Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapith Scholarship Details

  • Delhi , Delhi NCR

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  • 01 March 2025 :

    CUET UG 2025 official notification is out. The exam is expected to be commenced from May 8 - Jun 1, 2025.

To promote the students for learning Sanskrit education in Ancient ways is the main aim of awarding scholarship to the students studying in this Vidyapeeth.
Eligibility for Scholarship
  * To be eligible for scholarship in Shastri, Shastri (Sammanit) Classes, 40% marks in last passed examination is compulsory. The same rule will also be applicable on the 2nd and 3rd year students of Shastri and Acharya.
  * To be eligible for scholarship in Sikshya Shastri, 45% marks in last passed examination is compulsory. 80% of Scholarships will be given to ancient learning type students and 20% of Scholarships will be given to modern learning students. Reserved category students will be included in respective categories of studies/ learning.
  * To be eligible for Scholarship in Sikshyacharya class minimum of 50% of marks in last passed examination is required.
  * Scholarship will be approved on the basis of seniority. As per reservation rules prescribed for Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Blind and Handicapped students scholarships will be awarded to them in each class as per percentage/limits fixed. But they are otherwise required to secure the requisite prescribed percentage of marks to be eligible for scholarship. As 40% for Shastri and Acharya and 45% and 50% in Sikshya Shastri and Sikshya Acharya respectively are the requisite percentage of marks.
  * For admitted students of Vidya Varidhi Scholarship will be given subjectwise on the basis of seniority which will be decided by Research Scholarship Committee
  * The students who have been approved for Scholarship for the 1st year of the curriculum will be given priority in the subsequent year(s) provided the obtain the requisite percentage of marks otherwise required for consideration of Scholarship. Accordingly they have to secure minimum of 40% marks in subsequent exams but as per rule they will also apply for it afresh.
  * If scholarships are not adequate the students may be awarded scholarship in 2nd or/and 3rd year of the curriculum those who have not get scholarship in the 1st year.
  * Approval for awarding scholarship to the students will be on the basis of marks secured by them in the succeeding examination and on the basis of their qualification and with the recommendation of the scholarship committee.
  * Generally there is no permission for acharya degree in two subjects of this Vidyapeeth. But as special cases in worth subjects like Prachin Nyaya, Nabya Nyaya, and Adaitavedanta acharya in a second subject may be permitted and in such cases the students will also be approved for scholarship as usual provided they are otherwise eligible.
  * Due to whatsoever reason thereof if scholarship has been withdrawn or withheld approval of the Vice chancellor is required to get it operated.
Number of Scholarships
If a course occurs and as per budget provision the following are the number of scholarships awarded in different courses
Shastri (B.A.) and
Shastri Sammanit (B.A Hons.)
75 Students and 75 scholarships per year
Sikshya Shastri (B.Ed.) 180 Students and 60 Scholarships
Acharya (M.A.) 15 students each year in each subject and
15 scholarships each year in each subject
Sikshyacharya (M.Ed.) 10 Students and 10 Scholarships
Vidya Varidhi (Ph.D.) 20 Scholarships
In Vidya Varidhi one scholarship in each subject will be given in Literature, Puranoitihas, Veda, Siddhanta Jyotisha, Phalita Jyotisha, Drarma Shastra, Pourahitya, Sarvadarshan, Sankhya Yoga, Adaitavedanta, Vishisthadaita, Mimansa, Navya Nyaya, Navya Vyakarana, Prachin Nyaya, Jain Darshan, Prakrit and Education. If there remain any scholarship in such cases scholarship may be awarded in other subject on the basis of seniority.
Rules and regulation for awarding Scholarships
  * Advance years scholarship depends upon good academic progress, good character and regular attendance.
  * After getting admitted to first year and getting through the examinations, selection for scholarships will be held for candidates admitted to second and third year. The scholarship awarded students who have completed their curriculum or has already passed in any part they will be awarded scholarship in the forthcoming year or next class on the basis of their qualification.
  * No students who are getting scholarship from this Vidyapeeth will be given the concession of receiving scholarship, salary or remuneration from any other institution. In case of students getting scholarship from any other place they are required to forgo the scholarship before being eligible for getting scholarship from this Vidyapeeth and if any amount of money has already been get he/she has to return the money to that Institution/ organization. But If any amount equivalent to scholarship have obtained in any other form or as prizes such students would be eligible for Scholarship from this Vidyapeeth. Such students will be eligible for availing the facility of free education, hostel, books and traveling concession by the Vidyapeeth.
  * Only regular Students are eligible for Scholarship
  * Those students who could not produce Non-working certificate, even after being eligible for Scholarship they will not be paid any scholarship till they produce Non-working certificate.
  * For scholarship and its continuance regular presence and complete obeying of disciplines of the Vidyapeeth on the part of students are two compulsory conditions. Any complaint of indiscipline will cause withheld of scholarship or will be stopped.
  * During the curriculum good conduct and regular presence also are two conditions for continuance of Scholarship. If any scholarship awardee students' attendance in any particular class become less than 75% his scholarship will be discontinued so long as he does not attend the required attendance percentage (i.e.75%) by means of attending regular classes in the following months.
  * The student who remain absent continually for more than 10 days he will not be paid any scholarship for that period of absence even if he attends the requisite attendance percentage (75%) and such students, after deducting their absence periods scholarship, during their 10 months period will be paid the amount of scholarship that will be due to them.
  * The students who will be nominated for NCC/ NSS training and participating in sports competitions will get working-leave for these days of their participation. However, they are required to intimate the office through their faculty well in advance.
Scholarship amount
For each curriculum scholarship amount are as follows:
Shastri(B.A.) and Shastri Sammanit (B.A. Hons.) Rs.200/- per Month
Acharya (M.A.) Rs.250/- per Month
Sikshyacharya(M.Ed.) Rs.250/- per Month
(Rs.250/- per Month for purchase of Books etc & other assistance)
Vidya Varidhi (Ph.D.) Rs.600/- per Month
(Rs.1000/- for purchase of Book)
(Rs.1000/- for misc. expenses)
(On the approval of Expenditure Committee rules and regulations of Scholarship, number of Scholarships, amount may be amended from time to time.)
Selection for Scholarship
  * For scholarship the admitted student is required to fill up the application form in the prescribed proforma and submit it in the office before the due date. After receiving the application forms for scholarships the Scholarship Committee of the Vidyapeeth will approve scholarships to students according to the rules of scholarship.
  * Scholarship application form needs to be deposited within 10 days from the date of admission with their concerned educational sections.
Duration of Scholarship
  * Period of general scholarship will be for one academic session (10 months).
  * Scholarship period for Vidya Varidhi will be for two years (24 months).
  * Scholarship of absentees of sessional examination will be nullified.
Sanction of Leave
With prior permission of the Faculty heads the following leaves taken by the student will not be treated as "Absent" for scholarship.

