Shaheed Udham Singh College of Research and Technology, [SUSCRT] Mohali Infrastructure: Library, Hostel, Labs, Gym, Auditorium & Other Facilities

  • Mohali , Punjab
  • Library
  • Laboratory
  • gym
  • Sports
  • Auditorium
  • Cafeteria
  • Computer labs
  • Medical Hospital
  • Hostel

Infrastructure :-


Hostel life is an integral part of the campus experiences at SUSCET. It seeks to create the kind of atmosphere in which students grow and develop both intellectually and socially. It gives our students opportunities to confront issues that are of importance in their lives as also in society, making the hostels much more than a place to eat, sleep and do laundry, a home away from home, a place with which a lot of emotions are attached.

Computer Centre

The Computer Centre is housed in a state-of-the-art infrastructure with over 400 personal computers connected to the Internet. It has 14 fully air conditioned and well equipped Laboratories. Each lab is equipped with 25 systems. There are two additional laboratories, each with 20 systems, one exclusively for the faculty and other dedicated to students for project and Research & Development work. Internet access is provided through optical fiber. The college is using internet bandwidth of 18 Mbps from Reliance India. The computer centre infrastructure consists of 4 blade server of IBM and 2 desktop servers of IBM, computers complemented by some latest software(Microsoft Campus Agreement). The computer centre is equipped with 180 KVA, APC Ups to provide uninterrupted computing environment to the students and faculty. The centre has a departmental library, which has important text books,conference proceedings and major Project reports of the previous batches.

Webinar Hall

SUS Group of Institutions has a webinar hall with an active internet connection where web based seminars are conducted using multiple online tools and methods.


This laboratory has been set up in the college for encouraging the students to learn and use Free and open-source softwares (F/OSS, FOSS). The laboratory is equipped with Pentium Dual Core E 6700/ 3.2 GHz computers with fast speed Internet connectivity. FOSS workshop is conducted for faculty and students to learn Open Source Softwares like Linux, LaTex, PHP & My SQL, Scilab, Python under 'National Mission on Education through ICT - Spoken Tutorial Project' of IIT Mumbai. On successful completion of the workshop, the participant qualifies to appear for an Online Examination conducted in the college by IIT Bombay. On qualifying this examination, the candidate gets Spoken Tutorial and Certificate from IIT Bombay.


The SUSGOI is in the process of establishing IBM centre of excellence, in which various sofwares of IBM will be made available to the faculty, students and also to the adjoining industry for the R&D. The learning resources and downloads from the IBM website would provide the roadmap for the student to join the Developer Works Community of IBM.The key objective of this laboratory will be to empower the students to be part of IBM SmartCamp Community.

Sports Ground

SUSGOI has developed a good infrastructure for outdoor & indoor games and skinware.


The most important component of any educational institution, especially a technical education institution is its laboratories and workshops. We take pride in equipping our spacious laboratories and workshops with the most modern and state of the art machinery and equipment.


A fleet of 28 buses is available for commuting the students from Chandigarh, Mohali, Panchkula, Ropar, Patiala and Ambala to the college and back on co-operative payment basis. In addition, a staff bus, an ambulance and a mini bus are available full time in the campus.

Medical Facilities

Adequate healthcare facilities are provided in-house for hostellers, day boarders, faculty and staff. A qualified doctor and paramedic staff are available on campus to look after the minor ailments of faculty, staff and students. Medicines are given free of cost. The doctor holds routine checkup of students and faculty and counsels them on preventive and therapeutic measures regarding common diseases. An ambulance is stationed at the campus 24×7 to meet with any medical exigency.

The college has tied up with a multi specialty hospital at Banur, which provides state of the art primary and tertiary health care facilities. Besides this, the college also liased with one hospital in Mohali(on retainer-ship basis) to deal with any medical emergency.


SUSGOI  adopts special measures to ensure that the students are provided with healthy and hygienic food. There are about 2 cafeterias in different blocks of the campus. The cafeterias and other eateries are functioning based on the 'Pay as you eat concept’. Campus provides a student with all the amenities and facilities to enjoy the metro lifestyle right within the campus.

Gymnasium & Health Club

A well equipped Air-conditioned gym in the Campus hostel having latest instruments and machines has ensured better fitness and health facilities for the students, faculty and staff members of SUSGOI. Instructors and trainers are available throughout the day to train the gym enthusiasts.


The ATM of the SBOB is in-housed in the premises of the building which provides round the clock ATM facility in the campus. This facility can be availed by the students and staff of the college.

Convenience Stores

For the benefit of students a convenience store has been set up in the campus where the students can purchase:

  • Stationary items.
  • Take photostat,lamination,print-outs.
  • Buy mobile recharge coupons etc.
  • Purchase candies, chocolates etc.

Shaheed Udham Singh College of Research and Technology, [SUSCRT] Mohali Hostel Details

Hostel Details Number of Hostel Intake capacity Number of Student Residing
Boys Hostel NA 485 450
Girls Hostel NA 630 515

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