Xavier Institute of Management, Kochi Infrastructure: Library, Labs, Auditorium, Cafeteria & Other Facilities

  • Kochi , Kerala
  • Library
  • Laboratory
  • Computer labs
  • Cafeteria
  • Auditorium

XIME's Kochi campus is located in the heart of the HI-Tech Park in Kalamassery just off the well-known HMT Road. It's neighbours indude the Cooperative Medical College of Kochi, the National University of Advanced Legal Studies, GAIL Regional Office, the much celebrated Start-up Village and KINFRA office.

The sparkling new campus has 87,000 sq. ft. area already built up with all modem facilities.

The facilities indude:

  • 8 classrooms with seating capacity ranging from 30 to 150
  • Classrooms fully equipped with public address system and LCD projectors
  • Students' Hostels
  • 2 Executive Conference Hall for Management Development Programmes (MDPs)
  • Auditorium with a seating capacity of 500
  • Video conferencing facility for virtual classes and Webinars
  • On campus gymnasium and facilities
  • Students' lounge with entertainment facilities
  • Canteen and dining rooms; coffee/coke vending machines
  • A Guest House with 15 rooms

Ladles' Hostel

The meticulously planned Ladles' Hostel, "Maria Hall", is located next to the teaching-cum-administration block of the Institute.

  • Fully furnished with attached bathrooms
  • All basic amenities
  • Internet facility (WI-FI enabled)
  • Gym facility
  • Facility for playing Badminton, Table Tennis
  • A common room with Indoor games and entertainment facility

Men's Hostel

Construction of the men's hostel is in progress and is expected to be completed by July 2015. With the completion of the men's hostel all students of XIME, Kochi will be accommodated in the hostels.

Resource Centre at Kochi

The resource centre at Kochi will be as good, if not better than that of the Bangalore Campus. It already has a collection of 3000 books and about 50 journals. It subscribes to well known E-Journals providers - EBSCO and J-Gate.

Computer Facilities

The Computing facilities include fully wired computer LAN with over 100 PCs equipped with software for creating presentations, data analyiis, word processing, image capture and modification, statistical analysis and multimedia activity. The PCs are networked to multiple servers. Students have dedicated folder space in the server. The networked facilities indude software development kits. RDBMS and centralized scanning and printing. The Campus is fully wired and WI-FI enabled. It is also equipped with video-conferendng facility. The Institute has an advanced Language Lab for students to enhance their language skills. The Language Lab has 25 dedicated PCs

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