RIT Kottayam KEAM Cutoff 2024 (Expected), 2023, 2022, 2021


Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology cutoff 2024 will be published soon. The expected Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology KEAM cutoff 2024 for the B.Tech courses will range between  3325th to 44660th rank for B.Tech Civil Engineering and 2080th to 41285th rank for B.Tech Computer Science Engineering course. 

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology offers admission to UG, PG, and Doctoral courses in Engineering and Management, The Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology admissions are based on KEAM, NATA, and GATE scores.

Final seat allotment is based on the Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology cutoff criteria. The RIT Kottayam cutoff details for B.Tech and B.Arch courses from 2024 to 2019 are mentioned below:

Table of Contents

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology Cutoff 2024 (Expected)

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Kottayam offers B.Tech, BArch, MTech, and MCA courses. Admissions are based on scores in the entrance exams such as KEAM. The Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology cutoff 2024 will be released soon. A detailed account of the expected Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology cutoff 2024 is given below:

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology B.Tech KEAM Cutoff 2024 (Expected)

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology B.Tech KEAM cutoff 2024 will be published soon. As per the previous year's data, the expected Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology cutoff 2024 will be between 3325th to 44660th rank for B.Tech Civil Engineering. For B.Tech CSE the cutoff will range between 2080th to 41285th rank and the B.Tech EEE cutoff will range between 1110th to 35725th rank.

The other specialization-wise expected Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology KEAM cutoff 2024 for BTech courses across different categories is mentioned below:

B.Tech Specialization Expected Cutoff
Civil Engineering 3325-44660
Computer Science Engineering (CSE) 2080-41285
Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) 1110-35725
Electronics and Communication Engineering 4185-13180
Mechanical Engineering 12705-43755
Robotics and Artificial Engineering 5675-45940

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology B.Arch KEAM Cutoff 2024 (Expected)

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology B.Arch KEAM cutoff 2024 will be released soon. Based on the previous year's data, the SM category cutoff will be between 145th to 155th rank, the EW category cutoff will be released between 1375th to 1385th rank, the MU category cutoff was released between 235th to 245th rank, and the SC category cutoff will range between 1345th to 1355th rank. 

The other category-wise expected RIT Kottayam B.Arch cutoff 2024 are given below:

Category Cutoff Rank
SM 145-155
EW 1375-1385
EZ 290-300
MU 235-245
BH 370-385
LA 1440-1450
DV 1210-1220
VK 195-205
SC 1345-1355

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology Cutoff 2023

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology cutoff 2023 has been released. The cutoff for the B.Tech and B.Arch courses was based on the KEAM scores. The cutoffs were released across multiple rounds. A detailed account of the opening and closing ranks of the Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology cutoff 2023 is given below:

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology B.Tech KEAM Cutoff 2023

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology B.Tech KEAM cutoff 2023 has been released for all specializations. For the B.Tech Computer Science Engineering course the SM category cutoff was between 2085th to 2045th rank, the MU category cutoff was between 2604th to 2937th rank, the SC category cutoff was between 13529th 14472nd rank and the ST category cutoff stood between 28177th 41280th rank.

The other specialization-wise RIT Kottayam KEAM cutoff 2023 for B.Tech courses is given below:

Civil Engineering

Category Opening Rank Closing Rank
SM 3327 14139
EW 5197 24229
EZ 4193 19206
MU 4031 18720
BH 4290 19140
LA 7343 28804
VK 4765 19715
BX 6869 15634
KN 22313 22313
SC 14947 36938
ST 41280 44655

Computer Science Engineering

Category Opening Rank Closing Rank
SM 2085 2545
EW 2943 3349
EZ 2364 3003
MU 2604 2937
BH 2344 3216
LA 3793 4564
DV 10448 10448
VK 2296 2756
BX 6522 6869
KU 17942 17942
KN 16224 17759
SC 13529 14472
ST 28177 41280

Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Category Opening Rank Closing Rank
SM 8253 8253
EW 10249 10249
EZ 10329 10329
MU 9499 9499
BH 1117 1117
LA 18121 18121
DV 23588 23588
VK 9179 9179
BX 22299 22299
KU 30788 30788
KN 34119 34119
SC 35720 35720

Electronics and Communication Engineering

Category Opening Rank Closing Rank
SM 4192 4784
EW 6125 6154
EZ 4599 5562
MU 4686 5794
BH 4807 6298
LA 9386 9866
DV 13176 13176
VK 4431 5052
SC 28406 34767

Mechanical Engineering

Category Opening Rank Closing Rank
SM 12710 15524
EW 18771 20448
EZ 14835 18343
MU 15112 17174
BH 14873 17835
LA 19462 24693
DV 43469 43469
VK 15050 17539
KN 29208 43585
SC 40191 43750

