Uniraj Cutoff 2024 (Expected), 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020


Uniraj cutoff 2024 will be released for various courses. The expected Uniraj MD cutoff 2024 based on NEET PG for Anatomy is 156240-15250th rank and Physiology is 102040-102050th rank for general category students.  Also, the expected Uniraj BA LLB cutoff 2024 rank, based on RULET, for general category students is 260-280th rank.

Rajasthan University offers UG and PG programs. The accepted entrance exams are NEET PG, RULET, CAT, XAT, and other examinations. Students must meet the Rajasthan University cutoff criteria and secure good marks in the entrance exams to seek Uniraj admission.

The Rajasthan University cutoff of MD, BA, BSc, MS, and other courses based on NEET-PG, RULET, and other exams is given below for 2023, 2022, 2021, and 2020.

Uniraj Cutoff 2024 (Expected)

Rajasthan University offers its students many UG and PG courses, and admissions to these courses are based on different entrance exams. The expected Uniraj cutoff for 2024 is given below. The expected cutoff is calculated based on the cutoff trends of the past few years. 

Uniraj BA LLB RULET Cutoff 2024 (Expected)

In the tables below, students will find the expected Uniraj RULET cutoff 2024. The given cutoff is for admission to the integrated course of BA LLB. The expected Uniraj BA LLB cutoff 2024 rank, based on RULET, for general category students is 260-280th rank. 

Category Expected Cutoff Rank











Uniraj MD NEET PG Cutoff 2024 (Expected)

For admission to the PG level medical course of MD, Uniraj accepts the scores of NEET PG. In the table below, the students will the expected Uniraj MD NEET PG cutoff 2024 for general category students. The expected Uniraj MD cutoff 2024 for different specializations, based on NEET PG, is given. The expected Uniraj MD cutoff 2024 based on NEET PG for Anatomy is 156240-15250th rank and Physiology is 102040-102050th rank for general category students. 

MD Specialisations Expected Cutoff Rank







Community Medicine


General Medicine






Uniraj MS NEET PG Cutoff 2024 (Expected)

Apart from MD programs, Uniraj also offers MS programs to undergraduate students for PG. The expected Uniraj MS cutoff 2024 based on NEET PG is given below. The expected cutoff is given for different categories of students.  

Category Expected Cutoff Rank

General Category


SC Category


OBC Category


EWS Category


Uniraj Cutoff 2023

Uniraj has released the 2023 cutoff details. The Rajasthan University cutoff 2023 is given below as per the trends.

Uniraj BA LLB RULET Cutoff 2023

The Uniraj cutoff of the BA LLB course was based on RULET 2023. General category students required an opening cutoff of 273rd rank, whereas SC students needed a closing cutoff of 212th rank for admission.

Refer to the table below for more cutoff details for various categories of students.

Categories Opening Cutoff Rank Closing Cutoff Rank
General 273 268
SC 218 212
ST 225 208
OBC 256 246
EWS 253 235

Uniraj MD NEET PG Cutoff 2023

Displayed in the table below are Rajasthan University cutoffs for the MD program based on NEET PG 2023 for the general category students. 

A minimum cutoff of 156244th rank was required for the general category students for the MD in Anatomy course at Jhalawar Medical College under Uniraj.

MD Specialisations General Cutoff Rank
Anatomy 156244
Physiology 102043
Anaesthesia 26453
Community Medicine 66949
General Medicine 2418
Pathology 43429
Paediatrics 6472

Uniraj MS NEET PG Cutoff 2023

Elucidated below is the Uniraj cutoff based on NEET PG 2023 for MS courses. The general category students required a minimum cutoff of 8939th rank for MS in Obstetrics and Gynaecology course.

MS Specialisations General Cutoff Rank SC Cutoff Rank OBC Cutoff Rank EWS Cutoff Rank
Orthopaedics 8620 - 10804 9894
Obstetrics and Gynaecology 8939 31625 11034 16818

Uniraj B.Sc Cutoff 2023

Tabulated below is the Rajasthan University cut off 2023 for the B.Sc course based on the Rajasthan University Admission for the general category students. 

The general category student’s cutoff for the B.Sc in Physics course is 94.17% in University Maharaja College under Uniraj.

B.Sc Specialisations University Maharani College Cutoff Percentage (in %) University Maharaja College Cutoff Percentage (in %)
Physics 94.6 94.17
Chemistry 86.2 90.4
Mathematics - 93
Zoology 92.1 87
Botany 87.8  92.4
Home Science 71.6 -

Uniraj BA Cutoff 2023

The following table displays the Rajasthan University cutoff 2023 for BA based on the University of Rajasthan Admission for general category students.

Specialisations University Maharani College Cutoff Percentage (in %) University of Rajasthan Cutoff Percentage (in %)
Hindi 80.2 56
English - 57.4

Uniraj BPA/MPA Cutoff 2023

Given below is the Uniraj cutoff for BPA/MPA courses based on the Rajasthan University Admission for various categories of students for the year 2023.

