K.L.E. Society's Institute of Management Studies and Research (KLESIMSR )
Gadag, Karnataka
Global Business School
Dr. A. V. Baliga College of Commerce
Government Arts And Science College,Karwar
Sri Mrityunjaya College of Arts and Commerce, [SMCAC] Dharwad
Anjuman Institute of Information Science and Management
Gadag Institute of Medical Sciences
PC Jabin Science College, [PCJSC] Hubli
Kaizen Eduplus Society'S IEMS B-School, Hubli
B.R.Tambakad Arts,Commerce and Science First Grade College
Smt Kamala and Sri Venkappa M. Agadi College of Engineering & Technology - SKSVMACET
Smt Kamala & Sri Venkappa M Agadi College of Engineering & Technology, Gadag
Shri D.G.M. Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital
Tontadarya College of Engineering