Siga College of Management and Computer Science Infrastructure: Library, Hostel, Labs, Gym, Auditorium & Other Facilities

  • Villupuram , Tamil Nadu
  • Library
  • Laboratory
  • gym
  • Cafeteria
  • Computer labs
  • Medical Hospital
  • Hostel
  • Auditorium
  • Sports


SIGA College of Management and Computer Science believes a healthy body in a healthy mind. SIGA provides Physical Education Directors for physical education encouragement. Two physical education directors are appointed, one for boys and the other for girls. SIGA College of Management and Computer Science provide indoor and outdoor games. The institute facilitates library with a wide collection of 4202 books, journals, magazines and newspapers, separate hostels for boys and girls, canteen facility, buses for transportation of students from nearby places to college.

4202 Books are available in the library. News papers and journals are also subscribed for staff and the students well use the library. A qualified librarian is in charge.
A Hostel is functioning in the campus separately for Boys and girls Students.
For the convenience of the Students, the management has arranged separate buses for boys and girls to take them to the college from various nearly place.

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