled energy. Having realized its importance in the academic arena the management has provided the students with all facilities required towards promotion of sports activities within the campus and constantly encouraged their participation in various competitions.

the students have represented the university cricket team. To groom our students as selfless service – minded youth of future India various developmental activities are organized. N.S.S. and Youth Red Cross are functioning effectively. Further the department associations activities contributes towards the building of expertise in students.

Thus the college is scaling rapidly to the heights of glory to remain as a distinct institution. Strengthened by God’s ever abiding presence we shall awake into a new horizon with courage confidence and conviction.

Pavendar Bharathidasan College of Arts and Science, [PBCAS] Thiruchirapalli Hostel Details

Hostel Details Number of Hostel Intake capacity Number of Student Residing
Boys Hostel NA 250 25
Girls Hostel NA 250 50

Pavendar Bharathidasan College of Arts and Science, [PBCAS] Thiruchirapalli Reviews

Apmmedalinjensiya Batch 2020 M.Sc [Master of Science]
Reviewed on Dec 02, 2020

Entrance Exams & Admissions : I completed B.SC Biochemistry, my cutoff for this course was 76.5.

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