On the recommendation of head of the Department 10 days leave without medical certificate.

  * In one academic session more than 10 days medical leave which would be supported by duly certified medical certificate by a Government Hospital Doctor (the date of hospitalization and date of relieve should be clearly mentioned therein).
  * For availing medical leave the candidate has to sent his applicatio in the beginning and immediately on recovery from illness has to furnish medical certificate and fitness certificate. Any leave application thereto received thereafter will not be approved and will be counted as 'Absence' for scholarship.
  * This rule will also be applicable for students admitted to Siksha Shastri and concerning their attendance but cent percent attendance is required during technical training session. These students can avail a maximum of 15 days medical leave during the entire semesters.
Payment of Scholarship
Generally on the basis of total attendance and concerned committees' recommendation orders regarding payment of scholarships will be issued by the Vidyapeeth in the first week of every month. Scholarship will be payble on the date of admission to the class or students presence in the class whichever is later.

N.B.All the students of this Vidyapeeth are required to be present in the educational and cultural programmes held by the Vidyapeeth from time to time. The students who will violate the general rules and regulation of the institution and misbehave such students will be struck off from the Vidyapeeth and from the Hostel and their scholarship will be stopped.

Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapith Reviews

Khandurisiddharth84 Batch 2022 BA {Hons.} Sanskrit
Reviewed on Jul 14, 2022

Entrance Exams & Admissions : 1. Student must be 12th pass and eligible of percentage above 75%. So the procedure is that we've to fill up the form of whichever course we wan't to do. Form will be filled up on the official website of SLBSRSV, after some days of fillin

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