StThomas College Scholarship Details

  • Kottayam , Kerala

St Thomas College Palai scholarships are offered to students so that they can pursue their education without any financial hurdles. Candidates must meet the eligibility criteria set by the university and the scholarship provided in order to avail of the scholarships. More details regarding the STCP scholarship are mentioned in the table below.

St Thomas College Palai Scholarship  Awarded To Amount Awarded
Proficiency Prize The best student in each class on the each basis of marks in the Model Exam INR 250 each
Best Athlete's Prize (2 Prizes) Two outstanding sportspersons recommended by the Physical Education Department INR 250 each
Best Cadet's Prize (2 Prizes) The best Army and Naval cadets INR 250 each
Rank holders Prize Rank holders from the college in the University Examinations   1st-INR 500, 2nd Rank-INR 400 and 3rd Rank-INR 300
Fr OP Eanas Scholarship (Two Scholarships) Student who gets the highest marks for MA Economics from this college/The top-scorer with Ist class at the BA Economics Examination INR 750 (P.G) and INR 500 (B.A)
Bishop Vayalil Memorial Cash Award (Five Prizes) Top Scorers in the University Exams INR 100 each
Msgr Joseph Kureethadom Gold Medal Student with highest marks  for MSc Statistics Endowment Amount INR 2650
Fr Joseph Kurias Cash Award Top scorer in Second languages (IIDC) Syriac, Malayalam and Hindi   Endowment Amount INR 1200
Catholic Students 6 Cash Prizes Top scorers in annual Religious exam/Two prizes each for the three-degree classes.   1st INR 500/ 2nd INR 300/ and 3rd INR 200
Diocesan Religious Prizes (Open to all four Colleges in the Diocese) Top scorers in annual Religious exam/Two prizes each for the three degree classes. 1st Prize INR 200 and 2nd Prize INR 150
Prof PM Chacko Prize Top-scoring MSc Botany and I DC Botany students Endowment Amount INR 5,000
Prof AV Varkey Cash Prize Top-scoring Physics student in the I MSc Physics Exams Endowment Amount INR 11,500
Prof AV Varkey Cash Prize Top scorer in the II year BSc Exam Endowment Amount INR 5,251
Prof Ramakrishna Pillai Prizes Top scorers in I MSc and II DC Statistics Exams Endowment Amount INR 10,000
Bishop Vayalil Scholarship Top-scorer in MA Politics Exam INR 1000
Fr Joseph Kinattukara Cash Award Student who gets the highest marks in BA Politics Exam INR 150
Prof Philip John Cash Prizes For II MCom/III BCom/and II BCom students for first rank in the University Exams II MCom- INR 250 / III BCom- INR 200 / II BCom- INR 400
Prof Abraham John Nidhiri Endowment Top Scorer in the Ist MSc Botany University Exam Endowment Amount INR 5,000
Fr Joseph Nadayath Endowment for Dalits Awarded to the Dalit Catholic who stands first in the I DC Exam (Separate prizes for Arts & Science) / To the best PG Arts and PG Science Students Endowment Amount INR  55000
Rev Dr Kuriakose Kottarathumkuzhy Memorial Medals Student who gets the highest marks in MA (English) Previous Exam/Student who stands first in MA (English) Final Exam. Endowment Amount INR  8000
Prof VV Mani Vettoor Memorial Scholarship The student who stands 1st, 2nd and 3rd in BCom Total Amount INR 1000
Sri VT Joseph Memorial Scholarship Top scoring two BSc Botany student in the University Exam, considering his financial backwardness Endowment Amount INR 10,000
Prof VJ Mathai Endowment Student who gets the highest marks in MA (Economics) Ist Semester Exam. Endowment Amount INR 5,000
Prof KK Abraham, Kokkatt Best Teacher Award Endowment Amount INR 25,000
Prof KA Jose Memorial Award Student who gets the highest marks in MSc Mathematics Ist Semester Exam Endowment Amount INR 5,000
St Thomas College Founder Fathers’ Trust Award An alumnus who has excelled in a selected area Endowment Amount INR 5 Lakhs
Rev Fr OP Eanas Endwt Top Scorer in BA Economics INR 500
Principal PM Chacko Endowment Student who gets highest mark in Ist year University. Exam (For each Science subject) INR 250
Dr Cyriac Thomas Endowment Top Scorer in III BA Politics INR 800
Prof D Ouseph Memorial Endowment Highest marks in Sanskrit for MA Malayalam INR 1000
Smt Gyan Devi Endowment Top Scorer in MA Hindi Endowment Amount INR 10000
Rev Dr George Ampazhathumkal Scholarship for Dalits III year BCom (one), II year BCom (one), IV Semester MCom (Two) including Dalit Chiristians INR 2000 Each
Prof K. Philip John Memorial Foundation Endowment Endowment  Inter-Collegiate Seminars, Workshops, Symposium, Quizzes on Commerce, Lectures of eminent scholars in Commerce arrangements for Campus selection and recruitment Endowment Amount INR 1 Lakh
Prof John Zacharias Students securing top marks in the University. Examinations- II MCom(3) ,III BCom(2) INR 50,000
Novartis Award On Merit cum Means to MSc Statistics/Biostatistics students Endowment Amount INR 20,000
Dr PJThomas Scholarship for Degree students From selected Degree Science University Students Endowment Amount INR 1 Lakh
Young Statistician Award Best Research Scholar / MSc Student in Statistics / Biostatistics INR 25000
Biostatistics Award Top scoring student in MSc Biostatistics with distinction INR 20000
Best statistician Award Merit-cum-Means and need INR 15000
Prof MM Abraham Endwt Two top scorers in 1st MCom INR 50000
Prof George Francis Scholarship Two top scores in 1st MSc Chemistry INR 25000
Sri PM Mathew Scholarship Best Library use by MA Economics students INR 10000
Alumni Association Scholarship Five students on merit-cum-means INR 10000
PASTCOS Scholarship Five students on merit-cum-means INR 10000
George Thomas Kottukapally Best Ethical Business Man from Kerala Endowment Amount INR 11 Lakhs
Dr S Rajasekharan Award Best Student in I MA Malayalam       INR 50000
Dr PC Thoma Endowment Best Student I MA Hindi INR 10000
Diamond Jubliee Scholarship Five Students on Merit -cum-Means INR 10000
Joseph Chandy Scholarship Financially needy Students on Merit- cum- Means INR 10000
Prof M. Sebastian Scholarship Top scorer in BA VI semester and MA IV semester in Politics Total INR 30000
Smt Aleyamma Joseph Koozhampala Endowment Top scorer in MA and BA Economics INR 25000
Prof Antony Simon Endowment Six students on merit-cum-means INR 5000 each
PASTCOS Scholarship Fifteen students on merit-cum means INR 2000 each
STACS Scholarship Six students on merit-cum-means INR 5000 each

St Thomas College Palai students can enrol for the scholarship/financial assistance by reading about them on the college official website. The eligibility criteria, the process to apply for St Thomas College Palai scholarship all given on the website.

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