The Collegehas magnificent building and airy classrooms that helps to study and concentrate on the subject. A serene atmosphere providing calm and peaceful environment to study and share thoughts with one another.
Highly qualified faculty:
The College has highly experienced and qualified faculty. The principal of the college has 15 years of experience in teacher education followed by the staff members ranging from 1-11 years in teacher education..
TheCollege has a playground facilitythat helps students to play different sports and enjoy in leisure time.
Organises seminar:
World Forestry Day was celebrated at the college on 21st of March. A seminar was conducted on this day to commemorate the contribution and value of forests and forestry to the community.
Organises exhibitions:
The College organises exhibition time to time so that students interact with guests and showcase their skills.
Effective class room training:
It enhances learning experiences by making the concepts clear to the pupil’s through illustrations, models, specimens etc. Judicious use of teaching aids added to oral teaching is considered as a good attempt towards effective teaching.
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