Diploma in French Syllabus and Subjects

Duration: 3 Years
Avg Fees: ₹50K - 1 LPA

Diploma in French syllabus aims to introduce beginners to the French language. This course gradually develops knowledge and skills in writing, reading, and speaking French and develops students' intercultural competence. Candidates must write a thesis in French on one of the subjects. In this course, candidates acquire fundamental knowledge of literary forms, moments, and tendencies in interdisciplinary extensions and contemporary theory.

Semester Wise Diploma in French Syllabus

Diploma in French syllabus has various subjects such as French Phonetics, French Vocabulary and Grammar, French Culture, Literature, etc. Diploma in French course covers various topics and are divided into six semesters. The semester-by-semester Diploma in French subject list is listed below:

Diploma in French First Year Syllabus

The table below contains the list of Diploma in French subjects in the first year:

Semester I

Semester II

French Fundamental - I

French Fundamental - II


French Speaking


French Civilization

Diploma in French Second Year Syllabus

The table below contains the list of Diploma in French subjects in the second year:

Semester III

Semester IV

Advanced French


History of France

Applied French

Creative Writing

Scientific French

French Typing


Diploma in French Third Year Syllabus

The table below contains the list of Diploma in French subjects in the third year:

Semester V

Semester VI

French Poetry

French for Business

French Vocabulary

French for Tourism




Document Authentication

Diploma in French Subjects

Diploma in French subjects covers a wide range of subjects and topics that are essential for aspirants to learn over the course of three years. The following is a list of Diploma in French subjects:

Diploma in French Core Subjects

The core Diploma in French subjects list of essential subjects that all Diploma in French students study, is as follows:

  • Phonetics
  • Vocabulary and Conversation
  • Grammar
  • Special Focus on Conversation
  • Tenses and Expressions
  • Formal and Informal Usage of French
  • Translation From French to English, and Vice Versa
  • Interpretation

Diploma in French Course Structure

A diploma in French is a three-year course with six semesters. The Diploma in French course structure is designed to provide students with all of the necessary and relevant information to become successful in the field of French studies. The subjects in the Diploma in French course teach not only theoretical knowledge but also practical and interpersonal skills that are necessary. The following is a breakdown of the Diploma in French course structure:

  • VI Semesters
  • Core Courses
  • Elective Courses
  • Practicals
  • Speaking Sessions
  • Assignments
  • Project Work

Diploma in French Teaching Methodology and Techniques

The Diploma in French has its own teaching methods and techniques. Subjects are developed with hands-on instruction to give students a clear idea of ​​what they are learning. This leads to the acquisition of theoretical and practical knowledge of the course. The following are the different teaching approaches used in the French Diploma Course:

  • Practical sessions
  • Group Discussions
  • Assignments
  • Regular Lectures
  • Language Lab

Diploma in French Projects

Through project-based learning, the Diploma in French program focuses on providing professional training in developing an understanding of the French language. . The main goal of working on projects is to ensure that students understand the concepts from start to finish. Below are some of the most common French diploma projects:

  • Translation as a Means of Globalization
  • LA FRANCOPHONIE - Its Influence on Former French Colonies
  • The Influence of France on the Cultural Values, etc.

Diploma in French Books

The Diploma in French books gives students an in-depth study of their area of concentration in addition to providing a foundational understanding of the course. Students can access the textbooks for the course both online and offline. Students can make an informed decision by thoroughly understanding the course requirements by downloading the course details prior to enrolling in the course.

The following are the reference books for the Diploma in French syllabus:

Name of Book


Easy French Step-by-Step

Myrna Bell Rochester

Entre Amis

Michael D. Oates

Allez, viens! French 1

John Demodo and Emmanuel Rongieras Dusseau

Contacts: Langue et culture francaises

Jean-Paul Valette and Rebecca Valette