Robotics and Artificial Engineering

Category Opening Rank Closing Rank
SM 5678 6289
EW 8992 11994
EZ 6838 8245
MU 6539 6766
DV 27310 27310
VK 7858 15050
BX 9781 29781
SC 31641 31641
ST 45935 45935

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology B.Arch KEAM Cutoff 2023

As per the RIT Kottayam KEAM cutoff for the B.Arch course, the SM category cutoff was between 150th rank, the MU category cutoff was between 240th rank, the LA category cutoff was between 1446th rank and the SC category cutoff was between 1349th rank. The other RIT Kottayam BArch cutoff 2023 are mentioned below:

Category Cutoff Rank
SM 150
EW 1381
EZ 295
MU 240
BH 378
LA 1446
DV 1212
VK 199
SC 1349

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology Cutoff 2022

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology cutoff 2022 has been released. The cutoff for the B.Tech and B.Arch courses was based on the KEAM scores. The cutoffs were released across multiple rounds. A detailed account of the opening and closing ranks of the Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology cutoff 2022 is given below:

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology B.Tech KEAM Cutoff 2022

RIT Kottayam B.Tech KEAM cutoff 2022 has been released. For the B.Tech Civil Engineering course the SM category cutoff was between 7969th to 15352nd rank, the MU category cutoff stood between 8727th to 24807th rank, the SC category cutoff was between 31165th to 37592nd rank and the ST category cutoff was 48552nd rank. 

The other specialization-wise Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology KEAM cutoff 2023 for different categories are mentioned below:

Civil Engineering

Category Opening Rank Closing Rank
SM 7969 15352
EW 11927 28497
EZ 9234 22504
MU 8727 24807
BH 10197 22855
LA 9978 23220
DV 20120 20120
VK 9644 25748
BX 10424 23691
KU 17198 24237
KN 29090 35499
SC 31165 37592
ST 48552 48552

Computer Science Engineering

Category Opening Rank Closing Rank
SM 1228 2641
EW 2140 4272
EZ 1629 3187
MU 1546 3429
BH 1551 3301
LA 4004 5026
DV 5034 5034
VK 1350 3066
BX 5587 9793
KU 6344 10350
KN 8501 19346
SC 11709 19977
ST 29044 39008

Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Category Opening Rank Closing Rank
SM 12765 12765
EW 18463 18463
EZ 16800 16800
MU 14775 14775
BH 18281 18281
LA 20240 20240
DV 28298 28298
VK 16856 16856
SC 57784 57784
ST 47940 47940

Electronics and Communication Engineering

Category Opening Rank Closing Rank
SM 3120 6175
EW 3836 8125
EZ 3939 7412
MU 3680 7842
BH 3943 6331
LA 5741 11602
DV 20374 29978
VK 4245 8690
BX 10305 10305
KU 15122 25960
KN 19346 23544
SC 24868 52453

Mechanical Engineering

Category Opening Rank Closing Rank
SM 9205 24229
EW 15541 35126
EZ 11698 31336
MU 11288 28871
BH 11754 33005
LA 16828 52163
DV 21031  
VK 9455 35025
SC 48348 56420

Robotics and Artificial Engineering

Category Opening Rank Closing Rank
SM 2731 2731
EW 6197 6197
EZ 3469 3469
MU 3796 3796
BH 2798 2798
LA 6280 6280
DV 24255 24255
VK 6278 6278
BX 13643 13643
SC 13982 13982
ST 40939 40939

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology B.Arch KEAM Cutoff 2022

As per the RIT Kottayam KEAM cutoff for the B.Arch course, the SM category cutoff was between 138th to 214th rank, the MU category cutoff was between 354th to 543rd rank, the LA category cutoff was between 657th to 796th rank and the SC category cutoff was between 291st to 472nd rank. The other RIT Kottayam BArch cutoffs from 2022 are mentioned below:

Category Opening Rank Closing Rank
SM 138 214
EZ 827 877
MU 354 543
BH 211 288
LA 657 796
DV 290 548
VK 978 1243
SC 291 472

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology Cutoff 2021

RIT Kottayam cutoff 2021 has been released for all the KEAM scores accepting courses. The cutoff was released across three rounds for all categories accepted at the institute. More details about the opening and closing ranks of the Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology cutoff 2021 are given below:

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology B.Tech KEAM Cutoff 2021

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology KEAM cutoff 2021 has been released for all B.Tech courses. For the B.Tech Mechanical Engineering course the SM category cutoff was 11020th rank. For the MU and SC categories, the cutoff was 13478th rank and 44473rd rank respectively. More details about the specialization-wise RIT Kottayam KEAM cutoff 2021 are mentioned below:

Civil Engineering

Category Opening Rank Closing Rank
SM 4981 8823
EW 8806 15351
EZ 5716 11346
MU 5292 11674
BH 6013 14724
LA 10698 12670
DV 18932 34228
VK 5333 8896
SC 21438 31593
ST 28439 28439

