Distance B.Com Syllabus and Subjects

Duration: 3 Years
Avg Fees: ₹17K - 25K PA

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The Distance B.Com syllabus is a three-year undergraduate course in Commerce and Business. The Distance B.Com syllabus and subjects are divided into six semesters. The syllabus includes Auditing, Accounting, Economics, Computer Applications, IT, Mathematics, Marketing Management, Banking Insurance, Business Communication, and many more.

Semester Wise Distance B.Com Syllabus

The Distance B.Com course aims to ensure that the students have all the exposure in covering everything from business enterprise to its applications, functions, operations, customer satisfaction, and trade organization’s principles. The Distance B.Com course is a comprehensive study about making business advancements in the national economic development, techniques, and methods on all levels. Semester-wise Distance B.Com subjects list is given in the table below:


Distance B.Com First Year Syllabus

Semester I

Semester II




General Awareness I & II

Business Communications


Environment and Public Health


Computer Applications and IT


Distance B.Com Second Year Syllabus

Semester III

Semester IV

Income Tax Laws

Corporate Accounting-II

Banking and Insurance

Elements of Company Law-II


Basics of Cost Accounting Labor

Indian Economy


Corporate Accounting-I

The Indian Banking System and Central Banking

Financial Markets and Institutions

Managerial Communication


Distance B.Com Third Year Syllabus

Semester V

Semester VI

Cost Accounting

Advance Accounting Paper II


BCom Indirect Taxes paper IO

Marketing Management

Contemporary Indian Economics Issue and Policies

Banking & Financial systems

Mercantile Law-II

Income Tax

Overheads SPL

Distance B.Com Subjects

The Distance B.Com course offers both theoretical and practical aspects of the study. Distance B.Com subjects like Auditing, Accounting, Economics, Computer Applications, IT, Mathematics, Marketing Management, Banking Insurance, Business Communication, and many more are covered in the syllabus. The course curriculum includes theoretical and practical subjects. The compulsory subjects include:

  • Accounting
  • Economics
  • Business Communications
  • Banking and Insurance
  • Entrepreneurship

Distance B.Com Course Structure

Distance B.Com course structure includes both core and elective subjects which are the aspects of the study. The course structure is made in such a way that both classroom training and practicals are included in the course curriculum. The course structure is given below:

  • VI Semesters
  • Core & Electives Subjects
  • Practicals
  • Projects
  • Internship

Distance B.Com Teaching Methodology and Techniques

The course curriculum takes into account different teaching methods. Classroom learning includes practical sessions for students. Students who are passionate about studying deep into the business, trade commerce, policies, strategies, of a business enterprise can be a boon for economic development. Listed below are the teaching methodology and strategies in general:

  • Practical & Live sessions
  • Case Studies
  • Guest Lectures, Seminars, and Conferences
  • Group Assignment and Discussion
  • Project Submission

Distance B.Com Projects

Projects are given to students to understand the concepts and help students in getting hands-on experience. Distance Bachelor of Commerce projects are to be completed by the end of the final year. Some popular Distance B.Com projects topics are:

  • Impact of Outsourcing Material Availability Decision-Making
  • Enhancing Employee Performance Through Monetary Incentives
  • Outsourcing Human Resource in Beverage and Food Firms
  • Role of E-Commerce in Reducing Operational Cost
  • Exploring the Significance of Commerce in Today’s World

Distance B.Com Reference Books

Distance B.Com books are available both online and offline by many authors and publications. Reference books are meant for gaining an in-depth understanding of business concepts. Books on Distance B.Com for academic purposes differ according to subjects. Some of the reference books for the course in Distance B.Com are:

Distance B.Com Books



Cost and Management Accounting

M.N Arora


K.C Laude

 Business Administration

 Philip Kotler

Corporate Accounting

Corporate Accounting

Distance B.Com Fee Structure