Facilities :-
College is well equipped with computerized library. Which is headed by a P.hd. holder. It has contained plenty of reference books and text books in different languages. The following list shows the details of books available in the library.
Sports & Cultural Department
College has a specialized sports and cultural department under the leadership of Physical Cultural Director. This department has equipped with all sports equipments and musical instruments. The interested students will be trained in Athletics, Sports and Games and in music. As per guidelines of the university this department will conduct the zonal and inter zonal sports competition every year.
This college has many regular and occasional healthy practices namely, picnics, tours and study visits, Special guest lectures, personality development camps etc. College has Two N.S.S units of 100 member’s capacity each. Two staff members would have been appointed as N.S.S Officers. In every academic year regular activities along with special camps would be organized under the shelter of N.S.S. An Energy Club has been organized to awake the mass about the use of alternative energy sources. This college is having a distance education study centre for undergraduate students of Karnataka Open University and also exam centre for undergraduate courses of the Karnataka Open University Mysore College has been collaborated with Vidya Poshak non profit organization of Dharawad which is sponsored by Infosys Bangalore to provide training to the staff and students and also placement assistance to students. Apart from this college has collaborated with different association such as IMA, Hutti Glod Mines Hutti, ACT, (Academy of Creative Teachers Bangalore) etc.