Computer Science Engineering

Category Opening Rank Closing Rank
SM 1000 2019
EW 1958 3873
EZ 1536 2999
MU 1299 2280
BH 1494 2570
LA 1782 3649
DV 5339 6331
VK 1120 2823
KN 9962 9962
SC 12300 26795
ST 37505 47203

Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Category Opening Rank Closing Rank
SM 4331 8045
EW 7978 17445
EZ 5037 11830
MU 4836 9169
BH 5053 12806
LA 8938 22091
DV 22801 22801
VK 5302 8794
BX 21116 21116
KU 32421 32421
KN 22360 22360
SC 22916 45676
ST 17907 17907

Electronics and Communication Engineering

Category Opening Rank Closing Rank
SM 2390 4721
EW 4686 11731
EZ 3681 6575
MU 3061 6979
BH 2904 5053
LA 5512 9966
DV 11345 11345
VK 3577 7351
SC 27034 46077

Mechanical Engineering

Category Opening Rank Closing Rank
SM 11020 11020
EW 19576 19576
EZ 13122 13122
MU 13478 13478
BH 14834 14834
LA 21664 21664
DV 46104 46104
VK 12902 12902
SC 44473 44473
ST 47267 47267

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology B.Arch KEAM Cutoff 2021

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology B.Arch KEAM cutoff 2021 has been released. For the SM category, the cutoff was between 142nd to 196th rank, the EZ category cutoff was between 247th to 307th rank, the MU category cutoff was between 244th to 360th rank and the SC category cutoff was between 1534th to 2128th rank. More details about the RIT Kottayam KEAM cutoff for B.Arch course are given below:

Category Opening Rank Closing Rank
SM 126 179
EW 832 923
EZ 283 340
MU 196 301
BH 387 806
LA 833 1039
DV 1672 2415
VK 466 466
BX 271 1915
KN 1371 1371
SC 1700 2752

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology Cutoff 2020

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology cutoff 2020 has been released for the Engineering and Architecture courses. The cutoff was based on the KEAM scores and was released separately for each category and specialization. More details about the RIT Kottayam cutoff are mentioned below:

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology B.Tech KEAM Cutoff 2020

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology KEAM cutoff 2020 has been released for the B.Tech courses. For the B.Tech Civil Engineering course the SM category cutoff was between 4471st to 8543rd rank, the MU category cutoff was between 4908th to 10195th rank, the SC category cutoff was between 20285th to 33520th rank and the ST category cutoff was between 27921st to 52474th rank.

The other specialization-wise Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology B.Tech KEAM cutoff 2020 are mentioned below:

Civil Engineering

Category Opening Rank Closing Rank
SM 4471 8543
EZ 5018 9920
MU 4908 10195
BH 5364 11319
LA 6222 10373
DV 12816 12816
VK 5071 9259
BX 9851 9851
SC 20285 33520
ST 27921 52474

Computer Science Engineering

Category Opening Rank Closing Rank
SM 1082 2554
EZ 1393 2985
MU 1280 2768
BH 1760 3691
LA 2640 7018
DV 5579 14641
VK 1509 2971
SC 14060 29494
ST 36475 51327

Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Category Opening Rank Closing Rank
SM 3346 8009
EZ 3653 9302
MU 4455 9963
BH 3903 11236
LA 6408 14984
DV 10131 26586
VK 4525 10719
BX 10413 22602
KU 21258 50654
KN 36023 -
SC 28109 40807
ST 39321 39321

Electronics and Communication Engineering

Category Opening Rank Closing Rank
SM 2332 4819
EZ 3036 5859
MU 2995 7320
BH 2367 7760
LA 4810 7855
DV 14641 35776
VK 2971 7501
BX 9851 11194
KU 13540 13540
KN 46145 46145
SC 27202 47073
ST 47409 47409

Mechanical Engineering

Category Opening Rank Closing Rank
SM 3567 9301
EZ 4128 10936
MU 4832 9710
BH 4843 13628
LA 8689 22374
DV 17409 20584
VK 6272 12274
SC 29862 52973

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology B.Arch KEAM Cutoff 2020

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology B.Arch KEAM cutoff 2020 has been released. For the SM category the cutoff was 163rd rank, the EZ category cutoff was 401st rank, the SC category cutoff was 1737th rank and the MU category cutoff was 244th rank. The other RIT Kottayam KEAM cutoff 2020 for the BArch course are mentioned below:

Category Opening Rank Closing Rank
SM 163 163
EZ 401 401
MU 244 244
BH 254 254
LA 876 876
BX 1320 1320
KU 3319 3319
KN 2134 2134
SC 1737 1737

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology Cutoff 2019

RIT Kottayam cutoff 2019 has been released based on the KEAM scores. The cutoff was released separately for each course and specialization across three rounds. More details about the Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology cutoff 2019 are mentioned below:

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology B.Tech KEAM Cutoff 2019

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology KEAM cutoff 2020 has been released for the B.Tech courses. For the B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering course the SM category cutoff was between 1346th to 2420th rank, the MU category cutoff was between 1606th to 2946th rank, the SC category cutoff stood between 14908th to 30577th rank and the ST category cutoff was between 13058th to 41907th rank.

