Sohan Lal DAV College of Education, Ambala Infrastructure Details

  • Ambala , Haryana

Infrastructure of Sohan Lal DAV College of Education, Ambala:

  • Sohan Lal DAV College of Education, Ambala has a magnificent and spacious building.
  • It has two large halls, a library with reading room, cabins for staff, two staff rooms, a room for Photocopier & Computer and two store rooms.
  • The institute is growing its facilities at a continuous pace.


  • Sohan Lal DAV College of Education Ambala has a well-maintained girls’ hostel.
  • It has a dining hall and a kitchen with a capacity to serve about 40 girls at a time.
  • The facilities attached to the hostel are a well-furnished TV Lounge, a guest room for visitors and a badminton compound.
  • There is a provision for indoor games like Carrom Board and Table Tennis.
  • There are two generators of the latest quality to provide power when there is electricity failure.
  • The hostel is looked after by a lady member of the faculty, who acts as the Hostel Warden.

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