Specialisations General Cutoff Percentage (in %) SC Cutoff Percentage (in %) ST Cutoff Percentage (in %) OBC Cutoff Percentage (in %)
BPA in Tabla 76.2 82.94 63.21 81.08
MPA in Kathak 68.67 - - 69.58
MPA in Sitar 74.49 - - 94.38

Uniraj Certificate Course Cutoff 2023

Exhibited below is the Rajasthan University cutoff 2023 for various certificate courses offered at Rajasthan University.

Certificate Course General Cutoff Percentage (in %) SC Cutoff Percentage (in %) ST Cutoff Percentage (in %) OBC Cutoff Percentage (in %) EWS Cutoff Percentage (in %) PWD Cutoff Percentage (in %)
French 62.8 63.5 48.4 59.4 59.6 72.8
German 57.8 60 58 60 70.33 78.8
Spanish 60.4 78.66 78 51 79.5 76.4
Entrepreneurship 55.2 56 58.17 48.6 49.38 55.4
Import and Export 48.6 - - - - 48.6
Travel and Tourism Management 55.2 50.4 - 49.38 46.62 55.2

Uniraj Cutoff 2022

Uniraj cut off 2022 for different courses and categories is listed below. 

Uniraj BA LLB RULET Cutoff 2022

Listed below is the Rajasthan University cutoff based on RULET for 2022. The general category students required a minimum cutoff of 227th rank for the BA LLB course.

Categories Cutoff Percentile
General 227
SC 182
ST 183
OBC 207
EWS 206

Uniraj MD NEET PG Cutoff 2022

The following table mentions the Uniraj cut off 2022 for the MD program based on NEET PG for the academic year 2022 for the general category of students. 

A minimum Uniraj cutoff of 125435th rank was required for the general category students for the MD in Biochemistry course at Jhalawar Medical College under RU.

MD Specialisations General Cutoff Rank
Anatomy 123777
Biochemistry 125435
Physiology 123887
Anaesthesia 34562
General Medicine 3871
Microbiology 63085
Pathology 35304
Paediatrics 6218

Uniraj MS NEET PG Cutoff 2022

Given below is the NEET PG cutoff 2022 for MS courses. The general category students required a minimum 7100th rank for MS in Orthopaedics course

Given in the table below are more Rajasthan University cutoff details.

MS Specialisations General Cutoff Rank SC Cutoff Rank ST Cutoff Rank OBC Cutoff Rank EWS Cutoff Rank
Orthopaedics 7100 22091 - 10718 9781
Obstetrics and Gynaecology 7984 29584 37886 8941 -

Uniraj Rajasthan NEET PG Cutoff 2022

Refer to the table below for the Rajasthan University cut off 2022 for the PG (both MD and MS) program based on Rajasthan NEET PG for the academic year 2022 for various categories of students. 

A minimum cutoff of 2837th and 2618th rank was required for the General and OBC category students for the MD in Biochemistry course.

PG Specialisations General Cutoff Rank SC Cutoff Rank OBC Cutoff Rank
MD in Community Medicine 1815 - -
MD in Biochemistry 2837 - 2618
MD in Physiology   - 2660
MD in Anaesthesia 1102 2001 -
MD in General Medicine 144 - 142
MD in Microbiology 1952 - -
MD in Pathology   - -
MD in Paediatrics 227 - 223
MD in Forensic Medicine 2149 2857 -
MS in Obstetrics and Gynaecology   1275 298
MS in Orthopaedics 443 - 330

Uniraj B.Sc Cutoff 2022

Given below is the expected Uniraj cut off 2022 of the B.Sc course based on the Rajasthan University Admission for the general category students.

B.Sc Specialisations University Maharani College Cutoff Percentage (in %) University Maharaja College Cutoff Percentage (in %)
Physics 98.2 99.6
Mathematics - 99.6
Zoology 88 96.4
Botany 93.8 -
Home Science 82.6 -

Uniraj BA Cutoff 2022

The following table displays the Rajasthan University cutoff 2022 for BA based on the University of Rajasthan Admission for general category students.

Specialisations University Maharani College Cutoff Percentage (in %) University of Rajasthan Cutoff Percentage (in %)
Hindi 90.4 85.8
English 94.6 -

Uniraj BPA Tabla Cutoff 2022

Below is the Rajasthan University cut off for the BPA Tabla course for various category students. General category students scoring above 55.2% in order to be eligible for the BPA program.

College General Cutoff Percentage (in %) ST Cutoff Percentage (in %)
University of Rajasthan 55.2 66.21

Uniraj Cutoff 2021

The Uniraj cutoff 2021 for different courses and categories is listed below.

Uniraj MD NEET PG Cutoff 2021

The following table mentions the RU cut off 2021 for the MD program based on NEET PG for the academic year 2021 for the general category of students. 

