Vidyodaya Arts Commerce and Science College: Courses, Contact Details, Facilities

  • Bangalore , Karnataka

Vidyodaya Arts Commerce and Science College Highlights

Affiliate University Mangalore University
Institution Type Private
Total Area (In Acre) 0.6
Construction Area (Sq. M) 1022
Year of Establishment 2010

Vidyodaya Arts Commerce and Science College Student Diversity

Category Other Minority General Muslim Minority General ST OBC General
Male - 4 1 13 20
Female 7 7 39 15 -
Total 7 11 1 52 35

Vidyodaya Arts Commerce and Science College PTR Table

Particulars Count
Student Enrolment(Male) 54
Student Enrolment(Female) 34
Student Enrolment Total 88
Teaching Staff(Male) 4
Teaching Staff(Female) 1
Teaching Staff Total 5

Contact Details

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