Uluberia College: Courses, Facilities

  • Howrah , West Bengal

Uluberia College, Howrah was established in the year 1948. UC offers various specializations in undergraduate and postgraduate programs. The Institution is affiliated to the University of Calcutta with aids, assistance, and grants from the Government of West Bengal and the University Grants Commission, New Delhi. UC is accredited by NAAC, 'B' grade. The college is recognized by the N.C.T.E. 

Uluberia College facilitates its students with the college infrastructure. The teaching methods that UC adapted is helping students for effective learning. The college also conducts interactive live classes. UC has a counseling cell that guides the student about their careers. The college attracts its students with well-qualified and dedicated faculty maintaining consistency in academic excellence.

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Uluberia College Highlights:

The highlights of Uluberia College like address, affiliations, accreditations, recognitions, and programs offered are mentioned below:

 Year of Establishment 1948 
 Address Uluberia, Howrah,
West Bengal, India 
 Affiliations University of Calcutta 
 Accreditations NAAC, 'B' grade 
 Recognitions  N.C.T.E. 
 Programs Offered Undergraduate and Postgraduate  UC Fees 

UC Departments:

Department of Arts:

The department of arts offers various specializations in undergraduate and postgraduate courses. The department has a dedicated faculty and staff. UC college has various specializations under the department of arts like Bengali, English, History, Philosophy, Political Science, Sanskrit. Each specialization has specific facilities for effective learning.

Department of Science:

The Science department of UC college is well known for its research facilities. The department offers various specializations in courses like Zoology, Physiology, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Botany. The department is facilitated with seminar halls, laboratories, a museum to display the research works, and other facilities. The departmental laboratory has a well-maintained infrastructure, equipped with Microscopes, Microtome Machine, Autoclave, Cyclomixture, UV Spectrophotometer, Digital Colorimeter, Centrifuge Machine, BOD Incubator, and other equipment for research purpose.

Department of Commerce:

The department of commerce of UC played a significant role in the expansion of the higher education in Commerce for the students of Uluberia sub-division and its surroundings through its academic, non-academic and extracurricular activities. The faculty members are competent enough to guide the students and experienced enough in academic and extracurricular activities. Faculty members are actively engaged not only in teaching but also in personal and professional counseling of the student. The students of the department are actively involved in Regular lectures, Video presentations on current business-related issues, Departmental seminars, Departmental quiz, Small interactive group discussion, Career counseling seminar, Personal counseling, Class test regularly, and other activities.

Uluberia College Courses:

UC College offers various specializations of its courses. Few major courses like B.Sc, B.A, M.A, B.Com, and other courses.

 Discipline Course  Specializations 
Science B.Sc [Hons]     Physics
 B.Sc [General]          Computer Science
 M.Sc Zoology
Environmental Science
Humanity and Arts    B.A [Hons] Bengali
Political Science
B.A [General]  Philosophy
Political Science
 M.A  Bengali
Commerce M.Com -
B.Com[Hons] -
B.Com[General] -

UC Facilities:

The college has a well-maintained infrastructure. Uluberia College infrastructure facilitates its students by providing them modern interactive methods aided by the successful execution of the teaching-learning process like LCD Projector, Overhead Projector, Slide Projector, Audio/ Video CDs and Cassettes, Computer with the Internet, and other facilities.


The UC Library has specialized sections for Science, Arts, Commerce departments. The library is equipped with computers with internet facilities provided to both teachers and students.  Facility for Xerox available to faculty members and students. A computerized catalog system is maintained in the library. The college also provides Book Bank for needy students to issue books for longer periods.

The college's departmental Seminar library maintained by all departments respectively. UC has Bibliographical reference services, Internet Service and other Library reference services. The institution has taken membership of the British Council Library and American Central Library to enable faculty members and office staff to gain access to the facilities offered by these libraries.

Sports and Games:

UC encourages budding talents in sports and games. The college provides different kinds of sports activities like Athletics, Football, Cricket, Kho-Kho, Swimming, indoor games like table tennis, carom and other activities. Students are encouraged to participate in different competitive sports items organized by the District or University. UC students have won several prizes in sports competitions.

Computer center:

The Uluberia College Computer Centre run by the Institute of Engineers within the College campus provides professional training to the students as well as faculty members.  All departments of UC are provided with Computers and Internet facilities. The library, as well as many of the laboratories, have Computers with the Internet. The Administrative activities like Admission Process, Examination Results have been computerized.

Other facilities:

  1. Medical and Health 
  2. NCC
  3. NSS
  4. Seminars and Conference
  5. Common room
  6. Canteen
  7. Career counseling and skill development seminars.

Uluberia College Scholarships:

The institute offers various scholarships to students. Uluberia College scholarship can be in the form of a financial assistant, meritious, sports scholarship, and others. UC provides financial aids to students like several meritorious and deserving students are granted half-free studentship, considerable financial grants from Students Welfare Fund are sanctioned to students below the poverty level, deserving students and students belonging to SC and ST are awarded various scholarships and stipends by the Students' Union and State Government.

The Sudhish Ch. Memorial Scholarship:

The scholarship is awarded to the student securing the highest marks in B.A. [Hons] - Part-I Exam.

The Uluberia College Non-teaching Staff Scholarship:

The institute awards scholarships to each of the students of Uluberia College securing the highest mark in Part - II Hons Exam in Arts, Science, and Commerce streams, donated by the Non-teaching Staff Association.

The Induprabha Ghosal Memorial Scholarship:

The scholarship is awarded respectively to the students of Uluberia College securing the highest marks in BA Hons and BSc Hons Part-I exam. The scholarship is donated to the college by Buddhadeb Ghosal of Uluberia.

The Jagadish Chandra De and Arun Kana De, Two Memorial Scholarships:

The two scholarships are awarded respectively to the students of UC college securing the highest marks in Botany and Zoology at the Part-II examination. It is donated by Sri Sukhendu Kumar De of Uluberia, son of UC principal.

The Sarojprava Panigrahi and the Sushmita Panigrahi Memorial Scholarships:

The two scholarships are awarded respectively to the students of the college securing the highest mark in Part-I Philosophy Hons Examination and securing the highest mark in Philosophy Hons [Part -I and Part II Combined examination]. It is donated to the college by Prof Sankar Kumar Panigrahi.

UC Placements:

The institute organizes seminars and conferences regarding various careers. Uluberia College placement witnessed several alumni of various departments occupied their career has a successful Lecture, Scientists, Professors, Programmer, and other occupations. The college organizes various seminars and conferences that are sponsored by UGC on various topics. These seminars and conferences build confidence in students to face the corporate world.

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Uluberia College Highlights

Affiliate University Calcutta University
Institution Type Private
Total Area (In Acre) 3
Construction Area (Sq. M) 7000
Year of Establishment 1948
Website www.uluberiacollege.org

Uluberia College Student Diversity

Category PWD General Other Minority General Muslim Minority General ST SC OBC General
Male 3 16 1027 7 951 360 2511
Female 1 1578 3 1128 423 4029 -
Total 4 16 2605 10 2079 783 6540

Uluberia College PTR Table

Particulars Count
Student Enrolment(Male) 5974
Student Enrolment(Female) 2945
Student Enrolment Total 8919
Teaching Staff(Male) 31
Teaching Staff(Female) 46
Teaching Staff Total 77

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