A minimum Uniraj cutoff of 43828th rank was required for the general category students for the MD in Community Medicine course at Jhalawar Medical College under Rajasthan University.

MD Specialisations General Cutoff Rank
Biochemistry 52128
Anaesthesia 15781
Community Medicine 43828
General Medicine 2682
Pathology 29095
Paediatrics 4198

Uniraj MS NEET PG Cutoff 2021

Refer to the table below for the Rajasthan University cutoff for the MS program based on NEET PG 2021 for various category students. 

A minimum Uniraj cutoff of 5853rd rank was required for the General category students for MS in Orthopaedics course.

MS Specialisations General Cutoff Rank SC Cutoff Rank ST Cutoff Rank OBC Cutoff Rank EWS Cutoff Rank
Orthopaedics 5853 24523 41839 8613 9544
Obstetrics and Gynaecology 6273 - - 7048 -

Uniraj B.Sc Cutoff 2021

Tabulated below is the expected Uniraj cut off 2021 of the B.Sc course based on the Rajasthan University Admission for the general category students. 

B.Sc Specialisations University Maharani College Cutoff Percentage (in %) University Maharaja College Cutoff Percentage (in %)
Chemistry - 95.2
Zoology 98.6 95.2
Botany 98 94.4
Home Science 89.4 -

Uniraj BA Cutoff 2021

Elucidated below is the expected Rajasthan University cut off 2021 of the BA course based on the Rajasthan University Admission for the general category students. 

Specialisations University Maharani College Cutoff Percentage (in %) University of Rajasthan Cutoff Percentage (in %)
Hindi 76.6 80.2
English 92.8 82.2

Uniraj Cutoff 2020

The RU cutoff data for 2020 is listed below. Refer to the tables below for more details. 

Uniraj MD NEET PG Cutoff 2020 

The table below shows the Uniraj NEET cutoff 2020 for MD courses based on NEET PG for the academic year 2020 for various category students. 

General category students required a cutoff of 15399th rank for MD in the Forensic Medicine course.

MD Specialisation General Cutoff Rank SC Cutoff Rank ST Cutoff Rank OBC Cutoff Rank EWS Cutoff Rank
Anaesthesiology 19188 35481 58725 19095 -
General Medicine 3789 17454 34815 3577 -
Pathology 27260 45499 - 27186 -
Paediatrics 5179 20552 - 4991 -
Community Medicine 40816 - - 45864 -
Forensic Medicine 15399 - - 53504 -
Microbiology 38448 - - - -
Biochemistry - - - - -
Physiology - - - - 72889

Entrance Exams Accepted by Uniraj

Refer to the following list below that displays the entrance exams accepted by Rajasthan University. Students must score the required Rajasthan University cutoff and a valid score in the entrance exams to seek admission.

  • CAT
  • MAT
  • XAT
  • CMAT
  • ATMA
  • NEET SS.

FAQs on UNIRAJ (Rajasthan University) Cutoff

Q: What is the expected Uniraj cutoff 2024?

Q: Which entrance exams are accepted by Uniraj?

Q: What factors determine the Uniraj cutoff for 2023?

UNIRAJ (Rajasthan University) Reviews

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Mysterious Knowledge Gourav Batch 2020 ME [Master of Engineering]
Reviewed on Jun 20, 2019
2 Placements
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Ashok Dave Batch 1988 B.Com [Bachelor of Commerce]
Reviewed on May 28, 2018
2.5 Placements
3.5 Fees
5 Academics
3.5 Infrastructure
3.5 Campus

Academics & Faculty : The classes are from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm. Assignment and projects Nice. The quality of teaching is good.

Entrance Exams & Admissions : The admission process is merit based on previous qualifying examination.

Placements & Internships : Mos

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Mahipal Rajawat Batch 2019 BA LLB
Reviewed on May 11, 2018
4 Fees
4.5 Academics
4.5 Infrastructure
5 Campus

Academics & Faculty : Good class time and very hard work by teachers. Teachers are very intelligent and professional. The teaching quality is very good.

Fees & Scholarships : My course fee is INR 75000. Scholarships are available for reserved candida

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Ranjeet Meena Batch 2020 Bachelor of Computer Application [BCA] (Computer Science)
Reviewed on May 09, 2018

Entrance Exams & Admissions : I have submitted my 10+12th mark sheet and TC(Transfer Certificate) for my admission. Registered for scholarship online form. I have gives my 1st-year examination, in may 2018.

Jeetendra Jangid Batch 2013 Bachelor of Computer Application [BCA] (Computer Science)
Reviewed on Apr 08, 2018
3.5 Placements
5 Fees
4 Academics
3.5 Infrastructure
2.5 Campus

Academics & Faculty : There are classes are provided daily routine program and regular basis The method of teaching is fantastic and explains very easy way. This is a nice college.

Entrance Exams & Admissions : The University of Commerce College, Jaipur is a very fam

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