The other Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology B.Tech KEAM cutoff 2020 are tabulated below:

Civil Engineering

Category Opening Rank Closing Rank
SM 4210 6773
EZ 4469 7742
MU 4518 8551
BH 4735 10043
LA 6878 18779
DV 14839 17905
VK 5180 8673
KN 19133 30355
SC 20531 28950
ST 25053 25053

Computer Science Engineering

Category Opening Rank Closing Rank
SM 1346 2420
EZ 1900 3771
MU 1606 2946
BH 2070 4293
LA 3315 4893
DV 5628 5773
VK 2201 6197
SC 14908 30577
ST 13058 41907

Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Category Opening Rank Closing Rank
SM 3747 7094
EZ 4402 7902
MU 4229 9859
BH 4060 7469
LA 6927 21972
DV 12347 8232
VK 3836 19271
BX 19271 41396
KU 29022 25464
KN 25464 25464
SC 23256 41779
ST 34263 34263

Electronics and Communication Engineering

Category Opening Rank Closing Rank
SM 2749 5496
EZ 3837 7339
MU 3961 8119
BH 3681 8461
LA 5610 8579
DV 11693 37088
VK 3708 8075
BX 13046 15780
KU 23350 32636
SC 26519 40465
ST 37924 37924

Mechanical Engineering

Category Opening Rank Closing Rank
SM 3000 5777
EZ 3276 7354
MU 4123 7488
BH 5816 7080
LA 7435 10231
DV 7200 16579
VK 5351 8974
BX 8096 8096
SC 20155 34573



Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology B.Arch KEAM Cutoff 2019

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology B.Arch KEAM cutoff 2019 has been released. For the SM category, the cutoff was between 142nd to 196th rank, the EZ category cutoff was between 247th to 307th rank, the MU category cutoff was between 244th to 360th rank and the SC category cutoff was between 1534th to 2128th rank. More details about the RIT Kottayam KEAM cutoff 2019 for B.Arch course are given below:

Category Opening Rank Closing Rank
SM 142 196
EZ 247 307
MU 244 360
BH 320 701
LA 696 696
DV 458 1314
VK 239 347
SC 1534 2128

FAQs on Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Kerala Cutoff

Q: What is the Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology KEAM cutoff 2024 for B.Tech?

Q: Which entrance exams are accepted by Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology?

Q: What factors determine the Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology cutoff 2024?

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Kerala Reviews

Overall Rating



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>4-5 star


>3-4 star


>2-3 star


1-2 star


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Shamna K Batch 2021 BTech Mechanical Engineering
Reviewed on Jun 16, 2019
3.5 Placements
3.5 Fees
4 Academics
4 Infrastructure
4 Campus

Academics & Faculty : 9 am- 4pm class time, projects submission on last semester,2 assignments are mandatory as per the University rule Good quality education is provided here Best campus community, atmosphere

Entrance Exams & Admissions : The student should acquire

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Amina Km Batch 2019 M.Tech [Master of Technology]
Reviewed on Apr 24, 2019
2.5 Placements

Entrance Exams & Admissions : B.Tech in any branch with 60% cut off Spot admission using Director of Technical Education site

Placements & Internships : Internships in any industry. Lots of IT companies, Manufacturing, Finance, Marketing, Sales hire from our campus

Jamshiya Kc Batch 2020 M.Tech [Master of Technology]
Reviewed on Apr 24, 2019

Entrance Exams & Admissions : Applied to DTE. I ranked based on my CGPA secured for my BTech graduation. Chose my options based on my likes. Got based on ranking.

Muktha Rose Gimmy Batch 2019 B.Tech [Bachelor of Technology]
Reviewed on Apr 24, 2019
2.5 Placements
2.5 Fees

Entrance Exams & Admissions : The admissions were based on B-Tech scores and GATE score.Later,kerala educational teams made a rank out of it.Based on those ranks,colleges and courses were chosen.

Placements & Internships : All internships were done as per student interest

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Aashly V S Batch 2019 M.Tech [Master of Technology]
Reviewed on Apr 20, 2019
4 Placements
4.5 Fees
5 Academics
4.5 Infrastructure
5 Campus

Academics & Faculty : Class timings, projects, exams, and assignments are as per timing. The great achievement of college is our faculties. Well experienced teachers and we are lucky to get guidance from them. Very Good quality of teaching. Overall experience is

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